
  • 网络secretory nerve
  1. 目的探讨以微囊化基因修饰细胞为载体,在局部持续分泌神经生长因子(Nervegrowthfactor,NGF)促周围神经再生的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of locally continuous release of nerve growth factor ( NGF ) on the sciatic nerve regeneration following injury in rats .

  2. 雪旺细胞(SchwannCells,SCs)是周围神经系统(PNS)的组成部分,它能分泌神经营养因子,产生细胞粘附分子。

    The schwann cells that are part of the peripheral nerve system , can secret neurotrophic factors , and produce adhesive molecule of cells .

  3. MSCs分泌神经营养因子GDNF、BDNF及IL-6对MPP~+损坏的DA能神经元发挥神经保护作用。

    MSCs secrete neurotrophic factors of GDNF , BDNF and IL-6 and exert the neural protect function to damaged DA by MPP + .

  4. EGF也可以通过支持和诱导神经元胞体及神经胶质细胞间接途径分泌神经生长因子(NGF)来促进神经细胞再生。

    EGF can secret NGF to promote the regeneration of neural cells via an indirect route of sustaining and inducing the growth of neurons and glia cells .

  5. 人羊膜细胞(humanamnioticcells,HACs)具有多潜能性、移植后不会诱导免疫排斥反应、有足够的细胞来源,还可表达神经细胞特异标记,分泌神经营养因子。

    Human amniotic cells ( HACs ) not only express the markers for both neuronal and glial cells but also synthesize and release neurotrophic factors , which suggests that HACs may have multipotential neuronal properties .

  6. 目的探讨Lentivirus介导分泌神经营养因子-3(NT-3)直接体内转基因治疗大鼠脊髓损伤作用和机制。

    Objective To explore the therapeutic mechanism and effect of Lentivirus-mediated neurotrophic factor-3 ( NT-3 ) gene transfer in treatment of the injured adult rat spinal cord .

  7. 结论:成年大鼠瓦勒变性期SC在无血清培养条件下仍能合成与分泌神经营养因子,其活性存在于>10kD蛋白分子中。

    Conclusions : Adult rat SC undergoing Wallerian degeneration can still synthesize and secrete neurotrophic factors under serum free cultivation , the activities of which existed in > 10kD fraction .

  8. 雪旺细胞分泌神经营养蛋白的提纯

    The purification of neurotrophic proteins secreted by Schwann cell

  9. 迷走-胃泌素机制在胃液分泌神经反射期中的重要性

    The importance of vago - gastrin mechanism in the cephalic phase of gastric secretion

  10. 基因工程化分泌神经营养因子-3的鼠胚神经干细胞实验研究

    A experimental research on construction and identification of genetic engineering rat neural stem cell modified by Lentivirus to deliver neurotrophic factor-3

  11. 结论培养的雪旺氏细胞能分泌神经营养因子,其浓度随培养时间的推移而升高。

    Conclusion Cultured schwann cells can secrete neurotrophic factors and the level of these concentrations increased in the culture medium as time passed .

  12. 母鸡抑制素的产生巨噬细胞条件培养基影响乳鼠雪旺细胞分泌神经生长因子的实验研究

    Secretion of Inhibin in the Hen The effect of the macrophages conditioned media ( MOCM ) on NGF secretion in newborn rat schwann cells in vitro

  13. 结论雪旺细胞和背根节神经元共同培养后建立相互营养支持的体系,当失去神经元营养支持后,需要分泌神经生长因子和多种神经营养因子以维持自身环境的稳定;

    Conclusion Schwann cells secret nerve growth factor and several kinds of neurotrophic factors to keep the stability of self environment without the support of dorsal ganglion neurons .

  14. 结论:羊膜上皮细胞在大鼠损伤脊髓内能够至少存活3周并有广泛迁移,此外还能够分泌神经营养因子脑源性神经营养因子和神经营养素3。

    CONCLUSION : AECs could survive for at least 3W after transplanted into the injured spinal cord of adult rats and could migrate widely ; Furthermore , they could secrete neurotrophic factors such as NT-3 and BDNF .

  15. 我们前期已对电刺激促进体外培养的雪旺细胞分泌神经营养因子的具体机理进行了探讨,但目前对电刺激干预体外培养的神经元及其内在机制还缺乏深入系统的研究。

    We have already studied on promotion of brain derived neurotrophic factor ( BDNF ) secretion in Schwann cells in vitro by using electrical stimulation . But there are lacks of systematic studies in depth on interfering neurons with electrical stimulation cultured in vitro and on the complex mechanisms .

  16. 目前研究表明脑缺血后缺血区会有代偿性的血管新生,血管新生可以恢复缺血区的血供,同时还可以分泌神经营养因子,为缺血区营造一微环境,促进受损神经元功能的恢复。

    The present study showed that angiogenesis happened in ischemic region after cerebral ischemia . And angiogenesis can not only restore the blood supply of ischemic region , but also can secrete neurotrophic factors , which create a microenvironment around the ischemia , and promote functional recovery of injured neurons .

  17. 淀粉样前体蛋白(APP)分泌的神经及药物调节

    Regulation of secretion of the amyloid β Protein precursor ( APP ) by neural systems and drugs

  18. SCs分泌的神经营养因子对于促进轴突生长、预防神经元凋亡具有重要作用。

    The secretion of neurotrophic factors by SCs is necessary to promote axon growth and prevent neurons from initiating apoptosis .

  19. OECs是嗅觉系统的胶质细胞,一方面能够分泌多种神经营养因子、细胞基质成份和细胞粘连分子,为轴突再生提供适宜的微环境;

    OECs are glial cells in Olfactory system . OECs can supply suitable microenvironment for the axonal regeneration by secreting many neurotrophic facte ^ cell matrix > nerve cell adhesive molecule .

  20. 褪黑素(Melatonin,Mel)是松果体腺细胞分泌的神经内分泌激素,由于其在多系统、多脏器发挥着复杂的生理、药理作用,因此日益受到人们的重视而成为研究的热点。

    Melatonin ( Mel ) is a kind of nerve incretion secreted by pineal gland cells . Its becoming one of the research hotspots owning to the complex physiological and pharmacological effects on multiple systems and organs .

  21. 证实支配前列腺炎模型大鼠尿道腺分泌的神经受体是M受体。

    The result Confirmed M receptors is urethral gland of prostatitis rat play a dominant roles .

  22. 腹痛、调整荷尔蒙分泌、神经紧张、尤其减肥非常有效。

    Extremely effective in the treatment of abdominal pain , regulating hormonal secretion and nervous tension and especially helpful for weight loss .

  23. 大脑分泌的神经递质-乙酰胆碱已被确定在认知和记忆方面具有重要作用,是增强记忆力水平的关键。

    The neurotransmitter acetylcholine , a brain chemical already established as being crucial for learning and memory , appears to be the key to adding details to a memory .

  24. 目的:胃肠功能不全是胃肠恶性肿瘤术后常见的并发症,其发病机制复杂,可能与胃肠激素分泌及神经内分泌紊乱等密切相关。

    Objective : Gastrointestinal dysfunction is the common complication after the operation of gastrointestinal tumor , and its causes are complex and could be related with disorders of gastrointestinal neuroendocrine regulation .

  25. 分泌是神经细胞进行信号传递和内分泌细胞进行激素释放的基础,它对于生物体正常机能的维持具有非常重要的意义,分泌的异常会导致许多疾病的产生。

    Secretion forms the basic for signal transmission between the neurons and hormone release from endocrine cells , which are important in remaining normal physiological function of organism . Abnormity in secretion will result in the appearance of desease .

  26. 在周围神经系统中,施旺细胞相互紧密连接呈螺旋状包裹轴突,形成髓鞘,调节神经元轴突的直径、离子通道分布、神经丝磷酸化,并分泌多种神经营养因子促进神经元存活。

    Myelin is formed by the spiral wrapping of the cell membrane of Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system . It regulates the distribution of neuronal axon and ion channels , adjusts neurofilament phosphorylation and secretes a variety of neurotrophins to promote neuronal survival .

  27. 体外培养条件下毛囊bulge细胞分泌的β神经生长因子的检测

    Detection of β - nerve growth factor secreted by hair follicle bulge cell cultured in vitro

  28. 结论血管内皮功能障碍导致的缩血管物质增多、细胞因子过度分泌等通过神经免疫调节参与了老年EH及左室肥厚等一系列病理生理过程。

    Conclusion Enhancement of vascular contracting substances and activation of cytokines caused by vascular endothelium dysfunction were involved in the pathophysiology process of essential hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy .

  29. 目的探讨抑制褪黑素(melatonin,MT)分泌对交感神经兴奋性水平的影响,及MT与中医学阴之间有否类同之处。

    Objective To investigate the influence of melatonin ( MT ) ischesis on the level of sympathetic excitability , and the similar points between MT and Chinese medical concept of yin .

  30. γ-分泌酶在神经干细胞分化过程中的调节作用

    Regulatory effects of gamma-secretase in neural stem cell differentiation