
  • 网络Channel Research
  1. 我国OTC药品营销渠道研究

    OTC Drugs Marketing Channel Research of Our Country

  2. 同时原有的一些渠道研究理论不能完全适用于3G时代来临背景下的新市场环境。

    Meanwhile the old channel research results are not applicable for the new market environment with the context of the coming 3G era .

  3. FDI技术溢出的渠道研究

    A Study on the Channels of Technology Spillovers from FDI

  4. PC分销渠道研究

    The Study of PC Distribution Channel

  5. FDI对中国制造业技术溢出的渠道研究

    A study on channels of technical spillover from FDI to manufacturing industry in China

  6. BM药业公司分销渠道研究

    The Study on the BM Pharmaceutical Enterprise Distribution Channel

  7. OM公司的营销渠道研究

    Study on OM Company 's Marketing Channel

  8. 云南西盟佤族中疟疾防治的IEC信息和渠道研究(英文)

    Study on messages and channels of IEC for malaria control in Wa ethnic in Ximeng , Yunnan Province .

  9. 组织融知渠道研究论知识经济的收入分配制度

    Study on knowledge acquisition approach On the Distribution System in Knowledge Economy

  10. S公司笔记本电脑营销渠道研究

    Research on Distribution Channel of Notebook PC by S Company

  11. 武汉市蔬菜营销渠道研究

    A Study on the Vegetable Marketing Channels in Wuhan

  12. 我国彩电产品分销渠道研究

    Study on Marketing Channel of TV Products of China

  13. 国内手机销售渠道研究

    The Analysis of Mobile Phone Sales Channel in China

  14. 天音电子音像出版社营销渠道研究

    Study on the Marketing Channels of Tian Yin Electronic Audio Video Publishing House

  15. 我国药品销售渠道研究

    The Study on Medicine Marketing Channels in Our Country

  16. 拓宽民营中小企业融资渠道研究

    A Study on Broadening the Financing Channel of Medium and Miniature-Sized Private Enterprises

  17. 陕西省烟草公司卷烟营销渠道研究

    Research of Cigarette Marketing Channel for Shaanxi Tobacco Company

  18. 化妆品营销渠道研究

    The Research on Cosmetics Marketing Channels Business Management Specialization

  19. 2008北京奥运会背景下的奥运文化解读及其传播渠道研究

    The Study on the Performance and Dissemination Channels of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  20. 东信公司手机销售渠道研究

    The Research on Mobile Sales Channel of Eastcom

  21. 金威啤酒营销渠道研究

    Research of Shenzhen Kingway Beer Companys Marketing Channels

  22. 基于互联网的分销渠道研究

    The Study on Distribution Channel Based on Internet

  23. 中国外商直接投资就业效应传导渠道研究

    Studies on the Transmission Channels of the Effect of FDI on Employment in China

  24. 健康保险营销渠道研究

    A Research on Distirbution Channels for Health Insurance

  25. 重庆电信市场营销渠道研究

    Research of Marketing Channels in Chongqing Telecommunication Market

  26. 不同人群非典信息传播渠道研究

    Study of the Channel from Which Different Populations Obtained Information about Infectious Atypical Pneumonia

  27. 林业投融资渠道研究

    Study on Forestry Investment and Financing Channels

  28. 钢铁产品营销渠道研究

    Research on Marketing Channel of Steel Product

  29. 我国生态公益林市场化投融资渠道研究

    A Study on Marketable Investment and Financing Channel to the Ecology Public Welfare Forest of China

  30. 冠嘉汽车用品公司分销渠道研究

    Research of Guan Jia Distribution Channel