
  • 网络Service Time;Service Hours;svctm
  1. 服务时间(ServiceTime)–在应用服务器上处理请求所需的时间。

    Service Time – The amount of time required to process a request on an application server .

  2. Web集群服务器中基于服务时间的接纳控制机制

    Service Time Based Admission Control Mechanism in Cluster-based Web Server

  3. 退休金的多少部分取决于为公司服务时间的长短。

    Size of pension depends partly on length of service with the company .

  4. Web对象类型的多样性及其资源需求不定性导致了不可预测的Web服务时间。

    The diversity in the Web object types and their resource requirements resulted in the unpredictability of Web service time .

  5. 本文分析了Web请求服务时间的数字特性,并使用M/G/1FCFS排队模型对Web服务器及Web集群服务器进行了建模。

    This paper analyzes the statistical characteristic of the request service time , and models the Web server and Web server cluster with M / G / 1 FCFS queuing model .

  6. cache的主要用途是重用前一次处理得出的结果以减少服务时间和增加吞吐量。

    The primary purpose of a cache is to reduce service time and increase throughput by reusing the results of a previous computation .

  7. 本文模型放宽了现行建模的假设,即不要求Web请求、Web服务时间服从负指数分布,并引入GI/G/N模型来刻画系统,从而克服了以往Web信息系统逻辑建模的一些缺陷。

    The system model in this thesis broadens the existing modeling assumptions , that is , Web requests and the Web service time are not required to keep to the distribution of negative exponential .

  8. 首先我们考虑广义服务时间,证明它是离散PH变量,然后运用矩阵几何解理论,我们给出了系统的稳态队长分布。

    We first consider the generalized service time and proved that it is a discrete phase type variable . Then we obtain the steady state distribution of queue lengthened .

  9. 通过使用概要分析,您可以估计某个典型请求的等待时间(WT)与服务时间(ST)之间的比例。

    Using profiling , you can estimate the ratio of waiting time ( WT ) to service time ( ST ) for a typical request .

  10. 本文研究了Poisson随机流输入、一般分布服务时间、成批服务且有最大服务容量的随机系统模型。

    This paper discusses the queuing model of a serving system with Poisson input stream , general distribution of service time and maximum serving capacity .

  11. 本文首次讨论一个到达间隔为一般分布的可修排队系统。假定服务时间、忙期服务台寿命都服从指疏分布,修复时间是PH变量。

    The paper discusses the repairable queueing system with a general arrival , where the lifetime of server and the service time are also exponential random variables , the repair time is PH variable .

  12. 通过对改变后的帧格式和服务时间的分析,证明SubmergeFrame方法可以提高网络利用效率,增强系统稳定性。

    Based on the analysis of frames and serving time , it 's proved Submerge Frame method can improve efficiency of network and stability of system .

  13. ARFM分析gold请求流,由于它现在看到的实际服务时间增加了,它会提高预期服务时间。

    ARFM continues to profile the gold traffic and increase the expected service time due to the higher actual service times it is now seeing .

  14. 理论上推测ErlangB公式对服务时间为任意分布的M/G/C/C系统的呼叫损失概率是有效的但缺乏严格证明。

    The formula of Erlang B is inferred to hold for any M / G / C / C system with general service time distribution , but rigorous proof is absent .

  15. 据此,对服务时间呈Pareto分布的M/P/C/C排队系统的仿真问题进行了研究,特别是对排队系统中服务装置数目很大的情况进行了研究。

    Simulation of M / P / C / C queuing system has been researched , especially considering the situation that the number of servers is huge .

  16. 通过分析HSDPA的资源定义及资源分配方法,第二章建立数学分析模型,定义平均负载因子和服务时间。

    In Charter 2 , a system model is set up according to the definition and allocation of resources in HSDPA .

  17. 对每个客户服务时间为零的情形,证明了两种形式均可在O(n2)时间内解决。

    In the case where the service time of each customer is zero , we show that both versions can be solved in O ( n2 ) time .

  18. 通过引入顾客的广义服务时间和队长过程的嵌入Markov链,得到了嵌入Markov链的平稳分布的递推表达式以及平均队长。

    By introducing " the generalized service time " of the customer and the embedded Markov chains of queue length , we obtained the recursive expression of equilibrium distribution of embedded Markov chains and average queue length .

  19. 研究了服务时间为Pareto分布情况下具有自相似特性的M/P(areto)/1/K排队过程。

    A M / P ( areto ) / 1 / K self-similar queuing model of Pareto distribution service time is studied .

  20. 与许多公立学校不一样的是IllianaChristian学校不要求学生公共服务时间。

    Unlike many public high schools across the nation , Illiana Christian does not require its students to clock public service hours .

  21. 这会提高ARFM预测服务时间的准确性,进而改进它的请求流调整决策。

    This improves the accuracy of its predictions about expected service times of each , which in turn improves its traffic shaping decisions .

  22. 结果表明在清除阻塞机制下,Kaufman递推公式可以推广到服务时间为Pareto分布的自相似性综合业务排队系统以计算呼叫损失概率。

    The experiment results demonstrate that the formula of Kaufman is still valid when the system is governed by the mechanism of blocked-customer-cleared and the service time obeys a Pareto distribution .

  23. 这意味着,ARFM要求请求流的典型服务时间与预期服务目标之间存在一些余量。

    This means that ARFM requires some wiggle room between the typical service time of a particular class of traffic and the desired service goal .

  24. 通过分析各层节点的实际包到达率和平均服务时间,建立M/G/1的排队系统模型,准确地分析无线Mesh网络中饱和状态下数据包传输延迟。

    By analyzing the actual packet arrival rate and the average service time of the nodes at all levels , with the establishment of the M / G / 1 queuing system model , we accurately analyze packets transmission delay under the saturated condition in wireless mesh network .

  25. 在平稳状态下,Baba利用补充变量方法研究了多重休假的MX/G/1排队,但作者假定了休假时间和服务时间都有概率密度函数。

    Under the steady state Baba used the supplementary variable to study the MX / G / 1 queue with multiple server vacations in which it was assumed that the vacation time and the service time have probability density functions .

  26. 本文考虑推广的多重休假MX/G/1排队,在假定休假时间和服务时间都是一般概率分布函数下,我们研究了队长的瞬态和稳态性质。

    In this paper we consider the generalized MX / G / 1 queue with multiple server vacations . Assuming that the vacation time and the service time have general distribution functions , we study the transient and equilibrium properties of the queue length .

  27. 在分析请求流时,ARFM假设在后端服务器未过载时记录的服务时间代表最佳预期服务时间。

    When profiling traffic , ARFM assumes that the service times recorded when the backend server is not overloaded represent the best expected service time the application can manage .

  28. 在拼箱货物配送中,就目前客户对于配送服务时间要求的提高,本文重点讨论了带时间窗的车辆路径问题(VRPTW)。

    In the distribution of the LCL , according to the requirement higher in the service time about customer at present , the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows ( VRPTW ) was discussed especially .

  29. 部份牙科诊所会提供延长服务时间。

    Some of the dental clinics may provide extended service hours .

  30. 要避免同一策略中的请求的服务时间差异过大

    Avoid wide variance in service times for requests in a single policy