
  • 网络Threat;Outsider Threat;external threat
  1. 就连经济政策也被置于外部威胁的框架内。

    Even economic policy is framed in terms of external threat .

  2. 同时,非洲联盟提出的自主发展战略和计划,也增强了非洲抵御外部威胁和干扰的能力。

    Meanwhile , the initiative development strategy and plan raised by African Union have also strengthened Africa 's capacity in resisting outside threat and interference .

  3. 在本文的第四部分,在竞争环境方面,本文通过利用SWOT模型,对成都平安面对的内部、外部威胁和机会进行了分析。

    In the forth part , in terms of the competitive environment , it analyses the internal and external threats and opportunities of Chengdu Ping An by the means of SWOT model .

  4. 其次,利用PEST分析法深入分析其营销环境;接着利用SWOT分析法分析了临沂人保的内部优势和劣势、外部威胁和机会;

    Secondly , the writer makes a deep analysis on its marketing environment with PEST method , and then analyses the inner advantages and disadvantages , outer threatening and opportunities with SWOT method .

  5. 在有外部威胁的情况下,设想了与企业外部机遇和内部优势相匹配的专业化发展战略,以便于对XX中小型电力自动化企业的发展起到推动作用。

    Under the external threats , the paper matches the professional development strategies to the external opportunities and internal advantages , for promoting the development of XX medium-small scaled electrical automation enterprise .

  6. 印度IT集团Infosys首席执行官史维学(VishalSikka)表示,内部局限的破坏性往往要比外部威胁严重得多。

    Vishal Sikka , chief executive of the Indian IT group Infosys , says that internal constraints can often be far more damaging than external threats .

  7. 面对外部威胁与机遇,应采取何种竞争战略?

    Strategy for competition in terms of external issues and opportunities ;

  8. 接下来,请注意某些外部威胁。

    Next , turn your attention to some external threats .

  9. 同时关注内部和外部威胁

    Focus on internal as well as external threats

  10. 在系统安全性方面,内部威胁被认为比外部威胁具有更高的严重度。

    In system security , internal threats are considered of higher severity than external threats .

  11. 但也遭遇银行同质竞争、授信风险较大等外部威胁。

    Bank of homogeneity but also encountered competition from external threats such as greater credit risks .

  12. 卫生工作存在着很多外部威胁,而公共卫生措施对这些威胁施加影响的能力有限。

    There are many external threats to health that public health measures have limited ability to influence .

  13. 此外,亚洲仍面临诸多外部威胁,其中包括对全球失衡的无序调整,以及西方的贸易保护主义压力。

    Furthermore , Asia remains vulnerable to external threats , including a disorderly unwinding of global imbalances and protectionism in the west .

  14. 在项目中外部威胁会随着内部弱势影响而不断增加,内部的弱势也会随着外部威胁而不断强化。

    External threats in the project as the impact of internal weakness increasing internal as external threats to the weakness will continue to strengthen .

  15. 组织敏捷性意味着组织能够快速和敏捷地对内部问题、外部威胁和不断变化的客户需求作出反应。

    Organizational agility means your organization can react quickly and nimbly to internal problems , external threats , and the changing needs of customers .

  16. 必须考虑到商标,域名的法律效力以及其他外部威胁,以使名誉免于受损。

    The legal aspects of trademarks , domain names , and other external threats must be considered to protect the name and reputation from harm .

  17. 遗憾的是,我们多数人认为广阔的海洋,大西洋和太平洋,将好歹都能让我们的国家不受外部威胁。

    Most of us regrettably thought that the vast oceans , the Atlantic and the Pacific , would somehow insulate our country from any foreign danger .

  18. 爱国主义的程度随着时间不同而不同,并且取决于政治社会环境。典型地,爱国主义程度会在国家受到外部威胁的时候升高。

    Levels of patriotism vary across time , and among political communities . typically , patriotic intensity is higher when the state is under external threat .

  19. 当两人处于一段坚贞的关系,那么两人就会认为两人之间拥有的关系足够强大,能抵御外部威胁。

    When we are in a committed relationship , we assume the connection we have with each other will be strong enough to fend off outside threats .

  20. 本文认为,在1945年之前,同盟功能的矛盾性是不明显的,同盟基本上都是针对外部威胁的军事集团。

    The author holds that , before 1945 , the contradiction of alliance function is not obvious , and alliances basically are military groups against external threats .

  21. 拜占廷支持莫斯科公国的主要原因在于随着自身的衰落,外部威胁加剧,而莫斯科公国效忠拜占廷,继承东正教。

    Main cause of Byzantium holding out Moscow was not only Byzantium declined and threaten of outward increased but also Moscow pledged loyalty Byzantium and inherited orthodox from byzantium .

  22. 但是随着国际化的发展和信息技术的不断进步,当地专业市场的外部威胁不断加大,其内在功能显得日益不足,市场份额不断缩小。

    But as the international development and information technology advances , local professional market increasing external threats , the internal function appear increasingly inadequate , market share is shrinking .

  23. 因此,当一些国家在本国工业竞争力面临外部威胁之时,又一头扎进阴魂不散的保护主义,这实在令人失望。

    So it is a disappointment that , in the face of external threats to their own industrial competitiveness , several countries are stoking life into old protectionist ghosts .

  24. 战略联盟是一种企业发展战略的形式,它符合房地产企业在面对外部威胁和强大竞争压力时的要求。

    The strategic alliance is a form of development strategy of an enterprise . It is consistent with the requirements of the real estate business in the face of external threats and strong competitive pressures .

  25. 银行业风险预警和内部治理的缺陷增大了银行机构对外部威胁的暴露程度,审慎性规则的不健全使银行承担了过度风险。

    The prewarning of banking risks and defects of internal management increase the degree of exposure to the external threat of banking institution . The distemperedness of the scrupulousness regulation causes banks to undertake excessive risks .

  26. 它还使组织可以用一种一致的、条理清晰的方式来组织有限的资源并确定优先级,更好地管理风险以及确保企业核心业务在外部威胁的影响下任能够连续运行。

    Moreover , it also helps organizations to organize limited resources and determine priority in a consistent and orderly way , in order to administrate risks better and ensure enterprises ' core businesses to run continuously under the impact of exterior threats .

  27. 研究表明:城乡结合部科学发展是一个总熵变逐步减少的过程,需要不断地增加负熵流、减少正熵流,以提高发展能力、增加发展机会、弱化外部威胁。

    It is shown that the scientific development of the urban - rural fringe is a reducing process of general entropy to enlarge the negative entropy and to reduce the positive entropy for the promoting development ability enlarging development chance and reducing the development threat .

  28. 然而事实证明,这些措施只能降低Intranet的外部安全威胁,减少黑客入侵的机会。

    However it is proved that these measures only can reduce Intranet exterior security threat , and decrease opportunity to which the hacker intrudes .

  29. 首先,外部经济威胁对AFTA进程起着推动作用。

    Firstly , external economic threats accelerate the process of AFTA .

  30. Guardium解决方案监控和保护宝贵的数据库资产,使其免受来自内部和外部的威胁。

    Guardium solutions monitor and protect high-value database assets from internal and external threats .