
  • 网络load factor;loading Factor;capacity
  1. 对宽角度轫致辐射光子的屏蔽,应考虑加速器工作负荷因子w,x射线束定向因子U,和有关人员居留因子T。对散射光子的屏蔽,根据Braestrup和Wyckoff的近似方法进行设计。

    W must consider the accelerator work load factor W , orientation ( use ) factor U and the occupancy factor T of related persons so as to shield the photons produced in wide-angle bremsstrahlung , In the design of the LINAC laboratory of Nanjing University .

  2. 特别是对负荷因子、干扰余量进行了分析,给出了不同小区负荷情况的上行链路预算举例。

    Especially for the load factor , interference margin analysis , this article gives the situation of different cell load uplink budget .

  3. 基于气象负荷因子的Elman神经网络短期负荷预测

    Application of a Weather Component Based Elman Neural Network to Short-Term Load Forecasting

  4. 通过对PCA中主成分的特征向量分析,以及对原始各波段的负荷因子分析可知,PCA变换处理在澜沧江流域土地覆盖遥感监测分类实施中,对波段选取具有一定的指导作用;

    Based on the analysis of feature vector and original bands loading on the main principal components , we known that PCA is of some affects about feature selection .

  5. 基于环境负荷因子的水泥配料专家系统的研究

    Research of Mixture of Cement Expert System Based on Load Gene of Environment

  6. 再按40年的核电厂设计寿命(年负荷因子为0.8)折算,则可多发76亿度的电。

    During 40 years ( 0.8 loadfactor ) plant design lifetime , it may give out 7600 GMW extra power production .

  7. 混合器传动由一个坚固的非专利设计的平行螺旋齿轮减速机组成,最小的机械过负荷因子为1.5。

    The agitator drive is comprised of a robust non-proprietary reducer which utilizes parallel helical gearing and has a minimum mechanical service factor of1.5 .

  8. 结果表明,射线辐照处理能使草浆黑液中的有机大分子裂解,使草浆黑液的环境负荷因子明显下降;

    The result shows that the radiation treatment makes the organic big molecular of the black liquor decomposed , the environmental loading factor of the black liquor reduced ;

  9. 结果表明,近年来在世界范围内核电机组的负荷因子一直在稳定地上升,负荷因子的提高实质上反映了管理和技术水平的重要作用。

    The results show that the load factor of nuclear power units in the world has been steadily rising in the recent years , and this rise essentially illustrates the important role of management and technology advance .

  10. 首先对煤电、气电、核电的电价和成本影响因素进行了分析,并得出当负荷因子大于80%时,核电具有市场竞争力;

    First and foremost , the paper outlines a general analysis on the cost contributing factors associated with coal power , gas power and nuclear power , and identifies that , when the load factor is above 80 % , nuclear power becomes quite competitive .

  11. 吸附态氮与泥沙负荷影响因子一致,说明吸附态氮污染主要与泥沙流失有关。

    The adsorbent nitrogen agreed with the silt load affecting factor , explaining that the adsorbent nitrogen pollution was related mainly to the loss of silt .

  12. 引入单位负荷切除因子来考量系统低频减载控制的综合代价,并给出了基于层次分析法的切除因子计算方法。

    A unit load factor is introduced as a weighting coefficient of the shedding load to calculate the comprehensive cost . This factor is calculated using an analytic hierarchy process method .

  13. 从周期外推法出发,提出了一种基于神经网络的外推法修正模型:通过BP网络进行训练,找到随机因素(如天气等)对负荷的影响因子,然后将其作为周期外推法模型的修正项。

    Based on general period extrapolation , a new method was proposed , which error was modified by BP network .

  14. 特别是针对双电压系统负荷突变多因子扰动的暂态过程,采用增量式PID控制算法进行控制过程的优化,依靠单片机运算功能强、速度快等特点,提高了系统动态响应的速度。

    Especially for the transient disturbance of load factor in dual-voltage system , incremental PID control algorithm is adopted to optimize the control process , the speed of dynamic response relying on powerful single-chip computing speed is increased .

  15. 生物填料具有不受河道水体透明度,悬浮杂质及不可预见污染负荷冲击等因子限制的特点。

    Bio - filling has its characteristic of impregnable by water transparency , suspended materials and unpredictability pollution impact .

  16. 方法用主成分法提取因子进行方差最大正交旋转,计算因子负荷及主因子得分。

    Methods The factors were extracted by principal component analysis and rotated by Varimax , then calculated the factor loading and the score of common factors .

  17. 运动性心肌肥大是心肌细胞对运动诱发的各种刺激因素如机械负荷、体液因子以及由这些因素导致的心肌收缩蛋白基因表达改变的功能反应。

    Sports cardiac hypertrophy is a response of cardiac myocytes to various exercise induced stimuli such as mechanical overload , humoral factors which lead to genetic expression changes in cardiac contractile protein genes .

  18. 以生物丰度指数、植被覆盖指数、水网密度指数、土地退化指数、污染负荷指数为评价因子,运用生态环境质量指数(EQI)的评价体系,对湖南省生态环境进行了分析与评价。

    The assessment system of ecological quality indices ( EQI ) consisting of organism abundance index , vegetation cover index , rivers density index , land deterioration index and pollution load index was used to investigate ecological environmental quality of Hunan province .

  19. 环境位,包括资源消耗、污染物负荷、主要环境因子污染水平等。

    The environment includes resource consumption , pollution load and main pollution levels of factors .

  20. 从理论和经验上,探讨了单基质负荷法、多因子拟合法、经验作图法和基质动力学法等四种设计方法。

    This dissertation discussed four design methods on theory or experience that are substrate loading method , multiple factor fitting method , experience drawing method and substrate dynamics .

  21. 本文运用因子分析法对贵州省各地区卷烟潜在购买力的影响因素进行了分析,公因子萃取结果和旋转因子负荷矩阵得出公因子1为收入与消费因子,公因子2为人口因子。

    Based on factor analysis , this paper discusses the factors affecting latent cigarettes purchasing power in Guizhou province . The result of common factor extracting and rotated component matrix concluded that the common factor 1 is income and consumption factor .

  22. 由于对训练负荷与竞赛负荷及其构成因子的认识偏差,导致运动训练成绩的下降。

    Because of the misunderstand of the training load and competition load and their factors of formation , it lead to the descend of the score .

  23. 通过对典型日估算的省市气象负荷与模型拟合负荷进行印证,并据此推导出华东全网气象负荷与关键气象因子的拟合关系。

    The load fitted by the model is compared with the weather load obtained by the " typical day " method , and based on that the fitting relation between the weather load of East China Power Grid and the key weather factors are deduced .

  24. 目的观察去负荷对骨质显微结构的影响,并对骨小梁的结构进行定量化评定,探讨去负荷骨局部因子、骨强度及骨量的变化。

    Objective To study the effects of hindlimb unloading on bone histomorphometry , bone local growth factor , bone biomechanical properties and bone contents in rats .

  25. 本文对杭州电网的负荷特性进行了详细的分析,定量分析了年、月、周负荷的变化规律,拟合出了负荷与各气象因子的关系曲线。

    In this thesis , load characteristic in Hangzhou region is analyzed , including change law by year 、 month and week . Then the relationship curves are plotted .

  26. 接着详细研究了气温与负荷特性的相关性。对夏、冬季典型日的负荷特性进行了分析,并对夏季和冬季的日峰荷和敏感负荷与温度因子的关系进行了详细的研究。

    After that , the relativity analysis on temperature and load characteristics carries on , especially on typical day and sensitivity between temperature and maximum daily load in summer and winter .