
  • 网络apparel industry;Clothing;Garment Industry;apparel
  1. ERP在服装行业中的应用

    The Application of ERP System in Apparel industry

  2. EPC技术在服装行业的应用研究

    Application of EPC Technology in Apparel Industry

  3. WTO与我市纺织服装行业人才战略

    WTO and Strategy on the Talent in Textile Clothing Industry of Our City

  4. 然而,在服装行业中,功能性设计CAD系统并没有得到开发和利用。

    However , in clothing industry , the function design CAD system is not well developed and used .

  5. 随着中国加入WTO组织,中国的纺织服装行业面临着更加激烈的国际竞争。

    After China joined into WTO , the Chinese clothing and textile industries are facing very intense international competition .

  6. 纺织服装行业信息化ASP模式的探讨

    Discussion on the ASP mode for the information technology of the textile and garment industry

  7. 随着服装行业信息化的发展,射频识别(RFID-RadioFrequencyIdentification)技术逐渐取代条形码技术,开始在车间数据采集与传输中得到应用。

    With the development of garment industry information , Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) is gradually replacing barcode technology in the application of workshop data collection and transmission .

  8. 试论我国服装行业实施CIMS的几个问题

    Implementation of CIMS in Clothing Industry

  9. 基于Wiki的服装行业标准共建方法

    Method of joint construction of standards in garment industry based on Wiki

  10. 前言:通过对中国服装行业的SWOT分析,提出了针对我国服装业现状应该采取的战略选择。

    This essay raises available strategic options based on the current condition of Chinese clothing industry through SWOT analysis .

  11. 随着服装行业科技能力的提高,三维服装CAD系统成为服装设计的必然趋势,这就决定了做为基础的人体建模的重要性。

    With the development of technologies in the garment industry , 3D-garment CAD is becoming the trend of garment design , which means the importance of the mannequin modeling .

  12. 2005年1月1日,WTO各成员国正式取消了全球纺织品配额限制,标志着纺织品服装行业进入自由贸易时代。

    From January 1,2005 , WTO members abolished all limits of textiles quotas , which is regarded as a token of textiles & garments industry entering the era of free trade .

  13. logo是构成品牌识别系统的重要组成部分,是服装行业发展的必然需求。

    Logo is the essential part in composing the brands identification system and the necessary requirement of the development of the fashion industry .

  14. 加入WTO后,对于我国纺织服装行业而言,国际市场将更加开放,为纺织服装出口提供了更大的空间。

    After joins WTO , for our country spinning and weaving clothing profession , the international market will be more open , has provided a bigger space for the textile clothing exportation .

  15. 桑蚕(Bombyxmori)蚕丝作为一种优良的天然蛋白质纤维,长期以来一直被人们广泛地应用于纺织服装行业。

    As an excellent natural protein fibre , Bombyx mori silk is widely used in the field of textile industry .

  16. 在服装行业领域,服装排料系统是服装CAD系统的一个重要组成部分,而服装排料技术是服装企业提高面料利用率,降低生产成本的重要途径。

    In the garment field , garment layout system is an important part of garment CAD system , so a good garment layout system is a good technique to greatly reduce the production cost .

  17. 早期的OEM主要从事服装行业,后来在IT行业、家电行业逐渐兴盛。

    In early days , OEM mainly engaged in the clothing industry , and later in the IT industry and home appliance industry .

  18. 随着中国纺织服装行业步入后配额时代,企业社会责任SA8000等非关税壁垒对中国纺织行业的影响越来越大。

    The non-tariff wall such as social accountability 8000 has more and more effect to China 's textile and apparel industry in post-quota age .

  19. 近年来,计算机技术在服装行业的应用越来越广泛,如服装CAD、建模、造型及虚拟试穿都已成为研究的热点,可见计算机技术已渗透到服装行业的各个领域。

    In recent years , computer technology is widely used in the clothing industry , such as garment CAD , modeling , sculpt and virtual try on . They all become the research hotspot . Obviously computer technology has pervaded every aspect of clothing industry .

  20. 但从分行业来看,由于各子行业的竞争力不同,加入WTO受益由大到小依次是丝绸和服装行业、绵纺织业、毛纺织、麻纺织,由于技术和规模等原因可能有负面影响。

    But , because of different competitive power , the most beneficial industry is sick industry , then followed by costume industry , cotton textile industry , woolen textile industry and liner fabrics industry Due to the technology and scale , the competition may bring some negation effect .

  21. 在中国加入WTO,步入世界经济竞争之后,本土的服装行业不仅面临着外来者的进入,还担负着走出去的责任,原有廉价劳动力等优势不再明显。

    After China joined in WTO and stepped into worldwide economic competition , domestic apparel industry not only faces the challenges from the " outcomers ", but has to undertake the responsibility of " going abroad " as well . These make its advantage of low-priced labor not obvious anymore .

  22. 文章主要分析了面料在服装行业中的地位以及在服装品牌建设系统工程中的作用,有助于建立服装品牌整体形象,体现品牌文化,提升品牌价值,成为品牌的标志(LOGO)。

    On one hand , this thesis analyses the importance of fashion fabrics in the fashion industry , and then discusses the effects of fabrics in fashion brand-building by helping to build fashion brand image , expressing brand culture , increasing brand value as well as becoming brand logo .

  23. 其次,通过研究服装行业的发展状况、DLW服装公司的人力资源管理现状及绩效考核现状,分析其中存在的主要问题。

    Secondly , the paper studies the situation of the clothing industry and the human resource management in DLW Garment Corporation . According to the information learned from the company , we analyzes the problems exist in it .

  24. 网络营销成为激进服装行业重要的营销的选择。

    The network marketing become militant garment industry important marketing choice .

  25. 服装行业新技术的应用及展望

    The Application of and Prospect for New Technique in Apparel Sector

  26. 可适应服装行业,薄、中、厚料的缝纫。

    Suitable for light . medium , heavy of garment sewing .

  27. 上海服装行业已具有精湛的技术和时尚的设计。

    Shanghai apparel industry has a superb technology and stylish design .

  28. 你觉得服装行业前景好吗?

    Do you think the clothing industry has a bright future ?

  29. 服装行业在信息时代,进入了一个前所未有的信息化、网络化的过程。

    The clothing profession has entered in the information age unprecedented .

  30. 研究方法:本研究采用访谈法和问卷法,考察了制药行业、纺织行业和服装行业的工人生活质量、社会支持用心理幸福感。

    Methods : The study adopted the method of interview and questionnaire .