
  • 网络Sharecropping;share-cropping;metayage
  1. 教育金融合约从性质上分为债性合约与分成制合约两类。

    Educational Finance contracts are divided into two types in nature : debt contracts and sharecropping contracts .

  2. 分成制与相对绩效评价机制及其效率研究

    Share Cropping & Relative Performance Evaluation Mechanism and Its Efficiency

  3. 文章建立了由一个制造商和两个分销商基于分成制合同所构成的供应链模型。

    The supply chain model is set up when one manufacturer and two distributors depend on the divided mechanism .

  4. 基于分成制的供应链合同设计与道德风险

    The Studies of Contract Design , Motivation Mechanism and Moral Hazard When the Supply Chain Is Dependent on The Divided Mechanism

  5. 工资制、承包制和分成制是我国旅游节庆市场化运作的三种基本形式。

    O Wage form , contract form and sharing form are three basic forms of marketing of tourism festivals in china .

  6. 同时我们用分成制存在的较高交易成本,解释了企业选择分包的原因。

    At the same time , we use the theory that the sharing system has higher transaction cost to explain the reason of the subcontract .

  7. 根据马克思对工资的定义从除本分成制原理的角度论述了社会主义工资的分配。

    This paper addresses the socialist wage distrbution method from the perspective of net revenue distrbution system with cost deduction according to Marx 's definition of wages .

  8. 古代斯巴达的税收分为份地税、公餐税两种形式,融分成制、定额制于一体。

    In ancient Sparta , tax was gathered in two forms , lot rent and mess due , with fixed rent and sharecropping rent merging into a whole .

  9. 本文在分析分成制效率的基础上,认为土地使用是否具有效率取决于各项权能的拥有者之间形成的产权关系的明晰化。

    This article analyzed the efficiency of divided mechanism , and believed that whether land utilization is efficient is up to the clarification of the property between the owners of each power .

  10. 结果显示,有限合伙制和收益分成制能够最大限度减少委托代理双方的目标差异,可以为基金管理人提供了有效的约束与激励。

    The ultimate research reveals that the framework of limited partnership and profit-sharing systems could cover the difference of bilateral parts to ultimate extent , and could also provide effect restriction and stimulation to fund managers .

  11. 本文拟在委托代理理论和交易成本理论的框架下用经济学中广泛运用的随机最优控制理论,对不确定性与分成制契约条件下的代理人的行为选择及福利水平作一个比较深入的研究。

    Under the analytical framework of the principal-agent theory and the transaction cost theory , this thesis will apply stochastic optimal control model to analyze the agent 's action and welfare under uncertainty and a share contract .

  12. 各种层出不穷的二氧化铅的制备方法可分成化学制备和电解制备法两类。

    The various methods for the preparation of lead dioxide that have been proposed from time to time may be subdivided into chemical and electrolytic preparations .

  13. 从调整的内容上看,主要将中央与地方的分配关系由收入分成的包干制改为按税种划分中央地方收入,强调分税分征。

    From the content of adjustment , its mainly change the distribution relation of the central and local government from income contract system to partition income as the type of tax .

  14. 评估收益分成的最隹方法是利用资金流量分析进行详细的经济模拟,但针对矿区使用费&税收制和产量分成合同制可以分别采用相应的快速估算方法。

    The optimal method of evaluating the profit split is to conduct detailed economic simulations by means of cash flow analysis ; the corresponding quick estimation method , related to royalty / tax systems and production-sharing contracts , may be adopted concurrently .