
  1. 一些对外汉语教师在对待话语标记语教学时存在回避心理或回避现象。

    Some teachers who teach Chinese as a foreign language meet discourse markers while teaching with a mind of avoidance and avoidance behavior .

  2. 讨论要求教师在教学中要引导学生克服从众心理、随意心理、逆反心理、回避心理四种心理障碍,这样讨论的质量才能得到提高。

    The discussion in politics lessons require teachers play guiding roles to help students to overcome the four psychological barriers such as mass-following psychology , arbitrary psychology , rebellious psychology and avoidance psychology . Only in this way can the quality of discussion be improved .

  3. 分析了文化冲突产生的原因,包括教材的问题,教师的文化中心意识、回避心理,和学生的文化冲突、性格、知识储备、学习适应能力不同造成的问题。

    In this chapter , the causes of cultural conflict are analyzed in the angle of textbooks problems , centred consciousness and avoiding psychology of teachers , and the negative migration of students ' cultural , personality , knowledge reserve , learning and adapting ability , and so on .

  4. 高中生学校回避行为心理防御机制及相关因素的初步研究

    School avoidance and psychological defense style of students at senior high schools

  5. 这种从极端化到异质性的变异,表现在女性形象中,则是真实与虚幻、诱惑与回避的心理矛盾。

    The changes from the extremity to heterogeneity , when displayed in the female images , are their psychological contradictions between the truth and the unreal , between the seductions and the avoidance .

  6. 导致飞行员社交回避及苦恼的心理多因素分析

    Multiplicity mental analysis on pilots with social avoidance and distress