
  • 网络plan;Activity Plan;activity program
  1. 在实验区内开展影视拍摄活动,应提交活动方案,报有关部门批准。

    As to activities taken in experiment zone , activity plan should be submitted to concerned departments for approval .

  2. 而且影视拍摄活动不得破坏自然保护区的生态环境和景观,活动方案应充分考虑对环境的影响;

    Moreover , filming activities shall not imperil the ecological environment and landscape of nature reserve , and the impact of activity plan to environment should be given sufficient consideration ;

  3. 报名参加囯家数学俱乐部的学校或教师会收到一整套活动方案和学习资源,但没有专门的教师培训,也没有相应的比赛。

    Schools or teachers who sign up for the National Math Club receive a kit full of activities and resources , but there 's no special teacher training and no competition attached .

  4. 今天,它宣布开始实施“为所有学生提供优秀教育工作者”的活动方案。

    Today it is announcing the launch of the Excellent Educators for All Initiative .

  5. 学生会为不同口味的人举办的所有每周活动方案,从disco到和客人谈话。

    The Union runs a weekly programme of events for all tastes * oh everything from discos to talks by guest speakers .

  6. 业务活动方案的管理方案支助与管理事务司

    Programme management of operational activities Division for Programme Support and Management Services

  7. 联合国环境署GEMS/水项目实施的全球淡水评估活动方案。

    The UNEP-GEMS / Water programme carries out Global freshwater assessment activities .

  8. 市场活动方案资料管理系统的设计与实现

    The design and implementation on the materials managing system of market activity scheme

  9. 构思游戏情节是设计幼儿体育游戏活动方案一个重要的环节。

    Constructing plots is an important part in designing a plan about children physical games .

  10. 全面落实医院质量管理年活动方案的护理管理体会

    Study on the nursing management of overall carry out programme of management year of hospital quality

  11. 业务活动方案的管理

    Programme management of operational activities

  12. 具有自我制定并执行挑战更高目标的活动方案的能力。

    The skill of which the action plan can be performed by drafting it personally to the higher rank goal .

  13. 这一活动方案始于1980年,到目前为止,成千上万的侨居海外的华人学子已被吸引到中国来寻要根问祖。

    This program started in1980 , and so far has brought thousands of overseas Chinese students to China to look for their families roots .

  14. 市场活动方案的资料管理系统的实现,能方便的自动完成方案的生成和输出,与方案内容资料的管理。

    The implementation of the materials managing system can automatic complete the formulation and printing of the scheme and the management of the materials conveniently .

  15. 笔者在设计好访谈提纲、观察记录表和活动方案之后,与大理白族地区的A幼儿园进行合作,展开行动研究。

    After designing a interview outline , observation record sheet and program of activities , cooperate with A kindergarten in Dali Bai and take research into action .

  16. 因此本研究所制定的择业心理教育活动方案有效、可行,可以在高校毕业生择业心理教育过程中加以推广应用。

    The project of psychological education to interfere graduates ' vocational selection anxiety is effective and feasible and can be used in psychological education process of vocational selection .

  17. 最后,设计了共分为五节的小组活动方案,然后从小组活动的过程和结果两个方面进行了评估。

    Finally , the design is divided into five sub-program of activities , and then assessed from two aspects of the process and results of the group activities .

  18. 董事会,企业发展规划,生产经营活动方案,收支预算,利润分配,劳动工资计划。

    Board of directors ; the venture 's development plans , proposals for production and business operations . the budget for revenues and expenditure , the distribution of profits . the plans concerning manpower and wages .

  19. 在理论上探讨土家族民间游戏的特点与价值,在实践中设计与实施土家族民间游戏活动方案,为幼儿园组织开展相关活动提供借鉴。

    It discusses features and value of Tujia Folk Games in the theory , in practice , design and implementation of Tujia folk games , activities and program related activities for kindergarten organizations provide a reference .

  20. 小组要严格按照活动方案展开活动,也可以根据实际情况修改活动方案,但要及时向老师提出,或在专题博客上回复。

    Different groups should implement their plan as they have arranged , details in the process still need to modify if necessary but should let our teachers know that or could reply on the theme blogs .

  21. 本文试图运用营销管理学知识,从几个方面论述县级联通分公司全员营销模式的产生、优劣势以及如何更好的设计全员营销活动方案。

    The paper , applying the knowledge of marketing management , analyzes the generation of all-staff marketing mode of Unicom branch companies at county level , its advantages and disadvantages and the how to better the mode .

  22. 本研究主要从积极心理学的角度出发,通过团体辅导的形式,设计适宜的团体活动方案,试图探讨团体辅导对大学生感戴水平和亲社会行为干预的效果。

    This study starts from the perspective of positive psychology , with well-designed group activities in form of group counseling , aims at exploring the effect of group counseling on college students ' gratitude level and prosocial behavior intervention .

  23. 再次,本研究结合教师和学校日常工作,设计网络教研活动方案,实施传统教研和网络教研相结合的实践知识积累和发展活动。

    This is the technical issue should be addressed . Again , our study design the online teaching and research project , and implement the practical knowledge accumulation activities combined of traditional and network manner , integrating with the daily work of teachers and schools .

  24. 在大量实证资料的基础上,对H企业员工压力的社会工作干预活动开展方案,效果进行系统描述和评估,分析其工作手法及介入方式的可行性及不足。

    In a large number of empirical data on the basis of social work interventions on the pressure of H Employees to carry out the program , the effects of the system description and assessment of work practices and the feasibility of the intervention and insufficient .

  25. 残疾人体育和娱乐活动协助方案

    Programme of Assistance for Sport and Recreation for Disabled People

  26. 第一部分重点对综合师范实践活动的方案进行了构想。

    Part Two focuses on the construction of comprehensive normal college practice course .

  27. 传感器在生活中的简单运用活动指导方案

    " The Simple Utilization of Sensor in Life " Activity 's Directive Program

  28. 如何制定每种新市场推广活动或方案的计划。

    How to Plan each new campaign or program .

  29. 如何为商务活动或方案开发试运营。

    How to Implement a Pilot Test for each new campaign or program .

  30. 你知道,我们需要帮助公司相处一个庆祝活动的方案。

    You see , we need to help work out a celebration programme for our company .