
  • 网络Export;exporting
  1. 当前世界经济危机下浙江省外贸出口的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis on Zhejiang Export Trade under Current Global Financial Crisis

  2. 促进山西外贸出口的对策建议

    Suggestions to Promote Shanxi 's Export Trade

  3. 国外的反倾销已经成为我国加入WTO后外贸出口的一大障碍。

    After China entered WTO , antidumping of foreign countries is becoming an obstruct in foreign trade of our country .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,外贸出口急速增长,有关各方也对中国外贸出口的激增产生了不信任感。

    A rapid growth of international trade export has been seen in China since China 's WTO access , which caused some upsets in involved countries .

  5. 一方面,在WTO的推动下,南通市经济将快速发展,国民生产总值增长率、外贸出口增长率、居民收入水平将有较大幅度增长;

    Facilitated by WTO , it will rapidly develop to greatly boost the growth rate of GNP , export volume in foreign trade and people 's incomes .

  6. 从目前的数据来看,今年的外贸出口实现了年初预定的两个方面的目标:第一是外贸增长要稳出口,比GDP增速要快。

    From the current data , this years exports achieved two aspects that scheduled at the beginning of this year : firstly foreign trade growth to steady export growth faster than GDP .

  7. 特别是在我国加入WTO以来,外贸出口上升趋势显著,贸易顺差大幅度增长,这些都有力地推动了国内经济的发展。

    Especially since China entering the WTO , there has been an obvious upward trend in foreign trade export and there has been a substantial growth in trade surplus , which effectively promoted the development of the domestic economy .

  8. 技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)现已成为一种新的贸易保护主义手段,客观上构成了对我国外贸出口发展的巨大障碍。

    TBT ( Technical Barriers to Trade ) has become a kind of new means for trade protectionism , and objectively form the enormous obstacle to foreign export development in our country .

  9. 运用SWOT工具,从优势、劣势、机会、威胁四个方面对德州市外贸出口进行了全面的分析;第三部分是对德州市外贸出口的战略选择进行研究。

    It uses the SWOT tools to analyze the export of Dezhou City roundly through four sections as advantage , disadvantage , opportunity and threat . The third part studies the strategic choosing of the export of Dezhou City .

  10. 我国外贸出口市场战略的优序分析

    Priority Analysis on Strategy of Export Market of Our Foreign Trade

  11. 大力发展服务外包优化外贸出口结构

    Developing Service Outsourcing and Optimizing the Export Structure of Foreign Trade

  12. 20世纪90年代以来,中国经济获得了快速发展,同时外贸出口迅猛增长。

    Since 1990s , Chinese economy has been developing very fast .

  13. 关于我国外贸出口结构的分析

    An Analysis on the Export Composition in China 's Foreign Trade

  14. 金融危机形势下看重庆外贸出口的发展

    On development of Chongqing 's foreign export trade in financial crisis

  15. 云南在我国西部地区外贸出口中具有重要的地缘优势。

    In West China , Yunnan enjoys geographical advantages in export .

  16. 制约河南省外贸出口的瓶颈因素研究

    Research of bottleneck factors restricting Henan province foreign trade 's bottleneck factor

  17. 国际金融危机下广州外贸出口形势分析

    Guangzhou foreign trade export situation analysis under international financial crisis

  18. 扩大四川外贸出口的竞争战略研究

    Study on the Competitive Strategy to the Expansion of Sichuan 's Export

  19. 关于我国外贸出口受阻绿色壁垒的若干思考

    On Green Barrier Holding Back China 's Exports of Commodity

  20. 80年代,从事外贸出口工作至今。

    He has been doing export business since beginning of1980 .

  21. 我国外贸出口存在着显著的地区差异。

    There are obvious regional differences in China 's exports .

  22. 每个主权国家都会干预外贸出口业务。

    Every sovereign state would intervene in its foreign trade .

  23. 中国外贸出口现状与对策

    The Present Condition and the Countermeasure in China 's Export

  24. GB/T15310.3-1994外贸出口单证格式装运声明

    Form of document for export trade & Declaration of shipment

  25. 加强外贸出口管理工作,建立反倾销预警机制。

    Strengthening exporting management and setting up early warning mechanism of anti-dumping .

  26. 落实鼓励外贸出口的政策措施。

    The policy measures for encouraging exports must be fully carried out .

  27. 浅析人民币小幅升值对我国外贸出口的促进作用

    The Positive Impact of Slight RMB Appreciation on Chinese Exportation

  28. 服装外贸出口体制的探讨

    The Inquiry about the Foreign Trade System of Garment

  29. 本文从绿色壁垒的概念与产生原因入手,分析绿色壁垒对我国外贸出口影响并提出相应的对策。

    It also puts forward some effective countermeasures to break the green barriers .

  30. 国际金融动荡背景下广西外贸出口风险分析

    Guangxi 's Exports Risk Analysis In the Context of the International Financial Crisis