
  • 网络Lock-in effect;lock in effect
  1. 养老金制度变迁中的路径依赖及其锁定效应

    Path-Dependence and Lock-in Effect of Institutional Changes of the Pension System

  2. 信息产品的锁定效应及其策略研究

    The Research on the Lock-in Effect and Strategy of Information Product

  3. 利用微电子测试图形研究CMOSIC的锁定效应

    Study on the Latch-up Effect of CMOS IC by Using Microelectronic Test Patterns

  4. 分段压缩-平面复合腔激光器的纵模-温度锁定效应

    Longitudinal Mode-Temperature Locking Study in Sectional Constricted Planar Co-cavity Laser Diode

  5. 利用增益饱和及频率锁定效应产生可调谐毫微秒脉冲串

    Tunable nanosecond pulse train generation using gain saturation and frequency locking effect

  6. 文章认为:第一,锁定效应是资源型经济的突出特征;

    Firstly , lock-in effect is a leading property of a resource-based economy .

  7. 东北老工业基地体制机制变迁中的路径依赖与锁定效应分析

    Path-depending and Lock-in Effect of Institutional Innovation in the Northeast old Industrial Base

  8. 锁定效应就是凸现于网络经济的一种经济现象。

    Lock-in just is a kind of economic phenomenon in network economy especially .

  9. 布里渊光纤陀螺谐振腔及锁定效应的研究

    Study on the Ring Resonator and Lock-in Phenomenon of Brillouin Fiber Optic Gyroscope

  10. 养老金制度变迁过程中存在着显著的路径依赖及其“锁定效应”。

    In the pension system vicissitude process has the remarkable path-dependence and lock-in effect .

  11. 锁定效应与反锁定安排:资源型经济发展中的产业选择和金融支持

    Lock-in Effect and Anti-Lock-in Arrangement : The Industrial Structure and Financial Support of the Development of Resource-Based Economy

  12. 当双节放电不同步时,讨论了注入锁定效应对激光脉冲形状的影响。

    When the firing times of two-section is not synchronized , the effects of injection locking on the laser pulse profile axe discussed .

  13. 从挤出效应和锁定效应、财政收入减少、资源配置扭曲等方面分析了东道国激励政策的成本;

    ; researches the cost of incentive policy from crowed-out and locked-in effect , the induction of finance income , the distortion of the disposition of resource , etc.

  14. 论文首次运用动态博弈的分析方法研究了由于银行监督所带来的锁定效应&银行剥削的存在性问题。

    The paper analyzes the existence of lock-in effects in bank-borrower relationships due to the bank monitoring with dynamic game method , that is whether so-called bank hold-up exits .

  15. 鉴于中部地区工业结构呈现典型的锁定效应,利用金融发展来安排反锁定是必要的。

    Considering the typical Lock-in Effect of the industry structure in the central district of China , it is necessary to arrange anti-lock by making use of financial development .

  16. 并将网络经济的特征概括为网络外部性效应、正反馈机制、消费者的锁定效应、较快的技术创新速度以及高固定成本和低边际成本。

    And the characteristics of the internet economy is summarized as network externality effect , positive feedback mechanism , consumer lock-in effect and high fixed costs but low marginal costs .

  17. 互联网行业的网络外部性及锁定效应限制了市场中的需求弹性,使得运用需求替代性分析得出的相关产品市场范围偏小。

    For example , as network externalities and lock-in effect limit the elasticity of demand in the market , the scope of relevant product market defined by demand substitutability analysis is too small .

  18. 指出由于网络外部性所特有的锁定效应,老用户已被锁定,导致新老用户的需求函数问存在着不可忽视的差异。

    It is pointed out that because of the " Lock-in effect ", the old consumers are locked in , which brings about an unneglectable difference on demand function among old and new consumers .

  19. 论文从介绍《赢家通吃的社会》一书开始,详细论述了劳动分工、规模经济、正反馈效应和锁定效应等与赢家通吃现象密切相关的理论;

    The paper first introduce the book of " the winner take all society ", particularly discuss the increasing return positive feedback and lock-in theories which are extremely correlated with " winner take all " phenomenon .

  20. 本文基于网络经济下信息化伴生的锁定效应正日益突现,从技术标准的锁定和成本的锁定分析了企业信息化锁定效应的分布与表现,提出了基于锁定效应下的企业信息化战略。

    The paper analyzes the distribution and performance of locking Effections of Enterprise informationalization by technology standard locking and the cost locking based on emerged locking Effections of Enterprise informationalization in web-economic . Then gives the informationalization strategy under locking Effections ;

  21. 高压GaAs光导开关的锁定及延迟效应机理分析

    Analysis of Lock-On and Time Delay in High-Voltage GaAs PCSS ′ s