
  • 网络Sales;Channel sales;channel marketing
  1. 基于J2EE轻量级框架的移动卡类渠道销售管理系统

    Mobile card channel sales management system based on J2EE lightweight framework

  2. 目前中国联通已经开展了网上营业厅和3G网站的渠道销售受理工作。

    China Unicom has started channel sales of " online business hall " and 3G website .

  3. BrianL.FrankforTheWallStreetJournal在神念科技位于旧金山的办公室,神念科技的渠道销售总监DavidChung正在测试耳。神念科技公司面临着总部位于旧金山的初创企业EmotivSystemsInc.的竞争。Emotiv公司的多传感器耳机售价300美元。

    NeuroSky faces competition from San Francisco-based start-up Emotiv Systems Inc , which offers a $ 300 multi-sensor headset .

  4. 企业如何实现对多渠道销售与服务的集成、统一管理,就需要有一套完整的客户关系管理(以下简称为CRM)的理论与技术实现手段。

    To realize integration and management sales and service in different channels , enterprises need a set of complete theory and technique realization method of CRM .

  5. 但DSK在中国以销售代表处的形式来进行产品的市场开拓和技术服务工作,营销方式以经销代理商渠道销售为主。

    But DSK function in the form of a sales representative in China for product market development and technology services , distribution agent channel sales-oriented for marketing .

  6. 可能帮助谷歌增加流量的应用,如谷歌搜索引擎、谷歌地图应用以及Gmail应用,在中国官方渠道销售的Android设备上都不见踪影;这些设备都换装了国内开发的同类应用。

    Applications that could help Google drive traffic such as its search engine , its map app and its gmail app are already absent from Android devices sold through official channels in China , which come with rival domestic apps instead .

  7. 面临着如何进行市场细分和目标客户的选择、采取什么样的渠道销售问题。

    How to make the marketing division and choose the target customers ?

  8. 内容可以在多渠道销售的多个平台集中开发和出版。

    Content can be centrally developed and published in multiple platforms with multi-channel distribution .

  9. 所以,奢侈品牌要决定允许哪些渠道销售自己的商品时,必须慎重。

    Brands have to be careful where they allow their product to be sold .

  10. 充分利用经销商的资源完成现代渠道销售指标。

    Leverage position and national distributor to achieve significant level of modern account penetration to deliver results .

  11. 双渠道销售模式已在IT领域、制造领域、家电领域中成熟应用。

    Dual-channel sales model has been application in the IT field , manufacturing field , home appliances field .

  12. 银行出售保险法文词汇,指通过银行既有的分销渠道销售保险。

    Bancassurance a French term referring to the selling of insurance through a bank 's established distribution channels .

  13. 制造商不仅可以通过传统的经销商零售渠道销售产品,而且可以通过开通网络通路将产品直接递送给消费者。

    Not only does manufacturer can sell products through traditional retailing channel , but also bring products to consumers by online-channel directly .

  14. 但是这种混合渠道销售模式也会引发销售渠道的冲突。

    However , sometimes there may be conflict with the coexistence of the two kinds of channels in the sense of profit gaining .

  15. 伴随对双渠道销售模式中不协调的认知,供应链的协调研究亦从单渠道扩展到双渠道。

    With dual-channel sales model disharmony cognitive , coordination research of the supply chain extended from a single channel to the dual channel .

  16. 根据用户的需求特点将公司的目标市场细分为传统渠道销售模式和新型会议直销模式。然后对各细分市场的需求特点进行了详细的分析。

    We divided the objective market into two segments : traditional distribution market , conference distribution market , in according to vary of customers ' needs .

  17. 结论表明:销售交易部集合光大内部资源,涵盖投行资本市场定价、研究服务推荐与交易分佣、经纪业务渠道销售、资产管理基本配置,成为跨部门,针对机构一站式服务的综合业务部门。

    The dept. integrates internal resources such as invest bank capital marketing , research recommendation & trading , asset collocation , and to be " One Station " service dept.

  18. 为实施总成本领先战略,可以采取通过管理手段全面控制成本、通过技术手段降低制造成本和利用渠道销售降低成本等策略。

    Cost-leading strategy can be implemented by controlling the total cost through managerial measures , lowering manufacturing cost by technologic measures and lowering marketing expense by using distribution channels .

  19. 在现有的代理商政策下,希望加强对代理商的支持,在终端客户无特别要求情况下,尽量通过代理商渠道销售。

    In the existing agency policy , hopes to strengthen the support of the agent , in the end-user without special requirements as far as channel sales through agents .

  20. 已有学者证明,双渠道销售模式能够增加供应链系统的销售量,但也会招致零售商对制造商的抵触,从而带来渠道冲突。

    Many scholars have already proved that the dual-channel can increase the sales of the supply chain . However , it will cause the conflict of the manufacturer and retailer .

  21. 核心竞争力也将从与国外游戏开发商的合作能力、渠道销售能力等转向以产品开发和市场营销推广为主的能力上。

    The core strength of Chinese Online Game is no longer depended on the capability of cooperating with overseas developers , but on the ability of R & D and marketing .

  22. 这是因为这些外资在华并购的动机是借助国内品牌企业成熟的销售渠道销售自己的品牌为打开中国市场节约资金,减少税负。

    This is because the motivation is to draw on foreign mergers and acquisitions of domestic brands mature sales channels selling their own brands to save money to open the China market .

  23. 摘要德国有机农产品主要通过天然食品店、有机食品专卖店、超市等渠道销售给消费者,日本有机生产者主要是通过替代营销系统销售有机农产品。

    Germanic organic agriculture products are mostly sold in natural food shops , organic food monopoly shops and supermarkets , while Japanese producers mainly sold their organic agriculture products through substitute marketing system .

  24. 和英国不同,超过85%的美国杂志是通过利润较低的订阅渠道销售的,使出版商可以通过提供较低的折扣来提高印刷量。

    Unlike in the UK , more than 85 per cent of US magazines are sold through less profitable subscription deals , allowing publishers to keep print runs high by offering deeper discounts .

  25. 今天欧莱雅集团拥有23个源自不同国家的品牌(美国,意大利,法国,日本,中国等),通过不同的渠道销售(美发沙龙,大众市场,高端市场,药房渠道)。

    Today the company has23 global brands present in every distribution sector ( hair salons , mass market , luxury , pharmacies ) with diverse cultural origins ( US , Italian , French , Japanese , Chinese * ) .

  26. 在此基础上通过对无锡工装公司2003年渠道销售计划及实际任务完成情况的对比分析,揭示其营销渠道存在的主要问题和矛盾;

    Through analysing about frock the marketing plan of channel and contrast of finishing the situation of the actual task in 2003 of company of Wuxi on the basis of this , Announce subject matter and contradiction existing in its marketing channel ;

  27. 同时,越来越多的商家亦将通过传统渠道销售的品牌产品进行线上销售,品牌产品所固有的品牌形象对线上消费者购买意愿的影响不容忽视。

    At the same time , more and more businesses put brand products which before were sold through traditional channels online sales . So , it can not be ignored of the impact of the inherent brand image on consumer online purchase intention .

  28. 合作伙伴制的实践意义不仅在于它能够提升和完善市场操作模式,而且在整合市场资源、提高市场管理效率、优化渠道销售、抢占零售终端也具有很强的指导性。

    The significance of the cooperative-partner system practice was not only lied in promoting and consummating the market operating pattern , but also it was a guideline of integrating the market source , raising the managing efficiency , optimizing the channel market and seizing the retail terminal .

  29. 其主要包括三种形式,其一是传统渠道销售模式;其二是制造商自己销售,采用直销模式;其三是制造商结合两者,采用混合销售模式。

    Sales model adopted by the manufacturer includes three main forms , one of which is the traditional channel sales model ; second , they sell products by themselves using direct sales model ; Third , it is a hybrid sales model combination of the above sales models .

  30. 该渠道的销售一直低迷,因为其价码比通过未授权渠道销售的iPhone高得多。

    Sales have been sluggish partly because the price tag for the phone is much higher than for iPhones sold through unauthorised channels .