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  • Body Lotion;skin lotion/moisturizer
  1. 维他命E并不能创造奇迹,用维他命E涂在伤口上淡褪疤痕和用润肤露祛疤没什么分别,专家表示经常按摩伤疤能起到一定的作用。

    Know that vitamin E isn 't a magical potion : rubbing it into scars won 't necessarily make them fade any more than regular moisturizer will - and experts say that active massaging works just as effectively .

  2. 除了卖茶叶,茶商还对茶叶进行蒸馏和提炼,并将这些精华加入到口香糖、软饮料和润肤露中,在亚洲,神早还加入到KITKAT棒棒糖中。

    In addition to selling green tea leaves , tea merchants have distilled the brew 's essence and added it to gum , soft drinks and skin creams-even , in Asia , to Kit Kat candy bars .

  3. 事实证明梅格汉华丽皮肤的秘诀是妮维雅皮肤紧肤水润肤露——这在英国被称为NiveaQ10+皮肤紧肤水。

    It turns out the secret to Meghan 's gorgeous skin is Nivea 's Skin Firming Hydration Body Lotion - which is known in the UK as Nivea Q10 Plus Skin Firming Lotion .

  4. 用这种润肤露,使您的肌肤有超天然的美感。

    This kind of moisturizing lotion adds extra-natural Beauty to your skin .

  5. 如果需要的话,涂一点润肤露或遮瑕霜或抹一点粉。

    Apply some lotion and concealer or powder if needed .

  6. 这是唯一一款能对付我儿子湿疹的润肤露!

    This is the ONLY lotion that will work on my little boys eczema !

  7. 好像她在囤润肤露

    It 's like she 's hoarding moisturizer .

  8. 润肤露流变性能的研究

    Study of rheological properties of emollient lotions

  9. 如果你不喜欢推精油,可以用润肤露来替代。

    If you do not like to push oil , you can use lotion instead .

  10. 现在他长大了用的是孩儿面的润肤露,也不错。

    Now he grew up with is a child of the Body surface , is not bad .

  11. 通过冷水或冷敷降温后,在伤口处涂上润肤露。

    Once the burn has cooled via cold water or compress exposure , apply lotion to the area .

  12. 沐浴&每天用含水的润肤露而不要用普通肥皂洗澡,可以帮助皮肤增加水分。

    Bathing - a daily bath helps to moisturize the skin , using aqueous cream rather than ordinary soap .

  13. 如果皮肤沾上任何植物油污渍,用浮岩清除,然后涂抹润肤露。

    If any vegetable stains get into the skin , use a pumice stone to help remove that and then use the hand lotion afterwards .

  14. 当天气转冷时,不仅棉T恤和纱裙会显得太薄,脸上只擦一薄层润肤露也是不够的。

    Cotton T-shirts and gauzy skirts aren 't the only things that feel flimsy when the temperature drops & a lightweight face lotion seems equally insubstantial .

  15. 这么说,只有伐木工人才算“正常”的男人。并且,如果你的丈夫面部皮肤干燥然后用了润肤露,他就是同性恋。

    So " natural " men are all lumberjacks , and if your husband 's face is dry and he uses lotion , he 's gay .

  16. 她在今年夏天的热门影片“正义先锋”中饰演黛西。杜克。她还是“甜点”品牌包括有香味的润肤露的一美容产品系列的代言人。

    She played Daisy Duke in this summer 's hit movie " The Dukes of Hazzard ," and she endorses " Dessert ," a beauty line that includes flavored body creams .

  17. 调查发现,男性平均每天花81分钟的时间来打理个人仪容,包括清洁、擦爽肤水和润肤露、刮胡须、弄发型和选择要穿的衣服。

    On average men spend 81 minutes a day on personal grooming , including cleansing , toning and moisturising , shaving , styling hair and choosing clothes , the study found .

  18. 你的皮肤是否有一点敏感?商业化的剃须膏和润肤露中的化学品可能会变干并刺激皮肤。想象一下,如果你不买剃须膏或润肤露可以省多少钱。

    Are you a little sensitive ? The chemicals in commercial shaving creams and lotions may dry out and irritate your skin.Imagine the money you would save if you didn 't have to buy shaving cream or lotion .

  19. 这个化合物及其他化学类似物也存在于化妆品、乳膏、唇膏、洗发露、香皂、洗剂和婴儿润肤露中,虽然我们对它们的作用机制还不了解。

    This compound , as well as other chemically similar ones , are also found in cosmetics , creams , lipsticks , shampoos , soaps , and baby lotions , although the way they work is not yet understood .

  20. 尝试含有果酸成分的保湿霜和润肤露,可以有效去除坏死细胞,消除细纹和色斑,去除角质。先从隔天使用低剂量开始,然后再每天使用,防止刺激皮肤。

    Try creams and lotions with alpha-hydroxy acids , which remove dead skin cells , reduce lines and age spots , and exfoliate.Start with a low dose every other day and work up to daily use to avoid irritation .

  21. 从他们身上,你也许会听到全新的深刻见解,或者,像我的丈夫,他碰巧是白人,你会懂得黑人,无论男人,女人,还是孩子,我们每天都用润肤露。

    You might get powerful new insights from these individuals , or , like my husband , who happens to be white , you might learn that black people , men , women , children , we use body lotion every single day .

  22. 皮肤保养大法:用不含肥皂成分的清洁品洗脸(如多芬清凉润肤泡沫洁面乳),然后涂上润肤露保湿。

    Skin solution : Wash up with a soap-free cleanser like Dove Cool Moisture Foaming Facial Cleanser and then apply moisturizer to damp skin .