
  • 网络Enterprise Application;saas;Enterprise;Business Applications
  1. Web服务的出现给企业应用带来了前所未有的商机。

    The emergence of Web service has brought great opportunities to enterprise applications .

  2. 企业应用程序的Web服务很大程度上依赖于服务定义的使用。

    Web services for enterprise applications depend heavily on the use of service definitions .

  3. 基于工作流技术的WEB企业应用研究

    WorkFlow-based WEB Enterprise Business Application Analysis and Design

  4. 充分证明了Web服务的最佳应用场合是软件重用和企业应用集成。

    This fully proves that the best applications of Web Services are software reuse and EAI .

  5. 基于XML消息代理的企业应用集成技术

    Technology of Enterprise Application Integration Based on XML Message Brokers

  6. NET开发平台歼发企业应用系统中的关键技术。

    Net platform for development in enterprise application system .

  7. J2EE平台上基于Web服务企业应用集成的研究

    Study of enterprise application integration based on web services on J2EE platform

  8. 企业应用集成(EnterpriseApplicationIntegration,简称EAI)是为了解决信息孤岛问题而提出的。

    Enterprise Application Integration ( EAI ) is proposed to solve the problem of isolated information .

  9. 企业应用ERP的难点及对策

    Difficulty Points and Countermeasures of Enterprise ERP Application

  10. 基于J2EE的企业应用程序中自动化单元测试的实现

    Use cactus to realize J2EE procedure tests automatically

  11. MicrosoftOffice2000的Web解决方案正是基于Web在企业应用中的难题而开发的。

    Microsoft Office 2000 Web solution is developed with the aim to solve the difficult problems for enterprises to apply Web technology .

  12. 作为企业应用集成的重要手段,Web服务组合需要建立可靠的表达和分析方法。

    In EAI applications , most business processes are implemented by the composition of Web services . The modeling techniques are desired for reliable Web service composition .

  13. 在企业应用程序的生命周期中,通常可以通过应用修复程序、添加新的Web内容或更新应用程序行为来对已部署的应用程序进行更新。

    In the enterprise application lifecycle , it is common to update a deployed application by applying fixes , adding new Web contents , or updating application behaviors .

  14. 采用JAVA、JSP、和EJB等工具在J2EE企业应用网络平台上建立基于三层模型的Web应用程序。

    I use JAVA , JSP and EJB to design web programs based on 3 tiers model on J2EE network platform .

  15. 但是我们不得不面对我国企业应用ERP系统的成功率普遍不高这一事实,尤其是国有大中型企业的实施成功率则更低。

    But the fact is that the successful rate of implementing ERP system in the enterprises of China is very low .

  16. 此模型与企业应用程序集成(EnterpriseApplicationIntegration,EAI)代理类似,后者会接收消息,并基于内部注册中心将其路由到相应的目的地。

    This model resembles enterprise application integration ( EAI ) brokers that receive messages and , based on an internal registry , route them to the appropriate destination .

  17. J2EE是一个用于构建分布式,多层的企业应用架构。

    The Java 2 Platform , Enterprise Edition ( J2EE ) is an architecture for developing distributed and multi-tier enterprise applications .

  18. J2EE就是能够满足这些需要的用于开发企业应用系统的软件平台。

    J2EE is such a software platform , which can meet the above needs and adapt to develop enterprise application system .

  19. 与企业应用程序集成(EnterpriseApplicationIntegration,EAI)最佳实践类似,这种体系结构要求使用可供所有使用者和提供者共享的规范消息定义。

    Similar to enterprise application integration ( EAI ) best practices , this kind of architecture requires canonical message definitions that can be shared by all consumers and providers .

  20. 在企业应用中使用事务处理是非常有益的,J2EE是利用Java事务服务和Java事务应用程序接口这两套规范来实现事务处理的。

    The enterprise can be benefited by transaction processing in applications , and J2EE realizes transaction processing by Java transaction service and Java transaction API .

  21. 企业应用集成(EAI)应运而生。

    In this case , Enterprise Application Integration ( EAI ) is brought forward .

  22. J2EE应用服务器真真实现了多层体系结构和跨平台性,并大大简化了企业应用解决方案开发、部署和管理,尤其是分离了业务逻辑层,这使得软件的重用性大为提高了。

    The J2EE application server implement multi-layer architecture , across different platform , simplifying the enterprise solution of development , deployment and management .

  23. 通过引入Web服务及企业应用集成两项技术,提出有效支持Web服务应用及其他异质异构企业应用的工作流扩展模型;

    This paper imports Web Service and Enterprise Application Integration ( EAI ) into the reference model of WfMC and introduces our extended workflow model which can support Web Service and other heterogeneous applications .

  24. XML已经成为Internet企业应用的标准数据交换格式,它的可扩展性使得建立不同数据源数据集成的通用模型变得容易。

    XML has emerged as the dominant standard data exchange format for Internet-based business applications , the extensibility of XML allows the creation of generic models that integrate data from different sources .

  25. 如果您对EJB组件感到好奇,或者想知道Java企业应用程序是如何工作的,那么这篇文章就很适合您。

    If you are curious about EJB components or want to know how a sample Java enterprise application works , this article is for you .

  26. 在考虑客户成本和安全因素后,IBM已经开始在Linux桌面上进行投资,在LinuxDesktop上扩大对其企业应用程序的支持。

    Acknowledging customer costs and security concerns , IBM started investing in the Linux desktop by extending support of its enterprise applications on the Linux Desktop .

  27. 本文在分析烟草行业信息化建设现状的基础上阐述了卷烟工业企业应用ERP的必要性;

    Firstly , basing on analyzing present information building situation of cigarette trade this paper relates the essentiality for the cigarette industrial enterprise to apply ERP .

  28. 网络流量和延迟会影响性能,特别是在上千个客户机与EJB服务器交互的大型企业应用程序中更是如此。

    Network traffic and latency impact performance , especially in a large enterprise application where thousand of clients interact with the EJB server .

  29. 在这种情况下,实体bean顶层的会话bean将确保整个企业应用程序间对数据的操作统一、一致。

    In this case , a session bean layered on top of an entity bean will ensure uniform and consistent data manipulation across the entire enterprise application .

  30. 如果您决定把一个遗留的Java企业应用程序移植到App引擎中,建议您要小心谨慎,并进行备份分析。

    If you do decide to port a legacy Java enterprise application to App engine , be advised to proceed with caution , and back it up with analysis .