
  • 网络Activity Based;activity-based
  1. 生态建设是一项重要的经济活动,是建立在国家经济实力、地方经济发展和农村家庭经济活动基础之上。

    Ecological construction is an important economic activity based on national economic strength , regional economic development level and rural families ' economic profits .

  2. 美国经济学家罗伯特希勒(robertshiller)提出的调整后的周期性实际市盈率,是建立在企业发布的收益、而非广泛的经济活动基础上的。

    The cyclically adjusted real p / E , developed by the US economist Robert Shiller , works on the basis of reported corporate earnings rather than broad economic activity .

  3. 本文是在重生行动山东项目组的活动基础上展开的研究。

    This study is based on the activities of New Life program-Shandong team .

  4. 作为一切教育活动基础的师生关系,也应为了这个目标而做出适当的调整。

    Since curriculum activities all base on teacher-student relationship , it should also make appropriate adjustments .

  5. 在θ节律活动基础上伴有样放电的48例(61.5%)。

    48 patient ( s61.5 % ) had epileptiform discharge basing on the θ rhythm activity .

  6. 不应在可能促进增长的活动基础设施和研发上削减财政支出。

    Fiscal cutbacks must not fall on activities likely to support growth infrastructure and research and development .

  7. 伴随着这种经济的高速增长,作为经济活动基础的能源消费也大幅度的增长。

    In line with rapid economic growth , energy which is the basic of economic activity is consuming rapidly .

  8. 二者经济活动基础一致,法律关系属性相同。

    The two have the same economic basis and the same position in the laws and the same position in laws .

  9. 然而,作为一系列维修性设计活动基础的维修性设计要求一般生成过程还存在着若干问题。

    However , the general generation process of maintainability design requirements which is the basis of a series of maintainability design activities still has some problems .

  10. 在分析金矿成矿地质背景、构造、地层及岩浆活动基础上,进一步探索找矿方向。

    On the basis of the analyses of geological background , structure , strata and magmatic activities of gold mineralization , the further study of ore prospecting orientation is made .

  11. 本文从脑的解剖和功能结构、神经网络联结及其突触活动基础角度,对视知觉无意识加工脑内可能存在的信息加工方式进行了探讨。

    Recent progress of the study on the brain mechanisms of the unconscious processing of visual perception was reviewed from the angle of anatomical structure , functional structure and synaptic connections in the neural networks .

  12. 现有质量成本理论研究多局限于质量成本的控制问题,对于作为企业经济活动基础的质量成本决策问题涉及甚少。

    The existing quality cost theory is often limited to the problem of quality cost control , and the decision-making problem of quality cost , which is the foundation of enterprise activities , has long been neglected .

  13. 一家同时拥有内资股和外资股的上市公司,在相同的经营活动基础上披露的会计信息,存在股东权益和净利润的差异。

    Discrepancies often occur in the data about stockholders ' equity and net profit in the financial exposure of a dually financed corporation with both domestic and foreign equity investment although they are calculated on the bases of the same operational activities .

  14. 民营经济劳动群体中有很好的群众文化活动基础。妥善组织,开展健康的群众文化活动,对培养新的劳动群体,保障职工的合法权益,都会起到极大推进作用。

    Since there is already a very good basis for mass cultural activities in private businesses , if carefully organized , the promotion of healthy mass cultural activities is sure to be of great function in cultivating a new laboring group and protecting the lawful rights of them .

  15. 不过,危机的展现已显示出,银行与金融体系各个元素之间有着多么千丝万缕的联系,它不仅是贷款者,也是其它机构发行的证券的重要投资者,而且还是大部分金融活动基础设施的提供者。

    However , the unfolding of the crisis has shown how completely banks were interwoven with all elements of the financial system , not only as lenders but as important investors in the securities issued by others and as the providers of much of the infrastructure of financial activity .

  16. 服务契约是SOA活动的基础,因此要谨慎地选择各个特征。

    The service contract is the foundation of your SOA initiative , so choose the attributes carefully .

  17. 根据您的活动目录基础架构的实现方式,您可能需要更改inclusion按钮。

    Depending on how your Active Directory infrastructure is implemented you might also want to change the inclusion buttons .

  18. 在UML中,用例普遍用于捕获软件系统的需求,是一切活动的基础。

    The mail project integrates mail service of Exchange 2000.In UML , use case is used to catch requirement generally , it is the basis of all .

  19. 它是由美国当代心理学家弗瑞德·纽曼(FredNewman)、洛伊斯·赫尔兹曼(LoisHolzman)所开创的以表演和活动为基础所形成的一种后现代的心理治疗方法。

    Social therapy is a postmodern psychotherapy , which is put forth by American contemporary psychologist Fred Newman and Lois Holzman in the first place on the basis of performance / performing and activity .

  20. 机房维护是保证学校进行正常教学活动的基础工作。

    Room for maintaining normal school teaching is the basic work .

  21. 土地是社会生产和活动的基础。

    The land is the basic for social production and activities .

  22. 做好河流规划工作是从事水事活动的基础。

    The good planning of a river is a crucial foundation .

  23. 团队构成了创新活动的基础性组织。

    Team is the basic form in the activity of innovation .

  24. 英文招投标文件是国际商务活动的基础和法律依据。

    Bidding documents are the basis and foundation of international business activities .

  25. 了解消费者偏好是企业营销活动的基础性工作。

    Understanding consumer preference is basal work of market activity in enterprises .

  26. 感知美是审美活动的基础。

    Cognition to beauty is the foundation of esthetic activity .

  27. 这四种形式是人类生命活动的基础。

    These four forms are the basis of human 's life activities .

  28. 证据是人民法院司法裁判的依据,是诉讼活动的基础。

    Evidences are the basis of judicial judgments and lawsuits .

  29. 此处生成的设计文档是配置活动的基础。

    The design document created here becomes the foundation of the configuration activities .

  30. 他的三代理论建立是它政治实践活动的基础。

    His " three generations " theory is the basis of political practice .