
  • 网络Global Industrial Chain
  1. 摘要跨国企业的核心化趋势,导致了全球产业链价值分布的非均衡性。

    The core tendency of multinational enterprise brought about unbalance of global industrial chain 's value distribution .

  2. 在新的国际分工格局中,中国已经成为全球产业链中不可或缺的重要环节。

    In the new structure of international labor division , the country has become a key link in the global industrial chain .

  3. 要共同维护全球产业链供应链稳定,中国将加大力度向国际市场供应原料药、生活必需品、防疫物资等产品。

    We need to jointly2 keep the global industrial and supply chains stable . What China will do in this regard is to increase its supply of active pharmaceutical3 ingredients , daily necessities , and anti-epidemic and other supplies to the international market .

  4. 中国呼吁G20经济体携手合作,确保全球产业链供应链稳定。

    China has called on the Group of 20 economies to work together to ensure stability in global industrial and supply chains .

  5. 中国的国际竞争力还很低,总体上仍处于全球产业链的低端。

    It lacks international competitiveness in many industries and urgently needs to move up the value chain .

  6. 他还呼吁各国保持协作,确保全球产业链供应链安全顺畅运行。

    He also called for sustaining coordination to keep up secure and smooth functioning of global industrial and supply chains .

  7. 我国制造业中小企业在跨国公司全球产业链中的价值定位

    The Value Orientation in the Global Industry Chain of the Multi-national Companies of Chinese Middle or Small Enterprises in the Manufacturing Industry

  8. 中国若干重要产品产量位居世界前列,但总体上仍处于全球产业链的低端。

    China is a leading producer of many important products , but it remains at the lower end of the global industrial chain .

  9. 为了提高集群创新能力和提升集群在全球产业链中的竞争力,运用系统协同思想来分析集群创新实现问题。

    Collaborative innovation is the key issue for an enterprise cluster to improve its innovation and enhance its competitiveness in the global industrial chain .

  10. 而造成这种情况的根本原因是我国在全球产业链中处于低附加值的制造加工部分。

    And this is because China has been situated in the manufacturing and processing part with low value added in the global industrial chains .

  11. 在世界经济一体化浪潮带动下,中国已经融入全球产业链,正在逐步成为世界工厂和制造业基地。

    With the impetus of world economic integration , China has been incorporated into the global industrial chain and gradually become a world factory and manufacturing base .

  12. 企业要想加入全球产业链之中,就必须按照国际统一的质量管理标准和方法进行质量管理。

    Quality control according to the international quality control standards and methods must be taken if the Chinese enterprise want to be a member of the global industry chain .

  13. 从对外贸易的角度审视,尽管长江三角洲地区外贸总量快速增长,但加工贸易增值系数和经济效益不高,在全球产业链中处于低端。

    Although the total volume of foreign trade in the Yangtze River Delta area has grown rapidly , improvement trade increment coefficient and economic efficiency still stay at the lower end of the chain of global industry .

  14. 我国还处在全球产业链的低端,科技研发和高端制造业等方面的竞争力还较弱,出口几亿件衬衫才能换回一架空客或波音飞机。

    China is at the lower end of the global industrial chain and lacks competitiveness in scientific research and development and high-end manufacturing . We need to export hundreds of millions of shirts in order to buy one Airbus or Boeing .

  15. 中国企业应该具有全球化的视野,走出企业国际化方面的认识误区,在全球产业链中寻找自己合适的位置,培养独特的核心竞争力,认真按国际规则办事,走出一条适合自身特点的国际化道路。

    Our enterprises should take the view of globalization against misunderstanding of enterprise internationalization , seek for a good place for themselves in global industrial chain , foster their distinctive core competitive power , follow international rules , and find a way suitable for them .

  16. 作者运用产业区位形成的要素变化理论、价值链和全球产业链理论以及全球化下的本地化理论来解释这种现象,试图为现代产业区位的选择提供理论基础。

    Applying the key factors changing theory which forms industrial location , value chain and global industrial chain theory , the localization theory under globalization background , the author explains the phenomenon and attempts to offer the theoretical foundation for choice of the modem industry location .

  17. 中国动漫产业链的合理性培植&基于全球动漫产业链的借鉴性思考

    Rational cultivating on Chinese animation industry chain & On the reference of the global animation industry chain

  18. 全球食物产业链的国际分工格局演化、潜在危机与发展对策

    The Pattern of the International Division of Labor , the Potential Crisis and the Development of Countermeasures on Global Food Industry Chain Evolution

  19. 为确立在全球软件产业链中的有利地位,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,都纷纷制定了立足本国国情的软件产业发展战略。

    In order to establish their favorable status in global software industry chain , both developed and developing country formulate strategies , basing on their national conditions .

  20. 从产业发展角度看,中国工业依然处在全球产业价值链的低端,技术创新能力薄弱,整体竞争力不强。

    From the perspective of industrial development , Chinese industry is still at the low end of global industrial value chain , and has the weak technology innovation ability and competitiveness .

  21. 因此,创新型产业集群在未来全球产业价值链中的地位将十分关键,促进创新型产业集群的发展对增强区域经济实力、乃至国家竞争力意义重大。

    Therefore , the status of innovational industrial clusters will be essential in future whole world industry value chains . To promote the development of innovational industrial clusters have a great significance in enhance the strength of regional economy , and the national competitiveness .

  22. 加入全球航宇产业供应链&澳大利亚航宇工业的新战略目标

    A New Strategic Goal of Australian Aerospace Industry

  23. 全球汽车产业价值链的分析与启示&以通用、福特、大众、丰田为例

    Analysis and Enlightenment of the Global Automotive Industry Value Chain & Take GE , Ford , Volkswagen , Toyota as an example

  24. 及时盘存调节法的概念存在了十年,人们在最后一分钟才交货,为了保持较小的库存量,这种做法已经蔓延到全球的制造产业链。

    Over the past decade or so the just-in-time concept of having supplies delivered at the last minute , so as to keep inventories down , has spread down the global manufacturing chain .

  25. 虽然主题是不是新的,这显然是我们第一次有一个投资理念,对整个供应套通过全球绿色农业产业链运行的眼睛。

    Though the theme isn 't new , this is clearly the first time we have an investment philosophy that sets its eye upon the entire supply chain running through the global green agricultural industry .

  26. 选择在全球跨国公司产业链中具有相对竞争优势和发展潜力的企业及项目,作为优先支持的重点领域,并制定与国际惯例接轨的阶段性优惠政策。

    Select the enterprises and projects which have relative competitive advantages and development potations in the global multinational corporation industry chain as key domains which first supported , and formulate gradual preferential policies which consistent with the international convention .

  27. 随着全球化的迅速发展,汽车产业发展越来越呈现出全球化的特征,世界主要的汽车生产商,纷纷把他们的价值链向全世界延伸,形成了全球汽车产业价值链。

    As the rapid development of the globalization , the auto industry producers , with the increasing characteristics of globalization , extend their value chain all over the world , which forms a global value chain of auto industry .

  28. 本文结合全球电子信息产业链发展趋势,对湖南省电子信息产业链构建条件作了具体分析,提出了十一五期间构建湖南省电子信息产业链的思路与建议。

    Combined with the developing trend of global electronic information industry chain , the paper analyzes the construction conditions of electronic information industry chain of Hunan province and puts forward the thinking way and suggestion on how to construct the chain during the period of the Eleventh Five-year Plan .

  29. 全球电子信息产业价值链及对我国的启示

    The Development of Global Electronic and Information Industrial Value-Chain and Its Revelation

  30. 基于全球视角的区域产业链整合对策

    Integrating Policy of District Industrial Chain Based on Globalization