
  1. CPI中自有住房消费成本测算的使用者成本法及其折旧模型

    The User Cost Approach and Its Models of Depreciation to Measure the Services of Owner Occupied Hosing in Consumer Price Index

  2. 论消费成本&消费研究与政策的新视野

    Talk about Consuming Cost & The new visual angle of Consuming research and the policy

  3. 节约能源、低能耗、寿命长、降低照明消费成本;

    Saving energy , low power consumes , long lifespan , reduce lighting consumption cost .

  4. 3种不同药物对高血压患者降压效果及其消费成本的对比分析杭州市腹膜透析和血液透析治疗费用与疗效的比较研究

    Comparison of Hypotensive Efficacy and Costs among 3 Drugs Comparative study on expenditure and their effect of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis

  5. 虽然澳大利亚一直是消费成本相对高昂的旅游目的地,但每年都有更多的中国人被澳大利亚所吸引,前来享受当地的阳光海滩和不同寻常的野外生活。

    Although Australia remains a relatively expensive place destination , more Chinese are attracted each year to the country 's sunny beaches and unusual wildlife .

  6. 它可能帮助成百万人脱贫,提高业务效率,降低消费者的消费成本,令企业家能发掘新的需求来源。

    It could lift millions out of poverty , make businesses more efficient , lower costs for consumers and enable entrepreneurs to tap new sources of demand .

  7. 最后,得出结论,并提出降低消费成本的政策建议。

    Thirdly , it comes to the conclusion that consumption cost is a main dynamic of retail evolution and gives policy suggestions on how to decrease consumption cost .

  8. 他说,如果消费者因为更低的消费成本而转投绿色电力供应商的怀抱,传统电力供应商为了生存,就会考虑再生能源。

    If consumers switched to green suppliers because their electricity was less expensive , traditional power suppliers would consider renewable resources in order to survive , he says .

  9. 在对比了计算机网络给农民带来的效用与为此支付成本的基础上,区别了信息的获取成本和消费成本两个不同的概念;

    Comparing the utility value a computer and relevant network will bring about to the cost required , the information obtaining cost is distinguished from the consumption cost conceptually .

  10. 本文拟用经济学观点分析电子商务成本和隐性消费成本对网上购物商品价格的影响、并探讨网上购物定价模型。

    This article aims to analyze the effect of the E-commerce cost and recessive consumption cost under the circumstances of sale online , and probe into the price model of purchase on - line .

  11. 根据服务的定义和农村公路运输的特点,确定农村公路服务的概念,详细分析农村公路服务的特征,探讨农村公路服务生产成本及消费成本。

    According to the definition and characteristics of rural road transport services identified the concept of rural roads , rural roads detailed analysis of the characteristics of rural road services on the cost of production and consumption costs .

  12. 影响手机顾客品牌忠诚度的四大要素按其重要性高低排列分别为:品牌形象、手机性能、服务质量和消费成本。

    The four main factors that affect the brand of mobile phone customer loyalty according to the high and low alignment of its importance respectively are : Brand image , mobile phone function , the service quality and consumption cost .

  13. 将消费成本定义为“购买商品后在消费(使用)中所支付的一切费用及代价”,由此,探讨其界定、形成、构成、特点、有关变动规律和对消费及其研究与政策的作用。

    Consuming cost define for " all expenses and cost in consuming ( using ) after buying the goods ", therefore , probe into its defining , forming , construction , characteristic , regular change , to the function of consuming etc.

  14. 其次,建立消费成本与零售业态演进关系的分析框架,实证研究消费成本在主要零售业态演进过程中的作用,并预测零售业态的发展趋势。

    Secondly , the paper constructs the analytical framework of relationship between consumption cost and evolution of retail formats . Then , it does empirical research on primary evolution of retail formats and gives a prediction of developing trend of retail formats from consumption cost .

  15. 况且,如果消费成本降低真是如此珍贵的赠与,那么,你将很难解释,为何美国投桃报李的尝试要求其它国家重估本国货币,从而降低它们自己消费者的成本总是遭到愤怒的拒绝。

    And if cheaper consumption is really such a gift , it is hard to explain why attempts by the us to return the gift by demanding that foreigners revalue their currencies and so reduce costs for their own consumers are always so indignantly rejected .

  16. 中国抑制消费的成本分析

    Cost Analysis on Chinese Controlling Consumption

  17. 这类措施将增加汽车保有、航空旅行和肉类消费的成本,因为它们会揭示这些行为真实的经济和社会成本。

    These measures would make car ownership , air travel and meat consumption more expensive , by revealing their true economic and social cost .

  18. 由于国家食品消费调查成本高昂,收集有关维生素和矿物质缺乏的原因的信息范围有限。

    The high cost of conducting national food consumption surveys limits the extent to which they can collect information on the causes of vitamin and mineral deficiencies .

  19. 实施家电下乡,将家电产品出口的优惠政策直接补给我国的广大农民,而不是补给企业等中间环节,这将大大降低农民的消费支出成本。

    To implementing the policy of home appliances going into the countryside which directly supply home appliances product to our farmers but not the enterprises and other intermediate links , which will greatly reduce farmers ' consumption costs .

  20. 尽管中国的物价曾经只是个国内问题,但它目前已成为一个国际问题,因为中国制造的消费产品成本上升,可能会加剧美欧等中国大型出口市场的通胀局面。

    Though they were once solely a domestic concern , Chinese prices are now also an international issue , because of the possibility of the higher cost of consumer goods produced in China fuelling inflation in large export markets such as the US and Europe .

  21. 消费的信息成本和信息收益

    On the Cost and the Gains of Consumer Information

  22. 对利息所得税降低了当期消费的机会成本,从而刺激人民减少储蓄。

    Taxing interest the opportunity cost of present consumption and thereby creates incentives to lower saving .

  23. 烟草消费的社会成本巨大,因此政府应该强化对烟草消费的调控。

    The social cost of tobacco consumption is very significant , so the government should strengthen regulation of tobacco consumption .

  24. 石油企业既是能源生产企业,又是能源消耗大户,能源消费在企业成本中占有相当比重。

    Petroleum enterprise not only produces energy , but also consumes energy . Energy consumption accounts for quite a high proportion in enterprise cost .

  25. 利息是当前消费的机会成本,是储蓄的未来收入,储蓄行为受利率变动的影响。

    Interest is the opportunity cost of current consumption and future income of savings . Savings behaviors are affected by the fluctuation of interest rate .

  26. 本文从超额现金流着手深入研究非效率投资、在职消费的代理成本与高管薪酬的相关性。

    This paper will study the association between executive compensation with the agency costs ( including inefficient investment and job consumption ) from the excess cash flow .

  27. 中国和印度这两个美国食品和药品监督管理局很少进行质量审计的国家,已经变成了美国消费者所消费的低成本药品和原料药的主要供应商。

    India and China , countries where the Food and Drug Administration rarely conducts quality-control inspections , have become major suppliers of low-cost drugs and drug ingredients to American consumers .

  28. 研究发现,省域乳制品工业竞争力主要体现在产业规模和效率、消费需求与成本控制、效益、人力资源等四个方面。

    It has found that provincial dairy industrial competitiveness mainly reflects in four aspects : industry scale and efficiency , consumer demand and cost control , benefit , human resources .

  29. 农村正规金融机构运行消费信贷的成本源于自身的机构制度设计特征以及机构与农村信贷环境的适应程度。

    The cost of providing rural consumption credit due to the features of the institutional design of the financial institution and the extend to which it can adapt to the rural credit environment .

  30. 免清洗型助焊剂虽然已广泛的被使用,但仅限于消费性、低成本的PCB组装。

    Although no-clean flux has already been widely used , the application is still limited to consumed , low-cost PCB assembly .