
  • 网络consumer boycott
  1. 正如呼吁消费者抵制索尼的愤怒呼声所表明的那样:放任黑客偷走他们的信用卡详细信息,可算不上是一种实现上述目标的理想途径。

    Allowing hackers to steal their credit card details is a less than ideal way to do that , as angry calls for a consumer boycott have demonstrated .

  2. 但是,当家乐福(carrefour)和其它法国企业遭到愤怒的中国消费者抵制后,法国派出三名不同的外交使节,实际上让他们向中方叩头。

    Yet when Carrefour and other French companies suffered a boycott by angry Chinese consumers , France sent over three different envoys in effect to kowtow to the Chinese .

  3. 最初的和平抗议和消费者抵制,已逐渐演变为暴力。

    What started with peaceful protests and consumer boycotts has steadily descended into violence .

  4. 这个总部位于美国的动物权团体在一九九九年曾经以裸体名人的图片来呼吁消费者抵制肉食。

    The US-based animal rights group used nude photos of renowned people in1999 to call on consumers to boycott eating meat .

  5. 在遭遇中国消费者抵制之前,丰田在华销量仅占总销量的大约十分之一。

    Before the boycott , Toyota sold only about one in 10 of its cars in China , compared with one in four for Nissan .

  6. 具体而言,本文先阐述了研究背景和意义,以及回顾了消费者抵制和消费者情绪的研究成果。

    Specifically , first this paper elaborates the significance and background of the research , and summarizes the theory models and empirical researches related to consumer boycotts and consumer emotions .

  7. 由于在中国东海岛屿控制权问题上的争端,一些中国消费者抵制日本产品,导致对中国出口下降了15.8%,但日本对欧洲和美国的出口也出现下降。

    Exports to China , where some consumers have been shunning Japanese products amid an international dispute over control of islands in the East China Sea , fell 15.8 per cent , but shipments to Europe and the US were also down .

  8. 消费者一直抵制CD,而偏向于选择下载数字音乐,这种形式的音乐他们大多可以免费获得。

    Consumers have been rejecting CDs in favour of digitally downloaded music , most of which they are getting for free .

  9. 尽管科学家普遍欢迎FDA批准转基因三文鱼,但这种鱼可能会遭到美国消费者的抵制,美国的一些环保组织正在呼吁零售商抵制这种产品。

    While scientists have generally welcomed the FDA approval of GM salmon , there may be consumer resistance to the fish in the US , where environmental groups are pushing retailers to boycott the product .

  10. 由于遭到众多中国消费者的抵制,丰田(Toyota)、本田(Honda)和日产(Nissan)分别宣布财务状况或生产计划遭受不利影响。

    Toyota ( TM ) , Honda ( HMC ) and Nissan ( nsany ) have each announced negative impacts to financial results or vehicle production schedules as many Chinese consumers boycott their brands .

  11. 我们今天开会是要讨论如何避免消费者的抵制。

    We have a meeting today to discuss how to avoid a consumer boycott .

  12. 就连消费者的抵制和具有社会责任感的投资基金也无法抗拒低价的诱惑。

    Not even consumer boycotts and socially-responsible investment funds trump the lure of a bargain .

  13. 在一些国家,被指避税的企业遭到政治人士的强烈批评,甚至遭到消费者的抵制。

    In some countries , companies accused of tax-dodging faced intense criticism from politicians , and even consumer boycotts .

  14. 该公司之所以受到消费者的抵制,不仅是因为这段有争议的视频,还因为一些似乎不尊重中国的言论截图。

    The company was boycotted by consumers not only because of the controversial video but some screenshots that appeared to disrespect China .

  15. 消费者的抵制有可能改变企业的避税做法,但历史表明,这对企业的利润产生不了多大的冲击。

    A consumer boycott might change their practices , but there is little history of any of these making a dent in company profits .

  16. 不过美国消费者的抵制对泰国养虾业的冲击似乎有限,美国政府的行动才会对其产生重大影响。

    Consumer boycotts in America , however , appear not to be hurting the shrimp industry much . Action taken by the American government would hurt much more .

  17. 尽管杜嘉班纳试图与其社交媒体账户上的帖子保持距离,但该品牌仍面临着来自亚洲消费者的抵制呼吁。

    Although D & G tried to distance itself from the posts on its social media account , the brand continued to face boycott calls from Asian consumers .

  18. 随后先从消费情绪的视角,构建一个消费者品牌抵制的机制模型,解释品牌负面行为如何触发抵制意愿;然后提炼关键触发变量,构建一个情绪变化的动态演变模型。

    Next , this paper developed a mechanism model to explain how adverse events would trigger the boycott from the perspective of consumer emotion . Then , the key trigger variables are extracted so as to propose a dynamic evolutionary model of emotion changes .

  19. 中国消费者非正式地抵制日本产品,导致日中贸易也有所下降。

    Trade between China and Japan has also fallen because of unofficial consumer boycotts of Japanese goods in China .

  20. 2012年,中日长期存在的领土争端爆发,导致中国消费者在国内抵制日货,此后两国贸易关系受损。

    Trade ties have suffered since 2012 when a long-running territorial dispute flared up , sparking consumer boycotts of Japanese goods in China .

  21. 本研究挖掘出影响消费者暂时性抵制外国产品的行为的三个重要原因:爱国情感、从众压力、产品比较效用。

    The study uncovers three main reasons influencing consumers to boycott foreign goods temporarily : Patriotic Emotion , Conformity , and Product Comparative Utility .

  22. 中国的汽车消费者当时立即开始抵制丰田汽车(Toyota)和其他日本品牌,最终导致日本企业收入下降。

    Car buyers in China immediately began boycotting Toyota ( TM ) and other Japanese brands , which translated into lower earnings .

  23. 一方面消费者兴趣下降,一方面又有社交媒体运动“抢走她的钱包(#grabherwallet)”鼓励消费者抵制销售伊万卡?特朗普相关产品的百货商店,该品牌似乎沾上了挥之不去的有毒气息。

    In the wake of dwindling consumer interest and a social media campaign , \# grabherwallet , encouraging shoppers to boycott stores carrying Trump-related products , the brand seemed to have taken on the irremediable whiff of toxicity .