
  • 网络Global Economic Systems
  1. 归根结底,我们要确保以一种有助于创造机会、尊重人的尊严的方式来分配全球经济体系产生的收益。

    Ultimately , we want to ensure the global economic systems gains are distributed in a fashion that creates opportunity and respects human dignity .

  2. 随着中国加入WTO,珠江三角洲必将加快融入全球经济体系的步伐。

    The Pearl River Delta will quicken the step to join the global economy .

  3. 随着我国加入WTO后逐步融入全球经济体系,工程建设市场将日益开放。

    With the entry into WTO and being involved in global economy system step by step , China 's engineering construction market will be increasingly opened .

  4. AVI在华志愿者项目的总体目标是“通过协助中国经济社会改革开放进程进一步推进脱贫努力,促进融入国际社会和全球经济体系步伐”。

    The overall goal of AVI 's China program is : " Poverty reduction by enhancing China 's economic and social reform process and for the integration into the international community and the global economy " .

  5. 在经济上建立以美国为中心的全球经济体系;

    A global economical system centered in U. S on economy ;

  6. 整体来说,我们认为全球经济体系健康。

    Overall we continue to view the global economic cycle as healthy .

  7. 这可能会在全球经济体系中埋下巨大的风险。

    This would involve substantial risk for the world economy .

  8. 形成了新的全球经济体系。

    It is formatting the new economic system .

  9. 坦白地说,对全球经济体系稳定性做出公正评估,需要两种独立性。

    Any forthright , disinterested assessment of the stability of the global economic system requires two sorts of independence .

  10. 在竞争日益激烈的全球经济体系下,产品和服务的质量即是企业的生命。

    The quality of products and services is the core value for enterprise in an increasingly competitive global market .

  11. 中国30年的改革开放逐渐与世界相融合,并成为全球经济体系的一部分。

    After 30 years reform and opening-up , China has been integrating into the world and becomes a part of world economy .

  12. 刚刚过去的这个月可能会作为一个历史性时刻载入史册,它标志着美国失去了全球经济体系担保人的角色。

    This past month may be remembered as the moment the United States lost its role as the underwriter of the global economic system .

  13. 其次,这个机构必须独立于大国或全球经济体系中可能影响未来稳定的部门。

    Second , the institution must be independent of the big countries or parts of the global economic system that might contribute to future instability .

  14. 它挑战了布雷顿森林机构所代表的、在1945年后成形的全球经济体系的未来。

    At stake is nothing less than the future of the global economic system embodied in the Bretton Woods institutions that took shape after 1945 .

  15. 而在全球经济体系中,银行竞争成功和其他行业公司的竞争失败,如同一枚硬币的两面。

    In this system , the competitive successes of banks and the competitive failures of firms in other industries are two sides of the same coin .

  16. 汇率纠纷历来都与全球经济体系根深蒂固的失衡有关。这种失衡需要修正举措,以及债务国与债权国的高度合作。

    Currency disputes are historically about deep-seated imbalances in the global economic system that demand corrective action and high levels of co-operation by both debtors and creditors .

  17. 自十多年前中国开始融入全球经济体系以来,集装箱货物运输量激增,运能一直难以满足需求。

    After China started integrating into the global economy more than a decade ago , volumes of containerised goods rocketed and capacity struggled to keep up with demand .

  18. 不过,如果问题恶化并更快地向全球经济体系蔓延的话,那么它就会接著给石油业带来巨大的下降压力。

    But if the problem gets worse and spreads more rapidly through the global economy , then it is going to continue to put significant downward pressure on oil .

  19. 改革开放以来,中国加快了融入全球经济体系的步伐,人民币汇率也日益成为影响中国经济发展的关键因素。

    Since reform and open , step to global economic system of China has been accelerated , and RMB exchange rate has been key factors affecting economy development of China .

  20. 但是,他们没有注意到一个被忽视的方面:在亚洲日益占据核心地位的全球经济体系中,美国已不再是价格的制定者。

    But they have failed to notice one missing dimension : in an global economic system in which Asia is increasingly central , their country is no longer a price-maker .

  21. 当今世界,文化经济在全球经济体系中占有举足轻重的地位,因此,对于一个国家来说,发展对外文化贸易具有重要的意义。

    At present , the cultural economy assumes a very important position within the global economic system . Therefore , it is very important for nations to develop cultural trade .

  22. 如果央行实现这一目标(这仍然是一个很大的假设),这将成为衡量全球经济体系成熟性和成就的一个真正指标。

    And if central banks deliver this and it remains a big " if " it will be a true measure of maturity and success in the global economic system .

  23. (上世纪30年代的日本侵略虽然受到多种因素推动,但日本担心被隔绝在全球经济体系之外无疑是影响因素之一。)

    ( Japanese aggression in the 1930s , while driven by a host of forces , was doubtless influenced by fears of being cut out of the global economic system . )

  24. 发展中国家在融入全球经济体系时普遍面临着货币错配的问题。

    Along with the development of world economic globalization , developing countries has been gradually into the global economy system , but generally there are serious monetary mismatch problems in these countries .

  25. 我们希望,我们的领导人不会严重背离一个以市场为导向的全球经济体系,否则他们就有可能破坏一个为我们有效服务了30年的体系。

    We hope our leaders do not deviate far from a market-oriented global economic system . To do so would risk damaging a system that has served us well for 30 years .

  26. 这意味着,不把危机放到全球经济体系中进行研究,单方面强调任一方面因素的作用,结果都有可能失之偏颇。

    This means that , if we can not study the crisis in the global economic system , unilaterally emphasize on the role of any aspect of the factors , the results may be biased .

  27. 中国仍然是全球经济体系中的独特个体,以许多标准来衡量,它都是一个发展中国家;但中国拥有如此庞大的规模和重要性,以至于外界感觉它的影响更像是一个超级经济大国。

    China remains a unique animal in the world economy , a developing country by many benchmarks , but one with such size and heft that its impact is felt more like that of a superpower .

  28. 本月初公布的海南自由贸易港总体规划旨在将中国最大的经济特区海南省打造成为我国深度融入全球经济体系的前沿地带。

    A master plan for the Hainan free trade port released earlier this month aims to build China 's largest special economic zone into the frontline of the country 's integration into the global economic system .

  29. 经济全球化已成为当代世界经济发展最根本的特征,不同社会制度、不同发展水平的国家和地区都被纳入统一的全球经济体系之中。

    Economic globalization has become the most fundamental characteristics of economic development in the contemporary world . Different social systems , different levels of development of countries and regions have been incorporated into a unified global economy .

  30. 当代世界经济一体化特别是金融全球化成为了虚拟经济的演进趋势,把握这种趋势,对于融入全球经济体系具有重要意义。

    The evolution of fictitious economy manifests in the integration of world economy , especially in the financial globalization . The mastery of this economic globalization is of importance to harmonize us into the global economic system .