
  • 网络acquisitions;mergers and acquisitions
  1. 经济全球化和市场竞争使企业购并行为日益增多。

    More and more enterprises face the acquisitions and mergers ( A & M ) with the economy globalization and marketing development .

  2. 该文正是分析企业购并行为中文化整合对此的影响和重要,并提出了文化整合的具体方法和艺术。

    This paper is just intended to analyze the importance and influence of culture amalgamation to enterprise acquisitions and mergers ( A & M ), and several practical ways and skills are proposed .

  3. FUZZYAHP法在企业购并中的运用企业并购研究

    Applications of Fuzzy AHP in enterprise merger The Study of Enterprise 's M & A

  4. 企业购并作为一种社会存量资源的再配置机制,有经济学家估计其对一国GDP增长的贡献率达10&20%。

    Acquisition and merger is the redistribution mechanism of social static sources . Many economists estimate that its contribution to GDP growth is about 10 % to 20 % .

  5. 现代企业购并的动机分析

    An Analysis on the Purchasing and Annex Motives of Modern Enterprises

  6. 企业购并案中换股比例问题研究

    Problems of Stock Exchange Rate in Enterprise M & A Projects

  7. 论建立我国企业购并的法律体系

    On Establishing the law System of Enterprise Merger of Our Country

  8. 从成本入手研究企业购并效应

    Research on Effects of Enterprises ' Acquisition and Merger from Costs

  9. 电力企业购并后供电资源整合研究

    Study on Resources Integration after Merging of Power Supply Companies

  10. 企业购并会计购买法的若干问题

    Several Issues about Purchase Accounting of Enterprise Merger and Acquisition

  11. 企业购并的效益研究

    The Research on Corporate Benefit for the Enterprises ' Mergers

  12. 企业购并与战略联盟之风险比较

    Risk Comparison In the Corporation 's Acquisition & Merger Vs Strategy Alliance

  13. 企业购并的动因与形式

    The Agents and Forms of the Acquisition-merger of Enterprises

  14. 企业购并动机分析跨国并购的十大动机

    Analysis on the enterprise motive of acquisition and merger

  15. 面向新世纪的信息企业购并与扩展动因分析

    Analyzing the Reasons for the Merger & Acquisition and Development of Information Enterprises

  16. 在企业购并实践中,主并企业可供选择的支付工具主要有现金和股票两种。

    There are two forms of payment in practice : cash and share .

  17. 论外资并购的规制目标我国企业购并重组的法律问题研究

    Law Problem on our country Corporation Merger and Acqusition

  18. 企业购并的产业组织理论分析

    An Analysis of Industrial Organizational Theory on Enterprise Merger

  19. 企业购并行为中的税收政策效应

    The Effect of Tax Policies on Mergers & Acquisition

  20. 企业购并的信息需求模型分析

    Model Analyses of Information Needed While Company Taking Over

  21. 企业购并中的文化冲突与整合策略

    The Culture Clash and Consolidation Tactics in the Course of Enterpriser 's Incorporating

  22. 这些不确定因素给企业购并带来了巨大风险。

    These uncertainties cause huge risks to enterprises .

  23. 企业购并的研究

    Research on the Enterprise 's Acquisition and Merger

  24. 企业购并商誉性质的研究

    Research on Nature of Purchased Goodwill of Enterprises

  25. 全球企业购并与我国企业发展

    The international acquisition and merger of company and the development of China 's company

  26. 我国民营企业购并中的目标企业选择研究

    Research on the Target Enterprise Selection in the M & A Chinese Private Enterprises

  27. 企业购并风险分析是风险计量和风险控制的基础。

    Analyses on enterprise annexing risks is the base for risk measurement and risk control .

  28. 企业购并的价值评估方法

    Evaluation of Purchasing & Merging an Enterprise

  29. 企业购并中商誉会计核算

    Goodwill in enterprises merger and acquisition

  30. 企业购并风险分析

    Analyses on Enterprise Annexing Risks