
  1. 美国国内能源开发的繁荣引发了激烈辩论,其主题是:20年后霍尔木兹海峡(StraitofHormuz)等世界关键航道是否仍将由美国来确保畅通?对于中东原油进口依赖度正在迅速上升的中国,是否将接替美国的这一角色?

    That domestic production boom has triggered intense debate over whether the US would still guard the world 's critical sea lanes , such as the Strait of Hormuz in two decades " time - or whether China , whose dependence on Middle Eastern crude imports is rapidly rising - would replace it .

  2. 我国接近50%的石油进口依赖度,更是对能源科技的发展提出重大挑战。

    In China , petroleum import dependency nearly rose to 50 % and it is a great challenge for the development of energy technology .

  3. 这两个国家能源进口依赖度高,同时经济都较为发达特别是汽车产业技术比较先进。

    The two countries with high dependence on energy imports , while the more developed economies , especially the automotive industry has more advanced technology .

  4. 其次,由于我国对油气资源进口依赖度越来越高,能源安全将有可能成为制约我国经济发展的重要因素。

    Second , the energy security becomes one of the key restriction elements that will probably restrict the development of our economy since our country has a higher and higher dependence on the import oil and nature gas .

  5. 评估主要资源的国内潜在供应能力和对进口的依赖度;

    Evaluation of potential domestic supply of main resources and the imported dependence ;

  6. 大力发展清洁能源可以逐步改变传统能源消费结构,减小对能源进口的依赖度,降低环境代价。

    The development of the clean energy can gradually change the structure of the traditional energy consumption and reduce the dependence on imported energy and cut the cost of protecting environment .

  7. 我国对进口原油的依赖度不断提高,预计到2020年我国对外依存度将达到65%。

    Our country to import crude oil dependency unceasing enhancement , and that in 2020 our external dependence will reach 65 % .

  8. 十年来,中国对进口原油的依赖度越来越高。目前,中国消费的一半以上的石油来自进口。

    Over the past decade , China has grown more and more dependent on crude imports and currently buys more than half its oil overseas .

  9. 同时国内铁矿石供应已不能满足我国钢铁工业发展的需要,导致我国对进口铁矿石的依赖度显著增加,国际铁矿石价格快速攀升。

    While domestic iron ore supply can not meet the needs of the development of steel industry , the dependence on imported iron ore significantly increased , and the international iron ore prices rose rapidly .

  10. 我国石油进口量比2007年增长,达20067万吨,且石油进口依赖度高达52%。

    Crude oil import of China increases over last year . It reaches 200.67 million tons , and the dependence on crude oil imports up to 52 percent .