
  • 网络Small village
  1. 这个小乡村已发展成一个著名的风景区了。

    The small village developed into one of the famous scenic spots .

  2. 我祖父宁愿住在小乡村里,而不愿住在大都市里。

    My grandfather would rather live in a small village than a large city .

  3. 我在那稀烂的小乡村没能找到一把可用的。

    I couldn 't get one in that crappy little town .

  4. 都能让我想起我曾住过的那个小乡村。

    That reminds me of the village where I grew up .

  5. 他们并不富裕,住在小乡村里。

    They were not well off , and lived in a village .

  6. 他们居住的地方是一个小乡村社区。

    The place which they lived in was a small rural community .

  7. 我在这个小乡村长大

    I grew up here , in the up country

  8. 出身卑微的小乡村助理牧师。

    A humble curate in a small country village .

  9. 他居住在一个小乡村里。

    He dwelled in a small county .

  10. 中国东南部一个小乡村被染成了金黄色,这是因为当地村民都在晾晒他们丰收的柿子。

    A village in south-eastern China is painted orange , as farmers sun their persimmon harvests .

  11. 当他年轻一点的时候,他是一个小乡村乐队的成员。

    When he was younger , he was a member of a small country music band .

  12. 我们到达那里的时候大吃了一惊,原来那里只是个小乡村。

    When we got there we were surprised it was only a wide place in the road .

  13. 小乡村大历史&铁凝长篇小说《笨花》解读

    A Small village , A Long history & An Analysis on the Novel of " Ben Hua " by Tie Ning

  14. 那是上海和江苏交界的小乡村,漫步在静静的乡间仿佛步入世外桃源。

    It is the junction of Shanghai and Jiangsu small village , walk into the quiet sanctuary of the countryside like .

  15. 一位父亲从海地南部一个小乡村远道而来寻找他的两个女儿。

    A father comes all the way from a little village in the south of Haiti looking for his two daughters .

  16. 其实每个人都能做到这件事,无论你在法国的一个小乡村还是在像悉尼这样的大城市。

    The idea was that anyone could do it , whether they were in a small village in France or a city like Sydney .

  17. 骆家是如何在仅仅两代人的时间里,从住在中国的一个小乡村到迁入州长官邸的呢?

    How did the Locke family go in just two generations from living in a small rural village in China to the governors mansion ?

  18. 作为一名外来务工人员,乔小刀1998年从黑龙江省的一个小乡村来到北京。他过着花钱不多但很有意思的生活。

    Qiao , a migrant worker who came from a village in Heilongjiang province to Beijing in 1998 , has led a cheap but fascinating life .

  19. 但是吉林省一个小乡村抑制了这种趋势多亏一位教英语的志愿者多年来从事教当地孩子的工作。

    But one small village in Jilin Province has bucked the trend - thanks to a volunteer teaching English , whos been working with local kids for years .

  20. 老人时常给在美国的亲人们写信,向他们讲述她在中国的生活,以及在这个小乡村和这个国家里发生的变化。

    The woman regularly writes to her relatives in the US , talking about her life and the changes taking place in the small village and in the country .

  21. 王立春的儿童诗歌写作注重从自己的童年记忆中汲取创作灵感,成长背景中的那个小乡村成为她源源不断的源泉。

    Wang Lichun focus on poetry writing for children from her own childhood memories to draw inspiration , upbringing in a small village that became her source of endless .

  22. 我旅行过不少地方,看见过很多壮丽的景色,但是没有看到过比这个恬静地坐落在山脚下的小乡村更优美的地方了。

    I have travelled a great deal and seen great sights , but none more charming than this tiny village cheerfully nestling at the foot of the hill which shelters it .

  23. 孙犁出生于北方的一个小乡村,北方土地的厚重与包容接纳了孙犁,更影响了孙犁。

    Sun Li was born in a small village of northern china . The honesty and tolerance of people in northern land not only receive Sun Li but also influence him much more .

  24. 当时石家庄只是一个纯粹小乡村,既不是传统行政中心,也不是传统工商城镇,更不是开埠通商口岸。石家庄城市化是从零点起步,是因路而兴的新兴城市。

    At that time , Shijiazhuang was an emerging city " brought by railways ", being neither a traditional administrative center nor a traditional industrial and commercial town and particularly not a trading port .

  25. 一天,有一个城市里的游客来到一个小乡村,在乡间路上开着车,想看看农庄是什么样子,也想看看农夫怎样种田过日子。

    One day a visitor from the city came to a small rural area to drive around the country roads , see how the farms looked , and perhaps to see how farmers earned their living .

  26. 令人诧异的是,在天寒地冻,风雪交加的小乡村里孤独的度过了艰苦的第一天后,我发现在这样一个近几年最寒冷,雪最大的天气下我仍然能快乐的工作。

    Strangely enough , after the first painful day alone in the cold , snowy suburbs , I found myself doing the work quite happily in what turned out to be the coldest and snowiest weather for several years .

  27. 如果你在参加这项计划,你可以有机会在今年夏天之后,您的医疗学校的第一年,花四到六周的观察和协助真正像我这样的一个小乡村社区医师。

    If youenroll in this program , you can have the opportunity this summer , after yourfirst year of medical school , to spend from four to six weeks observing andassisting a real physician like me in a small rural community .

  28. 而且,我国的旅游扶贫尤其缺乏与世界先进理念(PPT)的沟通,在小尺度乡村旅游扶贫模式的研究和实践上,在旅游扶贫的定量研究上显得极为匮乏。

    Moreover , in China , related studies are lack of the communication with the international advanced concept ( PPT ), the research and practice of the pattern of small-scale rural area , and the quantitative study .

  29. 他们住在一个小的乡村社区。

    They lived in a small rural community .

  30. 学校改革家还推动将小的乡村地区并入较大的城镇区,以便获得更好的监督和支持。

    Reformers also urged the centralization of the little rural districts into larger town-wide units , for better supervision and support .