
  1. 作为快速消费品企业的重点客户,KA卖场在企业营销渠道中的作用越来越重要,目前已成为快速消费品企业的必争之地。

    As key accounts of fast moving consumer goods companies , KA become more and more important in the marketing channels , and they have become the battleground of FMCG companies .

  2. 据英国教育研究机构HighFliers称,投行、公共部门雇主、会计师事务所和专业服务机构以及消费品企业的毕业生申请人数比前一年增加了至少10%。

    According to High Fliers , the UK education research group , graduate applications have increased by at least 10 per cent on the previous year in investment banks , public sector employers , accounting and professional services firms , and consumer goods companies .

  3. 先后在年利达(Linklaters)律师事务所的私募股权团队以及消费品企业联合利华(Unilever)的法务部门工作后,她意识到,法律让她感到不快乐。

    After working in Linklaters " private equity team and then in-house at Unilever , the consumer goods company , she realised law was making her unhappy .

  4. DonLam说,这造成的后果就是有大量投资进入风险较大的绿地投资项目或西式消费品企业。这些企业要再过10年才会拥有足够强大的客户基础。

    The outcome , Mr. Lam says , was a lot of investment in risky , green-field projects , or Western-style consumer-goods businesses that didn 't have a strong enough customer base for another decade .

  5. 消费品企业联合利华(Unilever)的首席营销官基思•威德(KeithWeed)说,数字化个性营销有点像你到当地的商店买东西,店家认识你并且可能还准备好了你要买的东西。

    Keith Weed , chief marketing officer of Unilever , the consumer products company , says digital personalised marketing is a bit like when you to go to your local shop and they know you and perhaps even have what you want waiting for you .

  6. 消费品企业联合利华(Unilever)的首席营销官基思•威德(KeithWeed)说,数字化个性营销“有点像你到当地的商店买东西,店家认识你并且可能还准备好了你要买的东西”。

    Keith Weed , chief marketing officer of Unilever , the consumer products company , says digital personalised marketing is " a bit like when you to go to your local shop and they know you and perhaps even have what you want waiting for you . "

  7. 一些消费品企业的语气开始变得更加谨慎。

    Some consumer goods companies are beginning to sound more cautious .

  8. 无偿赠送在快速消费品企业中的涉税处理

    On taxation processing of free samples in fast consumables enterprises

  9. 相反,黑石所能提供的是管理消费品企业的经验。

    What Blackstone can offer instead is experience in managing consumer products companies .

  10. 快速消费品企业销售分支机构财务管理的研究

    Study on Financial Management of Branch Organization of Selling in Enterprise of FMCG

  11. 快速消费品企业分销渠道管理

    Distribution Channels Management of Fast Moving Consumer Goods Firms

  12. 零售商和消费品企业无疑相信这一点。

    Retailers and consumer goods companies certainly believe that .

  13. 希望分析结论能够对快速消费品企业的物流运作提供一定的借鉴意义。

    Hope the conclusion can be used for reference in the fast consumable companies .

  14. 无偿赠送作为一种常用的促销手段,普遍存在于快速消费品企业中。

    Free samples are prevalent in fast consumables enterprises as an often used promotion tool .

  15. 我国快速消费品企业窜货研究

    Study on the Trans-regional Marketing of Our Country 's FMCG ( Fast Moving Consumer Goods ) Enterprise

  16. 我国快速消费品企业信息流优化之最佳供应链解决方案

    The Fittest Supply Chain Management Solution for Information Flow Improvement of Fast Moving Consumer Goods Enterprises in China

  17. 除了两、三个明显的例外,大多数消费品企业这个财报季的日子都很难熬。

    With a couple of notable exceptions , the consumer staples sector has had a tough reporting season .

  18. 然而,这并未阻止其它广告客户、消费品企业和出版商争相试验二维条形码技术。

    That has not stopped other advertisers , consumer product companies and publishers rushing to experiment with the technology .

  19. 在目前中国快速消费品企业的市场运营中,经销商起着不可替代的作用。

    The franchiser plays an important part during the Fast Moving Consumer Goods enterprises in China at the moment .

  20. 真正变革的时刻出现在1986年,当时两家纯消费品企业进入了前10名。

    The real moment of change comes in 1986 , when two pure consumer goods companies reach the top tier .

  21. 同时应该注意,在当前的中国市场,利用中间商分销产品是饮料消费品企业分销渠道管理的重点。

    In current Chinese market , making good use of middleman to distribute the products is the main approach of channel management .

  22. 作为快速消费品企业的营销部门,其在企业的价值创造中发挥着极为重要的作用,是创造企业利润的主要部门。

    Marketing departments in the fast moving consumer goods firms play an extremely important role in value creation , enterprise revenue creating sector .

  23. 过去一年里,为了抵消油价和其他大宗商品价格上涨,工业和消费品企业已经数次提价。

    Industrial and consumer goods companies have raised prices several times in the past year to counter rising oil and other commodities prices .

  24. 目前,欧洲消费品企业约30%至40%的销售额是由新兴市场贡献的,美国消费品企业的这一比例要低一些。

    These markets now account for about 30-40 per cent of sales for European consumer goods companies – less for the US ones .

  25. 这些企业令人失望的业绩凸显出,新兴市场滑坡正在使欧洲消费品企业逐渐失去一个关键增长引擎。

    The disappointing results underscore how the slippage in emerging markets is continuing to deprive Europe 's consumer companies of a key growth driver .

  26. 近些年来,随着技术的发达,和精细化管理的需要,越来越多的快速消费品企业纷纷开始实施产品追踪系统。

    But these years , more and more FMCG companies implemented T & T system caused by the need of delicacy management and developing of technology .

  27. 人工经济由多个家庭、多个消费品企业、一个资本品企业、一个银行和一个政府组成。

    Economy is formed by a lot of families , a lot of consumer goods firms , a capital product firm , a bank and a government .

  28. 经分析,我国快速消费品企业需要的供应链方案是针对他们现状设计的方案,而不是国外那些所谓的先进供应链方案。

    What the supply chain reform programs of the Fast Moving Consumption Goods Enterprises in China need are those that are designed according to their current conditions .

  29. 汽车制造商、能源集团、日用消费品企业和其它跨国公司正在努力减小风险,具体做法包括把现金储备投入安全的投资,以及控制非必需的开支。

    Car manufacturers , energy groups , consumer goods companies and other multinationals are minimising risk by placing cash reserves in safe investments and controlling non-essential expenditure .

  30. 电脑系统的商业用户,以及在中国制造的重工业和消费品企业,也将受到影响。

    Business users of computer systems , as well as the heavy-industry and consumer-products companies that have their goods manufactured in China , would also feel the consequences .