
huí ɡuī rè
  • relapsing fever
回归热 [huí guī rè]
  • [relapsing fever] 由各种包氏螺旋体引起的一种急性传染病,其特征为一段时期内发热,然后自动退热,但间歇数日后又复发

  1. 许多螺旋体是病原体,会导致雅司病(热带肉芽肿)、梅毒、以及回归热等。

    Many spirochetes are pathogens causing yaws , syphilis , and relapsing fever .

  2. 间歇热、张热和回归热。

    There are three types , intermittent fever , remittent fever and relapsing fever .

  3. 铝合金回归热处理进展及其新应用领域

    Advance of Retrogression Heat Treatment and the New Field of Application

  4. 护士:有三种。即:间歇热、张热和回归热。间歇式太阳能加热器

    N : There are three types , intermittent fever , remittent fever and relapsing fever . intermittent heater with solar energy

  5. 主成分回归法研究热分析中样品用量与表观活化能实测值之间的关系

    Principal component regression method of studying the relation between sample mass and experimental value of apparent activation energy

  6. 基于支持向量回归算法的汽轮机热耗率模型

    Model for the Turbine Heat Rate Based on the Support Vector Regression

  7. 利用偏最小二乘回归法对主轴热误差数值建模的研究

    Numerical Modeling Research for Thermal Error for the Spindle by Partial Least-Squares Regression Method

  8. 通过大量试验研究了复合聚酯纤维的沸水和干热收缩规律,并利用线性回归方法讨论了热收缩速率的变化规律。

    The shrinkages in water and dry of the complex polymer fibers are tested through a great deal of experiments . The shrinkage behaviours of the composite PBT / PET fibers are analysed by means of linear regression method .

  9. 本文在用有限元法对一、二期水管冷却问题研究的基础上对曲线加以回归,得出拟合后的回归曲线用于等效热传导方程中,便于工程设计及有限元法计算温度场之用。

    In this paper , the curves of regression for two (ⅰ,ⅱ) cooling problem of the mass concrete were given . The efficient fit curves were also given for the calculating temperature field in Finite Element Method and the designing in the Civil Engineering .