
  1. 围绕企业发展目标推进职工素质工程

    On Purpose of Enterprise Development to Improve Staff Quality

  2. 大型科技企业发展目标及管理模式的探讨

    Approach to development goal and management mode of large scientific and technological enterprises

  3. 这就需要一种更符合现代企业发展目标导向的内部控制。

    This requires a new-type internal control which consists with the goal of modern enterprise .

  4. 本文在研究渠道建设的最新理论和国内外先进电信运营商渠道建设的经验基础上,结合山东网通产品、客户体系和企业发展目标,分别对山东网通各营销渠道提出了整合优化的方案。

    Through learning from international advanced operator and exploring on its own , CNC Shandong Branch has made a lot of progress on the marketing channels construction .

  5. 我们应将和谐的理念与企业发展目标相结合,与企业经营管理相统一,实现企业和员工全面、协调、可持续发展。

    We should be harmonious with the idea of the development goals , and integrating enterprise management , and the staff of enterprises comprehensive , coordinated and sustainable development .

  6. 因而,要实现价值创造型企业的发展目标,对现代制造业的价值管理就要上升到比传统的价值工程更高的层次&全面价值管理(TVM)。

    To realize the target of " Enterprises of Value Creating Model ", the value management of modern manufacturing industry should rise to a higher level than the traditional VA & " Total Value Management "( TVM ) . What ′ s the TVM ?

  7. 这就使得利用信息来实现企业的发展目标变得不可捉摸。

    Thus it becomes unascertainable to use information to realize goals .

  8. 企业发展战略目标及战略方针研究;

    Objectives of development strategy and strategy policies ;

  9. 实现绿色铸造是现代铸造企业发展的目标。

    The development goal of modern foundry industry is to realize the green casting .

  10. 十一五期间,我国也提出了大企业发展的目标。

    In the eleventh five-year plan period , China also made big business development objectives .

  11. 如何有效实施这一企业战略性发展目标,是人们普遍关注的问题。

    How to effectively implement the strategic development objectives of the enterprise is widespread concern .

  12. 论西部大开发中乡镇企业发展的目标定位

    On the Strategic Orientation of Township Enterprises in the Great Development of Western Regions in China

  13. 预算目标是企业战略发展目标在本预算期的具体体现。

    The budget goal is material embodiment of the enterprise strategy development goals in the budget period .

  14. 利润最大化的理论困惑与现实困境:企业和谐发展目标的现实理论假说

    The Theoretical And Practical Dilemma Of Profit Maximization : The Practical And Theoretical Hypothesis Of The Goal Of Harmonious Development In Enterprises

  15. 品牌战略应始终围绕企业的发展目标和市场定位,不能脱离金融产品和服务的持续创新,要做到塑造特色品牌与企业特色发展的相互融合。

    Brand building can neither be disengaged from development object and market positioning of the enterprise , nor continuous innovation of financial products and services .

  16. 中国制造企业发展的目标就是要在经济全球化过程中实现新的定位,成为世界工厂。

    The development target of Chinese manufacturing enterprises is to achieve the new orientation in the process of the global economy , and becomes " the world factory " .

  17. 因此,职业生涯管理的最终目的是通过帮助员工的职业发展,实现企业的发展目标。

    Therefore , the end purpose of the occupation career management is an occupation development that passes to help the employee , carrying out the development target of the enterprise .

  18. 介绍种业知识产权的内涵和特点,提出基于知识产权的种子企业发展战略目标,剖析知识产权提升种子企业竞争力的作用机理,提出知识产权与种子企业战略协同发展模式。

    First introduce the connotation and features of intellectual property in seed industry , then put forward the strategic targets for the development of seed enterprises based on intellectual property .

  19. 结合神华的经验,就我国煤炭企业发展的目标和动力、煤矿建设的道路谈了几点看法。

    Finally , the paper presents some of the author 's viewpoints on the objectives and impetus of coal mine development and the road to coal mine building in this country .

  20. 在具体实践中,一是建立人力资源整体开发战略,探求企业发展战略目标与职工价值追求的对接点;

    In practice , we may : firstly , build a developing strategy of human resources wholly and seek the joint where enterprise 's development strategic objective meets its staff 's value pursuit ;

  21. 本文以让员工满意为宗旨,以企业发展为目标,从内部营销产品的种类到该种产品内容的设计策略上进行了深入详实的探讨。

    In this paper , with goal of enterprises development and employees satisfaction , an in-depth Exploration is present that involves many issues from kinds of marketing product to design methods of marketing product .

  22. 以及经营型、服务型、一体化、现代化的国内领先、国际知名的企业发展战略目标和强本、创新、领先的战略发展思路。

    It 's the development goal that building a well-operated , service-oriented , unified and modern leader corporation in china and well-known in the world , having the self-enhancement , creativity and priority as development strategies .

  23. 价值创造成为企业发展的目标。惟有价值创造出来并得以实现,企业才能在激烈的市场竞争中占据一席之地,得到持续发展。

    The growing of an enterprise lies on the creation and realization of value , which is the most essential factor that helps the enterprise to survive in the cruel market competition and achieve continuous development .

  24. 关于在商业计划上该不该花钱坊间一直争议颇多,但在我看来,明确企业的发展目标以及实现路径,对做生意来说是不可或缺的。

    A business plan . There 's a lot of controversy regarding business plans , but in my opinion , knowing where you 're going and how you 're going to get there isn 't optional in business .

  25. 目标利润则是企业持续发展目标的体现,因此,目标成本管理法是将企业的经营战略与市场竞争有机结合起来的全面成本管理系统。

    It shows the market oriented for being calculated by competitive market price and target profit , at the same time , the target profit shows the of the enterprise sustainable development which combine business strategy with market competition .

  26. 随着规模的扩大,传统的单项目管理模式已经无法适应房地产企业发展战略目标的要求,房地产企业已经逐步选择多项目管理的集团化管控模式。

    With the expansion of the scale , the traditional single-project management model has been unable to adapt to the strategic development goal of real estate Enterprise . real estate companies have been gradually selected group of multi-project management control mode .

  27. 初期传统营销模式的高成本、低效率已经不能满足企业的发展目标,因此电话营销逐步走入保险公司的营销渠道中。

    Traditional marketing model in the early stage , which is high in the cost and low in efficiency , can not meet the goals of enterprises . Therefore , telemarketing is coming into the marketing channels of insurance company step by step .

  28. 接着提出了衢电多经的总体发展战略,阐述了衢电实施多元化经营的领域选择、领域进入方式、衢电多经企业发展的目标体系及投资战略。

    On the above basis , we propose the overall development strategy of Quzhou diversified business , state the methods of choosing and entering new business fields of Quzhou 's diversified business , suggest the goal system and investment strategy of Quzhou 's diversified business .

  29. 在激励机制设计过程中,既要考虑到不同科技人员群体的个性化需求,又要兼顾企业的发展目标和激励效率,保持个体与组织需求的平衡。

    In the design process of incentive mechanism , it is necessary to take into account the different requirements of scientific and technological personnel groups , but also take into account the development goals and inspire the efficiency of individual and organizational needs to maintain balance .

  30. 从而,制定企业的发展目标和发展战略以及企业的技术创新策略、市场营销策略、运作管理策略、财务管理策略、人力资源开发策略、企业改制策略。

    Based on the market predicting , it points out the target market and strategy selection , and draws up enterprise developmental target and strategy , enterprise technigue innovate tactics , tactics in Marketing , Operation Management , Finance Management , Human Resources Development and Enterprise Revamping .