
xiāo fèi dài kuǎn
  • Consumer loans;consumer credit
  1. 小额信用消费贷款的最长期限为一年。

    The longest maturity of a petty consumer credit is one year .

  2. 小额信用消费贷款的最高限额暂定为10万元人民币。

    The maximum borrowing limit of a petty consumer credit is temporarily set at RMB100,000 .

  3. 此外,通知还要求规范放贷机构及其外包合作机构营销行为。小额贷款公司要加强贷款客户身份的实质性核验,不得将大学生设定为互联网消费贷款的目标客户群体,不得针对大学生群体精准营销。

    Micro lenders should strengthen identity verification of clients and not make college students their target clients for online consumer loans or carry out targeted marketing aimed at them .

  4. 部分小额贷款公司以大学校园为目标,通过与科技公司合作发放互联网消费贷款,导致部分大学生过度消费,陷入高额贷款陷阱。

    Some micro lenders have targeted university campuses and issued online consumer loans via cooperation with technology companies . The practices have caused some students to overspend and fall into debt traps .

  5. 对于已发放的大学生互联网消费贷款,原则上不进行展期,逐步消化存量业务,严禁违规新增业务。

    As for the online consumer loans that have been issued to college students , no extension is allowed and the existing loans should be gradually reduced . Any new loans not in line with regulations will be prohibited .

  6. 你已经看到P2P在消费贷款和企业贷款领域起飞,现在房地产和抵押贷款是下一个重要业务领域,他说。

    You have seen peer-to-peer take off in lending to consumers and businesses , and now property and mortgages is the next big thing , he said .

  7. 军人住房补贴作为住宅消费贷款抵押物的风险评定GERT模型研究

    The Evaluation on the Risk of the Housing Credit With GERT Technique

  8. 阿里巴巴占据着中国电子商务市场的大部分份额。而据中国互联网信息中心(ChinaInternetNetworkInformationCentre)统计,去年中国电子商务市值为2040亿美元。如今,阿里巴巴有一个移动操作系统,为供应商提供贸易融资,甚至可能开始提供消费贷款。

    As well as accounting for the majority of China 's e-commerce , a market worth $ 204 billion last year according to the China Internet Network Information Centre , Alibaba now has a mobile operating system , offers trade financing to vendors and may even start offering consumer loans .

  9. 每家LEED认证的分支机构开设的存款账户比非LEED认证的普通分支机构多出458个,消费贷款余额平均高出994900美元。

    Each LEED branch opened 458 more deposit accounts , and booked consumer loan balances averaging $ 994,900 higher , than the typical non-leed PNC branch .

  10. 按揭服务、消费贷款和汽车金融等资产减值了21%;卡类和私有标识(private-label)资产组合汇丰表示仍希望保留的业务减值了17%。

    Mortgage services , consumer lending and vehicle finance assets fell 21 per cent ; cards and private-label portfolios , the stuff that HSBC says it still wants , fell by 17 per cent .

  11. 汽车消费贷款保证保险合同的性质及责任承担

    The Legal Character and Responsibility of Auto Loan Guarantee Insurance Contract

  12. 汽车消费贷款经销管理

    Distribution Management Providing a Consumed Loan to People for Purchasing Vehicles

  13. 大学生旅游消费贷款开发的探索

    A Search of the Development of Tourist Loan for College Students

  14. 大力拓展个人消费贷款业务

    Devoting Major Efforts to the Development of Individual Consumption Loan Business

  15. 建设银行长春地区个人消费贷款营销战略

    Marketing Strategy of China Construction Bank Personal Consumption Loan in Changchun

  16. 汽车消费贷款保证保险的法律性质在理论上存在保证说与保险说之争。

    There are insurance theory and guarantee theory about it .

  17. 个人消费贷款信用等级评定的模糊间接识别方法

    Indirect identification of credit degree of personal consumer loan using fuzzy method

  18. 对银行和借款人而言,住房消费贷款的长期风险都较高。

    However , there are high risks for banks and borrowers in it .

  19. 走出汽车消费贷款风险迷宫

    Getting Out of the Risky Maze of Car Loans

  20. 汽车消费贷款风险分析与防范

    Analysis of Loaning Risks of Automobile Consumption and Precautions

  21. 汽车消费贷款经营模式之我见

    My Views on Business Model of Auto Loans

  22. 如此一来,消费贷款将会继续受到影响,进而导致更多人失业。

    So consumer spending will continue to suffer at the cost of more jobs .

  23. 汽车消费贷款保证保险纠纷剖析

    Analysis of Conflicts from Car Loan Pledge Insurance

  24. 消费贷款保证保险法律性质及相关问题探析

    Analysis On the Legal Nature and the Relevant Problems of Consuming Loan Warranty Insurance

  25. 对中小企业贷款、票据贴现、融资租赁、个人消费贷款担保。

    SME loans , bills discounting , finance lease , and personal consumption loan guarantees .

  26. 消费贷款&商业银行效益性原则的必然选择

    Expense Loan & An Inevitable Option for " Psofit First " Principle of Commercial Bank

  27. 但信用卡欠款、汽车消费贷款和其它债务比较适合由国外的讨债员来处理。

    But credit card , auto and other debt are prime candidates for collection overseas .

  28. 三分之二的家庭债务下降是因为对住房贷款和消费贷款的违约。

    Two thirds of this is due to defaults on home loans and consumer debt .

  29. 对个人消费贷款担保;

    Loan guarantees for the individual consumer ;

  30. 汽车消费贷款保证保险法律问题研究

    Study on Vehicle Consumptive Loan Guarantee Insurance