
fù shāng
  • be wounded;be injured
负伤 [fù shāng]
  • [be wounded] 使受伤,伤害

  • 用小刀刺得他的敌手负了伤

负伤[fù shāng]
  1. 因工负伤、患职业病丧失劳动能力程度鉴定费用,由用人单位支付。

    Be injured at work , suffer from occupational disease to lose charge of appraisal of labor capability rate , pay by unit of choose and employ persons .

  2. 琼斯负伤以来,与其说他是全队的骨干倒不如说他已成为队里的累赘。

    Since his injury , Jones has become more of a liability than an asset to the team .

  3. 他在二次大战中负伤。

    He got wounded in the Second World War .

  4. 她日夜护理着负伤的战士。

    She attended on the wounded soldier day and night .

  5. 军长力竭负伤,陷身囹圄。

    The commander , wounded and exhausted in the fighting , was taken prisoner .

  6. 据《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)报道,有3名参战民警负伤,其中两名民警身负枪伤,另一民警腿部被毒犯开车撞致粉碎性骨折,目前均在广州某医院治疗康复中。

    China Daily reported that two police officers were shot and one sustained a broken leg after being hit by a car driven by the drug traffickers . All three are recovering at a hospital in Guangzhou , it added .

  7. 他是个从伊拉克负伤归来的退伍大兵?

    So he 's a returning war veteran injured in iraq ?

  8. 你们回去吧,没必要有人负伤

    J-just go back ! No one has to get hurt !

  9. 足以让我负伤住院.却杀不死我.

    Enough to hospitalise me , not enough to kill me .

  10. 1862年安提耶坦一役中6000士兵阵亡,17000士兵负伤

    At Antietam in 1862 , 6000 are killed , 17000 wounded .

  11. 这位士兵在这次战役中因负伤而死。

    The soldier died from a wound in the battle .

  12. “前天在多瑙河上负伤的。”士兵回答。

    " The day before yesterday on the Danube ," answered the soldier .

  13. 疾病和非战斗负伤减员;

    Disease and non-battle injury casualty ; dnbi casualty ;

  14. 工人负伤,雇主必须赔偿。

    Employers have to compensate their workmen for injuries .

  15. 那年她曾两次负伤。

    She had been injured twice that year .

  16. 他因负伤而退役。

    He is invalid out of the army because of the wounds he received .

  17. 你负伤了吗将军

    Yay ! Are you wounded , general ?

  18. 数千计美国士兵失去了他们的生命;千百万士兵负伤。

    Thousands of Americans gave their lives ; tens of thousands have been wounded .

  19. 乙方因病或非因公负伤在规定的医疗期内;

    Party B is in the medical treatment period because of illness or non-work injuries ;

  20. 他在战斗中负伤。

    He was wounded in the conflict .

  21. 然而在这之前,这个负伤女人必须坚定活下去的决心。

    Before that , though , this wounded woman must replenish her will to live ;

  22. 结果,镜子和我的脚趾负伤而亡。

    Broke the mirror and my toe .

  23. 哈罗德·鲍姆加滕共负伤5次

    Harold Baumgarten is hit five times .

  24. 我看见一个负伤的人。

    I saw a wounded man .

  25. 在这些房间里摆着几张床铺,负伤的和生病的军官在床上躺着或坐着。

    In these rooms there were bedsteads ; the officers were sitting and lying upon them .

  26. 给雇主通知书〔判伤〕工人负伤,雇主必须赔偿。

    Notice to employer [ medical assessment ] Employers have to compensate their workmen for injuries .

  27. 没有一个人会被管流的泥浆杀死或负伤。

    Noone had even been killed or injured by the flow of slurry through a pipe .

  28. 在与希腊的海战中,他右手负伤,永久残疾。

    In a naval battle off Greece he was wounded his right hand being permanently maimed .

  29. 还有成千上万的军人负伤归来。

    Thousands more have been wounded .

  30. (授予作战负伤之军人的)紫心勋章。

    Pu Purple Heart ( medal awarded to a soldier who has been wounded in battle )