
  • 网络consumer expectations
  1. 消费者期望驱动数据转换设计的发展

    Consumer Expectations Are Driving Advances in Data Converter Design

  2. 提供者甚至可以把消费者驱动的契约整合到它自己的运行时活动中,以便当真实世界的消息未能满足消费者期望时及早提供反馈。

    Providers can even incorporate consumer-driven contracts into their runtime activities so as to provide early feedback when real-world messages fail to satisfy one or more consumer expectations .

  3. 在Web网站上,消费者期望更多的工具,如订单跟踪、自助文件和顺畅的订购处理等。

    On the Web , consumers expect more tools , such as order tracking , self-help files , and a streamlined ordering process .

  4. 消费者期望获得何种水平的客户服务?

    What level of customer service do people expect ?

  5. 由于消费者期望可以直接从商店中方便的拿到商品,以致其品牌公司拥有更多和旗下销售商在谈判时的议价空间。

    Because consumers expect stores to carry the brand , the company has more bargaining power when negotiating with retailers .

  6. 分析表明:消费者期望可靠的技术实现隐私保护,充分享受技术带来的好处。

    The result shows that consumer expect reliable technology for privacy protection in order to fully enjoy the benefits of technology .

  7. 服务质量模式揭示了消费者期望服务和实际获得服务之间的差别,显示了招致提供服务失败的五个差距。

    Service quality model reveals differences between expected service and obtained service , thus throwing light on 5 gaps to be Filled against service failure .

  8. 冲突的原因是旅游消费者期望获得愉悦的旅游经历,而旅行社期望获得最大的利润,二者的目的存在潜在矛盾。

    Conflicts lie in that travel consumers expect joyful travel experiences , but travel agencies expect the greatest profits , the purpose of both conflicts .

  9. 当用例驱动方案测试时,您应该知道为什么要测试以及测试什么,为这个方案能够满足消费者期望提供信任度。

    When use cases drive solution testing , you can readily answer the question of why or what was tested , providing confidence that the solution matches the explicit expectations of the customer .

  10. 以产品性能特征值量化界定不同企业产品差异化,定义了消费者期望产品性能特征值、消费者实际价格的概念,界定了包含产品性能特征值的消费者保留价格、消费者需求价格概念。

    Product differentiation is quantificationally depicted by product quality index . Concepts of consumer-anticipant product quality index and consumer-factual price are defined . Concepts of consumer reservation price and consumer demand price embodying product quality index are demarcated .

  11. 若我们剥夺消费者对期望的所有权,我们就降低了SOA在组织和架构方面的协同力。

    If we take away a consumer 's ownership of its expectations , we diminish the collaborative force of the organisational and architectural aspects of SOA .

  12. 如果一个服务用XMLSchema描述它发送与接收的消息结构,那么它发布的模式(schema)必须符合其消费者的期望。

    If a service uses XML Schema to describe the structure of the messages it sends and receives , then the schemas it publishes must satisfy its consumers'expectations .

  13. 迪尔曼举了旅行杂志《Afar》为例,表示奢华型消费者更期望“深度游”。比如香槟公司VeuveCliquot在法国的兰斯有一家只有获得邀请才能入住的酒店,名叫L’HotelduMarc。

    Dillman pointed to Afar Magazine , saying that luxury consumers will look to " travel deeper . " For example , The champagne company VeuveCliquot runs an invitation-only hotel in Reims , France , L'Hotel du Marc .

  14. 投资银行Rutberg&Co.的董事总经理昌德(RajeevChand)说,要达到媒体和消费者的期望,就得实现重大飞跃。

    It will have to be ' a major step up ' to keep up with expectations in the media and among consumers , says Rajeev Chand , a managing director at investment bank Rutberg & Co.

  15. 保健品标榜它能够满足消费者的期望和满足产品需求。

    Nutra prides itself on its ability to meet consumer expectations and satisfy product demand .

  16. 消费者的期望在扩展。

    That consumer demand is expanding .

  17. 按照消费者的期望将售价定在30~40元。

    According to consumers expectations , the product unit price should be RMB 30 ~ 40 .

  18. 如果单打独斗,奇瑞可能要苦苦奋斗数年,才能建立一个经销商网络,并达到美国消费者的期望。

    The Chinese carmaker would have struggled for years on its own to set up a dealer network and meet US consumers ' expectations .

  19. 领导们将指望在下属的协助下同时实现既满足消费者的期望值又能迅速的完成来年增长目标要求。

    Leaders will be looking to their people to help meet the simultaneous demands of adapting to consumer expectations and achieving aggressive growth goals for the coming year .

  20. 为保存服务资产的适当联邦特性,我们要认识到,消费者的期望和契约正是消费者的财产。

    To preserve the properly federated nature of the service estate we need to recognise that consumer expectations and contracts are just that : the property of the consumer .

  21. 在设计和开发新辅料时,我们会考虑和消费者的期望,如品味,回味悠长,口感,成品剂型的各个方面。

    When designing and developing new excipients , we take all aspects of the finished dosage form into account and consumer expectations , such as taste , aftertaste and mouthfeel .

  22. 受消费者角色期望的影响,贫困大学生更加重视能满足基本生理需求的消费,消费需求处于较低的层次;

    The role expectation restricts Poor College Students apart from luxurious consumption . Thus , Poor College Students ' consumer demand located at a low level , and they attach importance to the basic demand .

  23. 但是我们必须要考虑,我们能够让它们上市吗?我们能够使它们物有所值吗?我们能够达到消费者的期望值吗?如果我们能做到的话,那我想这个产业就会发展得很快。

    But I guess we 're going to have to see can we get them to market Can we get them to be cost efficient Can we meet the consumer expectations And if we can , I think they will grow pretty rapidly

  24. 消费者团体仍期望总统会回心转意。

    Consumer groups still hold out hope that the president will change his mind

  25. 设计输入包括确定消费者需求、期望和要求,以及明确法规、标准和其他适合的规定。

    Design input includes determining customer needs , expectations and requirements plus determining regulatory , standards , and other appropriate requirements .

  26. 同这一端口相连接的消费者将被期望提供这一操作的一个实现来响应该需求。

    The consumer who is connected to this port will be expected to provide an implementation of this operation to respond to the request .

  27. 但到更高档餐厅就餐的消费者,会期望喝到更昂贵的啤酒,我们现在正看到这成为现实。

    But consumers who go to a more expensive restaurant would expect to get a more expensive beer , and we 're seeing that happen now .

  28. 当销售承诺作为可衡量、可操作的信息被企业公开提出并成为消费者对产品期望的外化尺度后,顾客满意衡量模型也随之发生改变。

    When sale promises are openly put forward as measurable and operational information and become the external scale to measure the customer expectation for the products , the customer satisfaction model will change with the sale promises .

  29. 服务的特点之一是产品的无形性,不可以提前生产;同时由于服务提供者与消费者之间存在期望差距,因此,服务失误成为企业一个不可避免的问题。

    One of the characteristics of service is the invisibility of products , which cannot be produced in advance . In addition , due to the differences of expectations between service-suppliers and consumers , mistakes can hardly be avoided by enterprises .

  30. 消费者的需求和期望改变了。

    The needs and expectations of our customers have changed .