
  • 网络Gold Supplier;China Supplier;chinese supplier
  1. 出售山水画,油画工厂,中国供应商。

    Sell landscape painting , we Oil Painting factory , china supplier .

  2. 我们产品的价格在中国供应商中不是最高的价格,也不是最低的价格。但对于我们产品的质量而言这个价格还是很合理的。

    The price we offered is neither the roof price nor the bottom price among the prices of the China suppliers and this price is reasonable to its quality .

  3. 在本地配合sat的研发、生产和销售机构现有以及新的中国供应商工作。

    Local interface to existing and newly identified Chinese suppliers for r & d , manufacturing and sales organizations of sat.

  4. 苹果(Apple)已聘请一家外部专业公司,帮助审计其中国供应商在环保方面的一些做法,此前活动人士发表了一系列批评苹果的报告。

    Apple has hired an outside specialist firm to help audit the environmental practices of its suppliers in China following a series of critical reports by activists .

  5. LendingClub将向从Alibaba.com上的中国供应商那里购买产品的美国企业提供流动资金融资。这家网站是阿里巴巴旗下的英文B2B网站。

    Lending Club will offer working capital financing to US businesses that buy from Chinese suppliers on Alibaba . com , an English language business-to-business website .

  6. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)昨天披露,其中国供应商仍存在违法和安全违规行为,这家韩国科技公司曾誓言在2012年底前结束这种状况。

    Samsung Electronics ' Chinese suppliers have continued to commit legal and safety violations that the South Korean technology company had vowed to eliminate by the end of 2012 , it revealed yesterday .

  7. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)已恢复了与一家雇佣童工的中国供应商的业务合作,理由是这些童工受雇于一家劳动中介机构,而并非由该公司管理层直接雇佣。

    Samsung Electronics has resumed business with a Chinese supplier that employed child workers , on the basis that the children were recruited by a labour broker and not directly by the company 's management .

  8. 据Apfelpage的这篇报道的消息来源是中国供应商,他们声称自己已经看到了苹果新手机的包装和商标,显示这款手机将被称作“iPhone6SE”。

    The report from Apfelpage comes from Chinese supply chain sources , who claim to have have seen packaging and labelling that indicates the new phone will be called the ' iPhone 6SE ' .

  9. 几十年来,这些公司一直依赖象沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)这样的大客户的零件采购,但现在他们却发现,这些大客户转向了价格更低的中国供应商。

    Companies that for decades relied on large customers such as Wal-Mart , the US retailer , to buy components are seeing those customers turn to cheaper suppliers in China .

  10. 长期以来为美国品牌与中国供应商牵线搭桥的中国电子商务企业阿里巴巴(Alibaba),如今希望帮助商家将商品销售给美国消费者。

    Alibaba , the Chinese ecommerce company that has long # 173 ; connected US brands to Chinese suppliers , now wants to help sell goods to American # 173 ; consumers .

  11. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)面临其一家中国供应商使用童工的新指控。就在一周前,这家韩国集团还向投资者保证,没有未成年劳工参与其产品的生产。

    Samsung Electronics has been hit by fresh allegations of child workers at a Chinese supplier , a week after the South Korean group assured investors that there was no underage labour involved in making its products .

  12. 三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)周一说,发现该公司一家中国供应商的工厂在工作条件方面存在若干问题,但没有证据表明该工厂非法雇佣16岁以下童工。

    Samsung Electronics Co. said Monday it found some problems with working conditions at the plant of one of its suppliers in China but no evidence of the use of staff under the legal working age of 16 .

  13. IBM已经宣布了一系列的与中国供应商的合作关系,现在则把其数据库软件和其竞争对手浪潮集团的产品打包在一起,还跟一家总部在北京的软件公司优优软件达成了协议。

    The U.S. company had already announced a series of partnerships with Chinese vendors and now packages its database software with products from Inspur , a server hardware maker and IBM rival , and has also struck agreements with Youyou , a Beijing-based software firm .

  14. 全球最大的零售商沃尔玛(wal-mart)即将召集成百上千家中国供应商开会,以设定相关目标,大幅降低其庞大供应链的环境影响。

    Wal-mart , the world 's largest retailer , is to convene a meeting of hundreds of its Chinese suppliers to set out goals for significant reductions in the environmental impact of its vast supply chain .

  15. 去年3月,格拉斯哥时装设计师丽贝卡•托雷斯(RebeccaTorres)在北京进行贸易访问时发现,买家“对苏格兰短裙和格子呢长裤真的很感兴趣”。但她也发现几家中国供应商的名称听上去颇具苏格兰特色。

    On a trade visit to Beijing in March last year , Glasgow-based fashion designer Rebecca Torres found that buyers " were really into kilts and tartan trousers . " But she also discovered several Chinese suppliers with names that sounded surprisingly Scottish .

  16. 苹果以前就曾在中国供应商问题上面临争议。

    Apple has faced controversy over its suppliers in China before .

  17. 低成本国家采购对中国供应商的挑战

    Low cost country sourcing and the challenge to Chinese vendors

  18. 我联系了一些中国供应商,然后开始在中国采购羊毛产品。

    I contacted some Chinese suppliers and began sourcing wool products in China .

  19. 一家中国供应商的报价每根钢柱比他低了3美元,因此拿到了合同。

    A supplier in China had undercut him by $ 3 a post .

  20. 但她也发现几家中国供应商的名称听上去颇具苏格兰特色。

    But she also discovered several Chinese suppliers with names that sounded surprisingly Scottish .

  21. 阿里巴巴最早的业务是一个为中国供应商与外国买家牵线的网站。

    Alibaba 's first business was a site to connect Chinese suppliers with Western buyers .

  22. 需要不失时机的改善外资零售商和中国供应商的关系,促使双方建立现代供应链组织,追求协同效应。

    To improve the relation between seller and supplier and form modern supply chain organization is significant .

  23. 许多中国供应商都接到欧美客户要求,希望他们实现生产过程环保化。

    Many Chinese suppliers are being told to clean up operations from their US and European customers .

  24. 及时与德国方面就铸件技术要求进行沟通,准确无误地传达给中国供应商。

    Timely communication to German expert , and give clear technical requirements to local suppliers in china .

  25. 阿里巴巴希望新的组织结构能充分利用其核心力量:即它与数百万中国供应商之间的联系。

    The group hopes the structure will leverage its core strength its ties to millions of Chinese suppliers .

  26. 这一趋势令印度一些商业游说团体感到担忧,他们担心中国供应商将抢走印度制造商的业务。

    The trend is alarming some business lobby groups in the subcontinent , who fear Indian manufacturers will be overrun .

  27. 虽然没有对准华为,但是这个条款影响了它和类似的中国供应商。

    While not targeted specifically at Huawei , the provision could affect the company as well as other Chinese suppliers .

  28. 显然,我们有兴趣在寻找中国供应商,考虑到他们在这一领域的宝贵经验。

    Obviously we would be interested in finding a Chinese provider considering the valuable experience they have in this field .

  29. 另外11个国家的监管机构随后也召回了受污染批次的肝素钠。这些药物可以追溯到12家中国供应商。

    International regulators in 11 countries have since withdrawn batches of contaminated Heparin trac - ed to 12 suppliers in China .

  30. 几周前,苹果邀请我见证有史以来的首次对其最大中国供应商富士康的第三方审核。

    A few week ago the company invited me to witness its first-ever third-party audit of its biggest Chinese supplier Foxconn .