
  1. 按收入计印度最大的技术外包企业塔塔咨询服务公司(TataConsultancyServicesLtd.)进入中国已有10年时间。

    Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. , India 's largest technology outsourcing specialist by revenue , has been in China for a decade .

  2. 但随着劳动力成本上涨和竞争加剧,印度的外包企业日益寻求与大型全球性IT咨询机构同行展开直接竞争,如IBM和埃森哲(Accenture)。

    But with labour costs and competition rising , India 's outsourcing companies are increasingly seeking to compete directly with their peers at the large global IT consultancies , such as IBM or Accenture .

  3. 转移的种类也从单纯加工扩大为手机、LCD、PDP等高新科技产品,而且还同时包含外包企业,使物流的整个功能都产生了变化。

    The kind of transference has enlarged from simple products to high technology products , such as mobile phone , LCD , PDP , and so on , and it contains package industry , which makes the whole logistics function transfer .

  4. 本文在分析软件项目管理和软件开发流程的基础上,运用经典的PMBOK,通过建立软件外包企业的项目成本管理体系,解决上述问题。

    This thesis solves these problems , based on the analysis of software project management and software development process , using the classic PMBOK , and establishing the project cost management system .

  5. YX公司是西安的一家业务流程外包企业,主要从事的业务有数据处理和图像处理等。业务的性质决定了YX公司的骨干是高科技人员。

    YX company is one of BPO enterprises , and mainly engaged in the data processing and image processing , etc. The nature of business determines that the backbone of YX company is high-tech personnel .

  6. 近期PPG就因为网购规模扩展太快,与外包企业间合作产生一些问题,致使产品质量受到影响而导致用户退货现象不断出现。

    PPG in the near future because of too fast to expand the scale of net purchases , outsourcing and cooperation between enterprises in a number of problems that affect product quality and led to the emerging phenomenon of return users .

  7. 软件与信息服务外包企业人才供应链研究

    Study of Talent Supply-Demand Chain for Software and Information Service Outsourcing Companies

  8. 基于风险规避的物流外包企业最优化模型

    Optimal Model of Logistics Outsourcing Enterprises Based on Risk Evasion

  9. 基于资源观的服务外包企业核心竞争力研究

    Study on Core Competence of Service Outsourcing Enterprise Based on Resource View

  10. 我国软件外包企业商务模式创新初探

    A Study on the Business Models Innovation of Software Outsourcing in China

  11. 印度大多数外包企业已在中国设立了业务。

    Most Indian outsourcing companies have established operations in China .

  12. 服务外包企业中人力资本定价问题研究

    Study on Human Capital Pricing in Service Outsourcing Enterprise

  13. 软件外包企业员工离职的影响因素及对策研究

    Study on the Influential Factor and Countermeasure of Employee Turnover for Software Outsourcing Company

  14. 浅谈对日软件外包企业的软件配置管理

    Software configuration management on outsourcing for Japanese companies

  15. 长沙的服务外包企业正好符合外商的各项要求。

    The service outsourcing companies in Changsha meet all such requirements of international clients .

  16. 第四,对四家软件外包企业进行了多案例分析,并得出了相应的研究发现。

    Fourth , we employed a multi-case study to investigate to four types of software outsourcing firms .

  17. 对软件外包企业来说,软件产品质量和软件产品生产率是其制胜的不二法宝。

    For software out-sourcing companies , high software quality and productivity is essential weapon to win the business .

  18. 目前很多业务外包企业的成本控制尚处在传统成本控制阶段。

    At present , the cost control of many outsourcing companies is still in the traditional cost-control phase .

  19. 人力资源管理问题成为制约我国软件外包企业发展的最关键的因素。

    Human resource management gets to be the critical factor that affects development of software delivery companies in China .

  20. 劣势主要表现在:大连服务外包企业规模小、创新实力不强制约了服务外包的发展。

    Meanwhile , the small scale of the enterprises and weak innovation strength restrict the development of service outsourcing .

  21. 国内外企业的大量实践和相关研究表明,对外包企业间合作伙伴关系的准确评价是决定外包成败的重要环节。

    A lot of practice and correlative researches indicate that the exact evaluating on outsourcing fellowship is very important .

  22. 软件外包企业为了更好地发展,必须提升管理水平,增强核心竞争力。

    Software outsourcing enterprises in order to have better development , they must improve management and enhance core competitiveness .

  23. 然而,卡尼克承认,卢比兑美元升值对印度外包企业造成了损害。

    However , Mr Karnik admitted that appreciation of the rupee against the US dollar has hurt Indian outsourcing companies .

  24. 这是研究软件外包企业人力资源管理的一种崭新视角和有益尝试。

    This is a new method and a useful try for research of human resource management in software delivery companies .

  25. 大力支持符合条件的服务外包企业境内外特别是创业板上市。

    We shall strenuously support the domestic and overseas listing of eligible service outsourcing enterprises , especially on the growth enterprise board .

  26. 本文以大连软件园区企业为例分析不同规模服务外包企业的关键成功因素。

    In this paper , an example of Dalian Software Park business service outsourcing enterprises of different sizes the critical success factors .

  27. 市场竞争的加剧,对于国内IT服务外包企业所提供的IT服务提出了更高的要求与挑战。

    The intensification of market competition brings forward higher requirements and challenges for IT services provided by domestic IT services outsourcing enterprises .

  28. 特别是对于软件外包企业来讲,薪酬问题中的人力成本一直是制约软件外包企业发展的瓶颈。

    Especially for software outsourcing enterprises , compensation problem of manpower cost has become the bottleneck of the development of software outsourcing enterprises .

  29. 此次宣传攻势是印度外包企业迈出的不同寻常的一步。通常而言,这些企业一直都甘愿在幕后工作。

    The campaign is an unusual step for India 's outsourcing companies , which have normally been content to operate behind the scenes .

  30. 得益于此,中国外包企业现在从欧美地区印度外包公司的传统重要市场接到的订单越来越多。

    As a result , the Chinese are now increasingly picking up orders in the US and Europe , traditional strongholds for Indian companies .