
  • 网络living coral
  1. 在海湾,你将看到活珊瑚礁,里边有无数个空隙,许多鳗鱼、蟹和各式贝壳生长在空隙里。

    In the center of the bay , you 'll reach a living coral reef that is punctuated with countless pukas ( holes ) that hold numerous eels , crabs and shells of many descriptions .

  2. 在印度尼西亚,人们在尝试一种技术,即使用一种附有一块块活珊瑚的金属框架网状系统。

    A technique being tried in Indonesia uses a network of metal frames with fragments of live corals attached to them .

  3. 活珊瑚的颜色多为黄色、棕色、或橄榄色。

    Most living corals are yellowish , brownish , or olive .

  4. 上个月,有报道称中国游客在马尔代夫潜水时摘取活珊瑚。

    Last month , news reports said a Chinese scuba diver had picked up living marine coral from the Maldives .