
  • 网络culture of consumerism;consumerism;consumer culture;consumerism culture
  1. 在美国,信用卡公司曾帮助催生了中产阶级和消费主义文化。

    In the U.S. , credit card companies helped create the middle class and the culture of consumerism .

  2. 目前中国还没有达到西方发达资本主义消费社会水平,但消费主义文化影响已经十分明显。

    At present , China has not yet reached Western levels of the developed capitalist consumer society , but the impact of the culture of consumerism is very obvious .

  3. 20世纪90年代以来,消费主义文化逐渐进入中国社会的公众生活领域。

    The consumptive culture has gradually entered public life since the 1990s .

  4. 其三,要实现消费文化的变革:从消费主义文化到绿色消费文化。

    Thirdly , we must realize the transformation form consumerism-culture to green-culture .

  5. 消费主义文化价值观的后现代解读

    The Postmodern Explanation to the Sense of Culture and Value of Consumerism

  6. 现代消费主义文化形成中的媒体及其作用

    Media in the Context of Consumer Culture and its Function

  7. 四是对消费主义文化的全球扩散研究。

    Fourth , the worldwide spread of consumerism culture .

  8. 消费主义文化对学校道德教育的影响及其应对

    Influences of the Consumption Culture on School Moral Education and Its Corresponding Strategies

  9. 中国的消费观念和消费行为呈现了一定的消费主义文化倾向,消费革命正在悄悄来临。

    Consumer behavior and concept in China have a certain tendency to consumerism .

  10. 随着经济全球化的进程,西方消费主义文化也逐渐影响着我国的消费者。

    With the process of economic globalization , the Western consumer culture has gradually impact on our consumers .

  11. 消费主义文化价值观在我国的历史际遇现代性境遇中价值观多元化的哲学反思

    An Analysis on the Historic Chance of Consumerism in China ; Philosophic Reflections on Value Diversification in Modernity

  12. 大众消费主义文化的历史发展中隐含着审美生活转向的文化逻辑。

    The cultural historical development of mass consumerism contains the cultural logic of the turn of aesthetic life .

  13. 消费主义文化价值观是一种挥霍性的消费价值观。

    The sense of culture and value of consumerism is a kind of squander in the sense of consuming .

  14. 日常生活中的审美呈现,在很大程度上是消费主义文化意识形态制造的幻象。

    The daily aesthetic presentation is , to a great extent , the illusion caused by consumerism cultural ideology .

  15. 第二部分论述消费主义文化给青少年思想和学校道德教育带来的冲击和挑战。

    The second part discusses the impulsion and challenges that the consumerism brings to the adolescent and school moral education .

  16. 与此同时,村上春树还刻画了消费主义文化氛围,并反映了主人公的生活悖论&享受/嘲讽。

    Meanwhile , Haruki Murakami portrays cultural atmosphere of consumerism and proves leading characters ' life paradox & enjoyment and taunt .

  17. 研究消费问题不应忽视地域文化差异的作用,更不能无视消费主义文化对中国人传统观念的冲击。

    The regional culture discrepancy and impact of the occidental consumerism on traditional notion were taken into account in the research .

  18. 消费社会、消费主义文化意识形态和图像文化的兴起与流行是当今这个时代最显著的特征。

    The rise of consumption society , the consumerism culture and image-culture is the most significant feature of the contemporary era .

  19. 大学生消费误区的法律道德思考及其对策消费主义文化对学校道德教育的影响及其应对

    Long-standing Mistaken Ideas of College Students as Consumers ; Influences of the Consumption Culture on School Moral Education and Its Corresponding Strategies

  20. 在二元价值模式传播的影响下,建立在超前消费的基础上的消费主义文化价值观在中国建立起来。

    Influenced by the communication of the dual value model , consumerist cultural values based on advanced consuming has been established in China .

  21. 西方理论界对消费文化的研究大致沿四个方向展开:一是对消费主义文化的影响研究;

    The study on consumption culture of western theory circle is roughly launched along four directions : First , the impact on consumerism culture ;

  22. 首先,阐释了地域文化对地域消费模式的影响作用,并分析了地域文化与消费主义文化的互动关系。

    First , the influence of regional culture on the consumption patterns was elucidated and the interactions between the regional culture and consumerism were analyzed .

  23. 为此,在社会主义和谐文化建设过程中,要扬弃消费主义文化的消极影响,构建中国特色的社会主义消费价值观。

    The negative influence from the consumptionism culture must be got rid off and the socialist viewpoint of consumption with Chinese characteristics must be set up .

  24. 随着媒体技术和消费主义文化的发展,雷锋形象的传播在大众文化领域遭遇到严峻挑战。

    With the development of media technology and consumerism , the communication of " Lei Feng " encounters severe challenges in the field of mass culture .

  25. 消费主义文化,是指起源于20世纪初期美国的一种社会文化现象。

    Consumerism culture , it is to point to traceable the phenomenon of culture of a kind of society of United States of20 centuries initial stage .

  26. 随着城市化、市场化等外力的推进,城市中兴起的消费主义文化入侵到农村,农村社会的传统文化逐渐让渡于消费主义的消费观。

    Along with the advancement of urbanization , marketization and external force , consumerism invaded countryside quickly , replaced and occupied the countryside traditional consumption culture gradually .

  27. 美在更多的时候成为消费社会欲望机器上的润滑剂,成为欲望的感性显现,成为消费主义文化识形态的一种艺术包装。

    More often , aesthetic is the lubricating grease of consumption society , the perceptual appearance of desire , and the artistic package of consumerism cultural ideology .

  28. 同时,在西方消费主义文化思潮等的影响下,我国读者的思想观念和生活方式发生了变化,图书消费理念也改变了。

    Meanwhile with the influence of western consumerism culture , ideas and life styles of our readers have changed , philosophy of book consumption has changed too .

  29. 应对WTO:高校德育的新课题及其对策研究消费主义文化对学校道德教育的影响及其应对

    Meeting WTO : Research on the New Problem of College Moral Education and Countermeasure ; Influences of the Consumption Culture on School Moral Education and Its Corresponding Strategies

  30. 在消费主义文化影响下,文学生产根基发生了很大变化,女性叙事可以比较典型地传达出这种生产机制的变化。

    Under the influence of the consumption culture , great changes have taken place in the foundation of literature production , which can be typically conveyed by female narrative .