
  1. 实施企划方案的步骤和程序

    Steps and Programs of Enterprise-planning

  2. 研究和解析国际成熟服装企业的品牌定位和企划方案,有助于国内服装企业的品牌建设和再造。

    It is useful to Chinese garment company that studying and parsing brand orientation and merchandising of international succeed fashion brand .

  3. 索利斯认识到,并非只有一种“互联消费者”对不同的受众,需要采取不同的企划方案,并且能够从不同的设备访问。

    Solis recognises that there is not just one type of " connected consumer " different audiences want different corporate approaches that are accessible on different devices .

  4. 您有什么新产生的企划和方案告诉我们吗?

    Do you have any new projects coming up that you can tell us about ?

  5. 营销企划和方案的方向的正确性,可以使企业摆脱目前削价竞争的恶性循环规律,也能从长远方面来推动整个旅游业的健康发展。

    The direction of marketing planning and program correctness , you can enable enterprises out of the current vicious circle of price competition law , but also from the long term to promote the healthy development of the tourism industry .