
  • 网络moisturizer;balm
润肤膏 [rùn fū gāo]
  • [dope] 各种化妆品、药品制剂或驱虫剂的任何一种

  • 防止皮肤干燥用的润肤膏

  1. 你应该有一个滋润你的身体和你的脸的润肤膏。

    You should have one moisturizer for your body and for your face .

  2. 找一种适合你皮肤类型的润肤膏然后使你的皮肤变得看着感觉柔弱。

    Find a moisturizer that fits your skin type and makes your skin look and feel soft .

  3. 我们这婴儿润肤膏是婴儿专用,所以才叫婴儿润肤膏嘛!哪能是用小孩子做油。

    The oil is made for babies , so it is called'baby oil ' , not made of babies !

  4. 小贴士:在洗手间的一个小篮子中放上香皂,洗发水,护发素和润肤膏。

    Tip : Fill a small basket in the bathroom with soap , shampoo , conditioner , and moisturizer .

  5. 散发蜂蜜芳香的润肤膏,蕴含蜂胶多肽、蜂蜜、蜂王浆,有效滋润肌肤;柠檬精油香气宜人,沐浴后神清气爽。

    Dissemination of the emollient cream aromatic honey , propolis contains peptides , honey , royal jelly , effective moist skin ; pleasant aroma of lemon essential oil , bathed and exhilarating activities .

  6. 你刚洗完澡,还要继续呆在那潮湿的浴室。随便涂上厚厚的润肤膏(可以是可可脂乳液或其他可以涂抹在身体的乳液),还要给皮肤时间吸收。

    Right after you get out of the shower , still in that humid bathroom , slap on a thick moisturizer ( think cocoa butter or any body butter ) and give it time to soak in .