
  • 网络liquidity management;funding liquidity management
  1. 首先是集中的流动性管理(centralisedliquiditymanagement)趋势。在此模式下,跨国银行可以根据需要在国与国之间调配资金。

    The first is centralised liquidity management , enabling cross-border banks to move money between different territories as needs demand .

  2. 中国二板市场的结构设计与流动性管理

    On Structure Design and Liquidity Management about Second Board in China

  3. 首先要加强开放式基金的流动性管理,制定合理的流动性计划,对基金资产进行合理优化配置,加强基金的资金来源管理。

    First , we shall strengthen the liquid management of funds ;

  4. 忽略流动性管理,可能导致严重后果。

    Overlooking the management of circulativity may result in grave consequences .

  5. 在流动性管理方面,金融稳定论坛提出了一种不那么强硬的做法。

    On liquidity management , the FSF adopts a less heavy-handed approach .

  6. 商业银行核心存款的估算与流动性管理

    Estimation of Core Deposits and Liquidity Management of Commercial Banks

  7. 它曾多次表示,商业银行必须加强流动性管理。

    Banks must strengthen their liquidity management , it has repeatedly said .

  8. 第三,风险和流动性管理薄弱。

    And third , weakness in risk and liquidity management .

  9. 第一是加强流动性管理,防范流动性风险。

    The first is to enhance the liquidity management and prevent liquidity risks .

  10. 分析了西方国家商业银行流动性管理的案例。

    Analysis the case of West Bank liquidity management .

  11. 流动性管理是商业银行的生命线。

    The management of liquidity risk is the base of the commercial bank .

  12. 中央银行与商业银行的流动性管理冲突:2003-2009

    The Conflict about Liquidity Management between Central Bank and Commercial Banks : 2003-2009

  13. 因此,银行流动性管理的重点也在于防范流动性风险。

    Therefore , the key of liquidity management is to control the liquidity risk .

  14. 加强金融监管和流动性管理,保持金融稳健运行。

    We tightened financial supervision and liquidity management , thus ensuring sound financial operations .

  15. 目前,流动性管理在我国还没有引起足够的重视,本文的研究希望对开放式基金的流动性管理有所帮助。

    The author hoped to have some contribution to liquidity risk management of open-ended funds .

  16. 本文的题目是:我国商业银行流动性管理的量化分析。

    The title of this thesis is Quantitative analysis of Liquidity Management about china commercial banks .

  17. 这些产品提供了独特而且优化的流动性管理解决方案,在市场上是绝无仅有的。

    These products deliver an unique and optimal liquidity management solution that is unheard of in the market .

  18. 加强资产流动性管理与防范商业银行混业经营风险

    Strengthening the Management of Fund Fluidness and Preventing the Risks of the Mixed Management of the Commercial Banks

  19. 至少在一个地区,有关流动性管理,许多投资者从危机中吸取了惨痛的教训。

    In at least one area , liquidity management , many investors learned painful lessons from the crisis .

  20. 因此,本文围绕商业银行流动性管理进行了论述,并提出了相关政策建议。

    Therefore , the thesis commercial bank liquidity management were discussed , and puts forward relevant policy Suggestions .

  21. 对此,笔者为我国商业银行的流动性管理提出了一些政策建议。

    Facing this question , the rest part of chapter gives some suggestion to Chinese business bank liquidity management .

  22. 在文章最后一部分针对实证研究结果提出了流动性管理的意见。

    According to the empirical studies , the last part of the article provided with suggestions on liquidity management .

  23. 建立起有效的流动性管理体系,才能使金融体系稳定发展。

    The establishment of an effective management system of liquidity is very important to the stable development of finance system .

  24. 出于对流动性管理、风险控制和外部投资的需要,企业持有的金融资产越来越多。

    For the demand for liquidity , risk management , and external investment , corporate holds more and more financial assets .

  25. 巴塞尔委员会将对一些超过流动性管理规定的流动性比率展开调查。

    The Basel committee is going to investigate some liquidity ratios that go beyond the guidance they gave on liquidity management .

  26. 中央银行流动性管理对于应对金融危机、稳定金融体系、恢复金融秩序至关重要。

    Central bank liquidity management is crucial for the financial crisis , stabilizing the financial system and restoring critical financial order .

  27. 我国商业银行对流动性管理,包括流动性日常管理和流动性风险管理认识不足。

    Commercial banks in China have the impercipient understanding of liquidity management , such as liquidity daily management and liquidity risk management .

  28. 票据市场具有支付、流通、融资、信用、投资、流动性管理的功能。

    Paper market has the function of payment , circuit , financing , credit , investment , and as tools of liquid management .

  29. 中央银行采用公开市场操作进行的流动性管理对于市场形成稳定的利率预期、流动性预期具有重要的作用。

    Liquidity management through open market operation by central bank has crucial effect on the formation of interest rate expectation and liquidity expectation in market .

  30. 所以在商业银行流动性管理上,与西方商业银行存在较大分别是:我们商业银行流动性管理中利率变动的因素对流动性影响很小。

    Due to the reasons mentioned above , the variation of interest rate has little influence to the Liquidity Management of commercial banks in our country .