
huí kòu
  • rebate;kickback;discount;return commission;commission on sales;back-hander
回扣 [huí kòu]
  • [rebate;return commission] 在收到商品或劳务全部付款后退回其中一部分款项

回扣[huí kòu]
  1. 如果顾客立刻用现金支付,他们得到一个现金回扣价格。

    When customers pay cash immediately , they receive a cash discount price .

  2. 如果顾客订了大量的产品,他们得到数量回扣价格。

    When customers order products in large quantities , they receive a quantity discount price .

  3. 这个推销员每销售一辆汽车得到50美元的回扣。

    The salesman got a $ 50 commission for every car he sold .

  4. 说白了,他是想多捞回扣。

    To put it bluntly , what he wants is to get more kickbacks .

  5. 收取任何回扣、赠品、招待等是被禁止的吗

    Is receiving or giving gratuities , favors , or kickbacks prohibited ?

  6. 暗中付给官员或执法人员的回扣

    G raft or kickbacks paid to officials or law enforcem ent authorities .

  7. 麦克从商人那里得到了回扣。

    Mike got a kickback from a merchant .

  8. 赢得建筑工作的承包商得抽出合同价格的百分之二的回扣给黑手党

    Contractors winning construction jobs had to kick back 2 per cent of the contract price to the mafia .

  9. 浙江省天台县教育局两名官员与当地一家印刷厂约定,印制一张试卷就提取一点“好处费”,5年共收受回扣达25万元,涉及约2500万份试卷。

    Two education bureau officials in Tiantai , Zhejiang province , demanded kickbacks1 from a local printing company for each exam paper it printed . Within five years they received kickbacks of as much as 250000 yuan from about 25 million exam papers .

  10. 几家亚洲零配件供应商昨日对苹果(Apple)此前作出的一项指控做出了回应。苹果指控称,这些亚洲供应商向一位前苹果采购主管支付了回扣以换取业务。

    Asian component suppliers yesterday responded to allegations that they paid kickbacks to a former Apple procurement executive in return for business .

  11. 面对激烈的竞争,为了生存,ABC公司采取了提供优惠价格的普遍做法,给顾客回扣。

    To survive fierce competition , it adopted the common practice of offering special prices . 1t gave kickbacks to customers .

  12. 研究表明,适当的销量回扣契约能够改善VMI供应链绩效。

    The results showed that appropriate sales rebate would improve the performance of VMI supply chain .

  13. 回扣将换算成与以客户存入CMS银行账户相同的基准货币相同的货币并记录在客户在CMS开立的账户上。

    Rebate is deposited in the same base currency which a client deposited for trading at the CMS bank account .

  14. 各交易所和bats等交易平台都迫切希望能吸引业务,因而出现了回扣。

    It is business that the exchanges and platforms such as bats are keen to attract hence the rebates .

  15. 国际足联(Fifa)长期以来都在拥有“免责权”的优越感中运行,能够轻而易举地摆脱对其主要高管反复出现的、涉嫌收受贿赂和回扣的指控。

    Fifa has long operated with a sense of impunity , airily dismissing the persistent allegations of bribes and kickbacks that have dogged its leading executives .

  16. 2001年那次丑闻的两名知情人士表示,GSK当时发现自己的员工贿赂中国官员并收受回扣。

    Two people familiar with the 2001 scandal said GSK found that staff had been bribing Chinese officials and taking kickbacks .

  17. 该诉讼指控英特尔为了让个人电脑制造商只使用自己生产的微处理器,向它们支付了数十亿美元,其中包括2006年给戴尔(dell)的20亿美元“回扣”。

    The lawsuit alleges that Intel paid billions of dollars to PC makers for their exclusive use of its microprocessors , including $ 2bn in " rebates " to Dell in 2006 .

  18. 产权与回扣的关系&从经营方式看回扣的产生与根治论服务营销中的7Ps策略

    Relationship between Property Right and Sales Commission Study on 7Ps Tactics of Service Business and Sales

  19. 2009年,有指控称,securency代理人向政府官员支付回扣,兰金于是提请澳洲警方调查此事。

    Mr Rankin in 2009 requested Australian police investigate securency when allegations surfaced that its agents had paid kickbacks to government officials .

  20. 4年后,案件开始升级,经过一系列的突击检查,英特尔在2007年7月正式受到指控,称其滥用市场主导地位,向计算机制造商提供非法回扣,从而将amd公司关在市场之外。

    Four years later , the case gathered steam and , after a series of raids , intel was formally charged in July 2007 . It had allegedly abused its dominant market position and offered illegal rebates to computer manufacturers , which had shut amd out of the market .

  21. 在全球大多数地区,从墨西哥的“茶点(refrescos)”到北非的“小礼物(petitscadeaux)”,不付回扣就达成生意是不可能的。

    In much of the globe it is impossible to do business without paying backhanders , from Mexico 's " refrescos " to North Africa 's " petits cadeaux "( see article ) .

  22. 该杂志曾报道,希腊前国防部长阿吉斯索卡扎波洛斯(akistsochatzopoulos)涉嫌收取数亿欧元武器合同回扣,目前,索卡扎波洛斯正在狱中等待腐败指控的审判,他本人否认这一指控。

    It reported on the hundreds of millions of euros in kickbacks on weapons contracts allegedly taken by AKIs tsochatzopoulos , a former defence minister now in jail awaiting trial on corruption charges , which he denies .

  23. 旅游营销中有关回扣问题的思考

    Some Thoughts of " Kickback " in the Tourism Promotional Activities

  24. 按病种付费遏制医药回扣作用分析

    Analysis on the effect of DRGs-PPS to prevent from Medicine Backhander

  25. 当我用正手时,回扣较好。

    I 'm better at returning when I use my forehand .

  26. 汤姆在承包大宗工程当中收取了大量的回扣。

    Tom got a lot of kickback in the awarding contract .

  27. 零团费与我国旅游业中回扣现象的互动关系分析

    An Analysis of Interactions between Zero Inclusive - Fee and Commission

  28. 第三,医疗回扣行为法律规制的现状审视。

    Third , survey on the legal regulation of medical commission .

  29. 他否认从商人那拿过任何回扣。

    He denied that he received any kickbacks form the businessman .

  30. 回扣现象是我们这个社会的一个巨毒瘤。

    Sales commission is like a huge tumor of the society .