
  • 网络distribution management;DRP;Physical Distribution Management
  1. 基于Agent的网络分销管理

    Network Distribution Management Based on Agent

  2. 构造了以Agent为主体的专卖店分销管理系统框架模型。

    The major works is following : Agent-based architectural model of speciality store distribution management system is constructed .

  3. 基于MAS的可重构管理信息系统及其在服饰分销管理中应用

    MAS-based Reconfigurable Management System and Application for Distribution in the Clothing Enterprise

  4. 基于PHP的技、信、物分销管理信息系统构建

    Construction of Information System Distribution Retail Management of Techniques , Information and Logistics Based on PHP

  5. 基于SSH架构的分销管理系统设计

    Design of DRP Distribution Management System Based on SSH Structure

  6. 最后以数据交换功能的订单下载为例,实现了基于WEBService技术的信息交互功能及在此基础上的分销管理系统。

    Finally taking the downloading of order with the function of data exchanging as example we realize the function of information exchanging based on Web Service and distribution management system basing on it .

  7. DRP分销管理系统正是解决这些问题的关键。

    The DRP system is exactly the key to these problems .

  8. 第六部分以云南铜业营销公司为案例,对基于虚拟企业的云南铜业DRP分销管理案例进行了分析;

    The sixth part analyses the case of Yunnan Copper Corporation Limited .

  9. 内容包括构建覆盖全省商业企业的网络,IP电话,视频会议,资金管理,分销管理,专卖,辅助决策,办公自动化等子系统。

    The system includes several parts such as the network covering all commerce enterprises , IP phone , visual meeting , funds management subsystem , selling management , monopolization subsystem , aid decision subsystem , OA etc.

  10. 基于Multi-Agent的专卖店网络分销管理系统的设计中充分解耦业务逻辑与系统的实现,为按需求动态扩展系统提供了灵活性与适应性。

    In design of Multi-Agent Speciality Stores Network Distribution Management System , business logic and system realization is fully decoupled to provide flexibility and adaptability of system for dynamically extending system .

  11. 本文研究面向多品种小批量产品的分销管理系统构建,通过业务流程重组,目标市场需求预测等方法,并基于Internet,实现最佳客户服务。

    The main contents of the dissertation are to reengineer business process based on BPR theory , study the forecast method of logistic requirement of multi-varieties and small-batch product distribution , and construct the distribution system fitting distribution business process based on Internet .

  12. 提出了一种基于J2EE组件的制造企业网络化分销管理系统模式,建立了该系统体系结构,包括目标体系、结构系统、功能体系;

    This paper has presented a kind of modes of networked distribution management system based on J2EE components for manufacture enterprise , the architecture and running mode of the system have been brought forward .

  13. 在研究了基于J2EE组件的制造企业网络化分销管理系统体系结构和运行模式的基础上,论文提出了该系统的一种技术体系,包含了一系列支撑技术和实现技术。

    In succession , based on research of its architecture and running mode , this paper study a kind of technology structure of networked distribution management system based on J2EE components for manufacture enterprise , which involves a series of supporting technologies and application technologies .

  14. 接着,文章以分销管理软件为模型,使用ADL/UML集成建模方法从领域分析、领域设计和领域实现这三个不同的层次对其进行模型研究和实现,给出了完整的建模过程和设计思想。

    Secondly , the Integrated Modeling Method is used in different phrases of modeling process including domain analysis phrase , domain design phrase and domain implementation phrase . The whole process of modeling and idea of design are implemented on DMS .

  15. 一种支持快速部署的网络化分销管理系统安全框架

    A Security Framework of Networked Distribution Management System for Rapid Deployment

  16. 介绍了分销管理系统的运行流程。

    And system run flow is introduced in the thesis .

  17. 家纺产品分销管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Home-textile Aale and Distribution Management System

  18. 基于可扩展模式的分销管理系统的研究和应用

    Distribution management system 's research and application based on the scalable mode

  19. 物流和分销管理在现代企业管理中具有重要地位。

    Business Data Logistics and distribution management play a vital role in modern enterprises .

  20. 分销管理信息系统销售可用量的跟踪与控制策略

    A strategy for tracking and controlling available sale quantity in the distribution management system

  21. 整体优化的物流系统是供应链分销管理成功的基础。

    Global optimized logistics system is the basis of successful supply chain distribution management .

  22. 面向制造业的分销管理系统研究和实现

    Design and Implementation of Manufacture-oriented Distribution Management System

  23. 分销管理系统可扩展性分析及研究

    Research on Scalability of Distribution Management System

  24. 成功企业与不成功企业之间,最关键的区别就在于分销管理,他表示。

    The key differentiator between successful and unsuccessful companies is distribution management , he says .

  25. 第一章介绍课题背景以及分销管理相关概念。第二章对手机阅读分销管理系统进行了需求分析。

    The first chapter describes the background of China mobile reading , and the conception of distribution management .

  26. 第四章详细介绍了手机阅读分销管理系统四个核心模块的详细设计和实现,分别为系统管理模块、渠道管理模块、报表统计模块和酬金结算模块。

    Chapter IV describes the detailed design and implementation of four core modules in Distribution Management System for Mobile Reading .

  27. 提出了控制风险的措施,其中着重阐述了以管理用户的思路进行分销管理的重要性。

    The paper puts forwards to some measures to control risk , explicates the importance of managing sale agencies like managing users .

  28. 为了解决传统分销管理中存在的问题,保健品企业必须借助信息技术提高分销管理水平和管理力度。

    So health products companies begin to use the new information technology to solve these problems existing in the traditional distribution management .

  29. 分销管理系统是以生意流程优化为基础,以销售与库存综合控制管理为核心的,采购、库存、销售、促销管理、财务以及企业决策分析功能于一体的高度智能化的企业分销业务解决方案。

    Distribution management system is a high intelligent corporation distribution solution which bases on the business optimization and centralizes on the sales and inventory management .

  30. 总部系统包括:基础信息管理,企业组织结构管理,采购管理,分销管理,库存管理,采购管理等大模块。

    The headquarters system includes : basic information management , enterprise organizational structure management , purchasing management , distribution management , inventory management , stock management module .