
fēn pèi zhì dù
  • distribution system
  1. 需要确立利润共享的分配制度。

    To establish a distribution system with the share of profit .

  2. 医院分配制度改革的实践与启示

    The Practice and Enlightenment of the Reform of Hospital Distribution System

  3. 作为对大学毕业生分配制度的改革,双向选择制度意味着,毕业生可以选择用人单位,用人单位也可以选择毕业生,双方均出于自愿。

    The two-way choice system as a reform of the present job assignment system for college graduates means that graduates could choose employers and employers could choose graduates , both of their own free will .

  4. 我国城市土地收益分配制度研究关于{x/n}的分布

    The Study of the Incomes Distribution Institution with Respect to China 's Urban Land

  5. B卷烟厂作为一个大型的国有企业,原有的薪酬分配制度已经不能适应企业竞争的发展需要。

    As a large-scale state-owned enterprise , the former salary assignment in B cigarette factory cannot cope with the competition of the enterprise .

  6. 本文首先阐明了研究企业经营管理者报酬激励的必要性和意义,提出在当前国有企业分配制度改革的背景下,将代表股东价值最大化的指标EVA引入报酬激励进行研究。

    This thesis points first out the significance of research the compensation incentive for managers . On the background of the reforming of allocation system of Stated-owned Enterprises , EVA , the index of representation of .

  7. 案例部分主要介绍了GP公司工资分配制度的现况及工资改革的背景和一些改革措施,同时指出中国加入WTO的影响。

    The case mainly tells us the current condition of the pay system , the background of the pay reform and some measures made in the reform in GP . The influence of China 's entrance to WTO is described at the same time .

  8. 农民合作经济组织分配制度研究

    Research On The Distribution System Of Farmers ' Cooperative Economic Organization

  9. 国有企业收入分配制度改进问题研究

    The Research on the Improvement of State-Owned Enterprise Income Distribution System

  10. 人力资本产权与收入分配制度创新

    Property Right of Human Capital and Institutional Innovation of Income Distribution

  11. 高校人事分配制度改革的理论、实践与发展趋势

    Review and Prospect of Personnel and Distribution System Reform at Universities

  12. 高教资源分配制度改革新探

    A New Study on the Distribution System of Higher Learning Resources

  13. 浅谈高职院校人事分配制度的改革

    On the reform of personnel distribution system of higher vocational colleges

  14. 我院分配制度改革的实践

    Our hospital 's practice in the reform of the distribution system

  15. 医疗机构人事与分配制度改革可行性研究

    Feasibility study on personnel system and employment system reform in medical institution

  16. 我国公立医疗机构职工收入分配制度研究概述

    Project Summary of Study on Wage System of Public Hospitals in China

  17. 组织融知渠道研究论知识经济的收入分配制度

    Study on knowledge acquisition approach On the Distribution System in Knowledge Economy

  18. 新时期按劳分配制度之我见

    The system of distribution according to work in new period

  19. 中国股份制企业分配制度的改革与完善

    The Reform and Inprovement of the Chinese Joint-Stock Enterprises ' Distribution Institution

  20. 事业单位工资分配制度改革初探

    Consideration on Reformation of the Wage Distribution System in Institution

  21. 国有医院薪酬分配制度的历史变革与发展趋势研究

    History and trend of pay distribution system in pubic hospitals

  22. 人民公社初期分配制度研究

    The Studies of the People 's Commune Assignment System in Early Period

  23. 中国分配制度基于行业收入差距的研究

    Research of Distribution System in China Based on Income Difference between Industries

  24. 公平原则是我国社会主义分配制度的重要原则。

    Equity is an important principle of socialism distribution system .

  25. 企业的产权制度结构决定企业的公司治理结构和分配制度结构。

    The property structure decides the corporate governance and distribution institution structure .

  26. 加强后勤人力资源建设以及实行分配制度革新。

    Optimizing the human resource and renovating the assign system .

  27. 改革用工和分配制度促进护理质量提高

    Reform recruitment and distribution system to promote nursing care quality

  28. 新旧企业收益分配制度规范的比较与思考

    On comparison and Ponder of new and old enterprise income distribution system

  29. 国有企业收益分配制度改革问题研究

    The Research on Income Distribution System Reformation of State-owned Enterprises

  30. 建立科学合理的经营者收入分配制度

    Constructing Scientific and Reasonable Earning and Distributing System of Operator