
  1. 中国国家利益的文化思考

    A Reflection on Cultural Factors Shaping China 's National Interests

  2. 论新时期美国的伊朗战略及其对中国国家利益的影响

    What 's the Effect of Iranian Strategy of USA to Interest of China

  3. 新全球化时代与中国国家利益

    Neo-Globalization Times and the National Interest of China

  4. 中国国家利益三分性探析

    On Triple-Division of China 's National Interest

  5. 当代中国国家利益建构

    Constructing Contemporary China 's National Interests

  6. 本文的主题是考察中国国家利益在当今时代的质点与空间的坐标中的状态问题。

    This study focuses its topic on the conditions of chinese national interests in the modern time .

  7. 冷战后国际组织中的中国国家利益分析

    An Analysis of the National Interests of China on the Stage of International Organizations after the " Cold War "

  8. 论文从理论上阐述了国家利益的组成,又从经济、军事、政治、文化和意识形态等方面分析美国的伊朗战略对中国国家利益的影响。

    The thesis analyzed Iranian strategy of USA to China from economy , military affairs , policy , culture and ideology .

  9. 实现中国国家利益的外交战略是促进世界的和平与发展。

    Thus , the diplomatic strategy of realizing China 's national interest aims to promote the peace and development all over the world .

  10. 一是指大学生站在中国国家利益、民族利益的立场、角度上来观察和处理世界性问题。

    The other is about that university students should observe and handle problem from the angle of China 's national benefit and its national interests .

  11. 国家广播电视总局表示,这些报道违反新闻应当真实、公正的要求,损害中国国家利益,破坏中国民族团结。

    The regulator says the reports the requirements that news reporting must be true and impartial , and undermined China 's national interests and ethnic solidarity .

  12. 明确中俄关系中的中国国家利益是保障中俄关系健康稳定发展、维护中国安全与和平发展的重要前提。

    To define China 's nation interest is a vital precondition for safeguarding steady and healthy bilateral relations , and protecting China 's security and peaceful development .

  13. 随着中国国家利益逐渐延伸于世界各遥远之地,中国维护国家利益的难度和成本也在增大。

    The extension of China 's interests to more countries in the world has been going hand in hand with the increasing difficulties and costs in the protection of the interests .

  14. 在澳大利亚工作的三年是我为中国国家利益和中澳友好合作关系精诚服务的岁月,是我外交生涯的宝贵财富,我将永远珍惜这段难忘经历。

    My three years in Canberra are three years of devotion to the national interests of China and China-Australia friendly and cooperative relations . It has become a most valuable asset for my diplomatic career and I will always cherish the memory .

  15. 中国国家安全利益空间演变研究

    A Study of China 's National Security Interests Evolve in Space Time

  16. 南海问题与中国国家安全利益

    The South China Sea Problem and the National Security Interest of China

  17. 界定中国国家安全利益

    Defining China 's National Security Interests

  18. 这一观点对维护中国的国家利益和对外战略的选择具有重大的指导意义。

    This view is great guiding significance in protecting national interest of China and on making choices of diplomatic strategy .

  19. 论文的主体分为三大部分,分别从以上三个方面来分析美国与这些中国国家根本利益的关系。

    The article includes three main parts , and each part discusses the relation between one of China 's national fundamental interests and the U.S.A.

  20. 民族区域自治是与中国的国家利益和各民族人民的根本利益相一致的。

    Regional autonomy for ethnic minorities conforms with the national interests and the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups in China .

  21. 但是,他们会在表面上迎合这种想法,表现出他们在努力增进中国的国家利益,她表示。

    However , they will pay lip-service to the idea to demonstrate that they are working to further the interests of the Chinese state , she says .

  22. 暂不考虑朝鲜出于自卫还击韩国这件事情本身,先谈谈什么状态下的朝鲜符合中国的国家利益。

    Without getting into whether or not North Korea was defending itself and retaliating against South Korea , let 's first look at in which sort of state would be a North Korea be in China 's best interest .

  23. 并针对存在的问题,提出对策。以期在日后采取措施保护资源的过程中,采取合理的出口限制措施减少贸易争端的出现,维护中国的国家利益。

    This paper proposes solutions in order to take measures to protect the resources in the future . The author hopes to find reasonable restrictions on exports of measures to reduce the emergence of trade disputes and defend the national interests of China .

  24. 这些价值观和思维方式不仅有利于增进中国的国家利益,有利于回应和化解当代世界的各种冲突与矛盾,而且有助于形成全球共同体意识、实现国际社会的和谐发展。

    The outlook of value and the way of thinking not only promote Chinese national interests and respond and dissolve various conflicts and contradictories , but also are helpful in breeding the idea of global community and in realizing the harmonious development of the international society .

  25. 尽管中国国家安全利益与美国主导的国际反恐利益之间存在一些分歧,但也有较多利益交汇与重合。这为中国外交提供了更为广阔的活动空间,也为中国积累了新的外交资源。

    Though there are still some differences between the state safety interests of China and the counter terrorism interests dominated by the U.S. , there exists an interest coincidence which not only provides more opportunities for the diplomacy of China but accumulates new diplomatic resources for us as well .

  26. 他表示,中国维护国家核心利益的决心和意志是绝不会动摇的。

    He said China 's resolve and commitment to safeguarding core national interests always stands steadfast .

  27. 最后,阐明了中国的国家安全利益区,着重剖析了我国安全利益区的核心层和内层。

    The third part expounds the area of China 's national security interests , analyses emphatically its kernel layer and the inner layer .

  28. 《出口管制法》规定,对任何国家或地区滥用出口管制措施危害中国国家安全和利益,中国可根据实际情况对其对等采取措施。

    The law says that China may take countermeasures against countries or regions that misuse export control measures and pose a threat to China 's national security and interests .

  29. 外交部边界与海洋司副司长欧阳玉靖接受国际在线采访时表示,中国政府捍卫国家利益的决心和意志是坚定的。

    Ouyang Yujing , deputy director at the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs with the Chinese foreign ministry tells CRI the Chinese government is resolute in protecting this country 's national interests .

  30. 通过以上分析,本文得出以下结论:保持国内稳定、发展经济和维护领土的完整都是中国的国家根本利益,但这三者并不是并行不悖的。

    At last the author drew the following conclusions : to maintain stability , to develop economy and to keep unification are all China 's national fundamental interests , but they are not parallel .