
shōu gòu
  • acquisition;purchase;buy;takeover
收购 [shōu gòu]
  • [purchase] 从各处购入

  • 收购旧书

  • 收购国库券

收购[shōu gòu]
  1. 收购价格也可能是一个信号,表明一家老牌公司正在进行的收购可能导致一个新生的威胁。

    The purchase price could also be a signal that an established company is buying a new-born threat .

  2. 国际箱运班轮公司战略收购的博弈分析马士基收购PO为例

    Game Theory Adopted in Strategy Purchase by container shipping liner Purchase of P O by Maersk

  3. 格兰纳达公司向福特公司出价进行敌意收购。

    Granada mounted a hostile takeover bid for Forte .

  4. 投资者对公司收购的消息反应积极。

    Investors reacted positively to news of the takeover .

  5. 发言人拒绝向新闻界透露公司收购的详细情况。

    The spokesman refused to disclose details of the takeover to the press .

  6. 哥伦比亚广播公司的唱片公司已被索尼公司收购。

    CBS Records was taken over by Sony .

  7. 管理层收购被认为是一种选择。

    It is thought that a management buyout is one option .

  8. 家族管理可以防止任何恶意收购或绿票讹诈的企图。

    Family control would prevent any hostile takeover or greenmail attempt .

  9. 公司担心被各种虎视眈眈的集团收购。

    The company is worried about takeovers by various predators .

  10. 他们向农民出价每蒲式耳2.15美元收购玉米。

    They are offering farmers $ 2.15 a bushel for corn

  11. 他们经营着一家为兼并收购业务提供咨询的公司。

    They manage a company offering advice on mergers and acquisitions

  12. 该公司试图找到一家收购公司,但进展甚微。

    The company was making little progress in trying to find a suitor

  13. 他因为收购偷来的废铁而入狱。

    He went to prison for receiving stolen scrap iron

  14. 所有收购者心中都有自己的估价。

    Valuation lies at the heart of all takeovers .

  15. 卡龙集团已经向曼德斯公司开出更为优厚的收购条件。

    Kalon Group has sweetened its takeover offer for Manders

  16. 他肯定不会出180亿美元来收购这家公司。

    He certainly wasn 't going to bid $ 18 billion for this company .

  17. 我正在寻找一位支持我收购的出资人。

    I was looking for a backer to assist me in the attempted buy-out .

  18. 其他公司会收购这家公司的股份。

    Other companies could buy into the firm .

  19. 惠特尼公司开出每股21.50美元的现金价收购4,950万股普赖姆公司的股票。

    Whitney has offered $ 21.50 a share in cash for 49.5 million Prime shares

  20. 这次收购引发了潮水般的批评。

    The takeover provoked a tempest of criticism .

  21. 美国南方电力公司在星期一的开盘抢购中收购了英国西南电力公司11.2%的股份。

    Southern acquired 11.2 per cent of Sweb in a dawn raid on Monday .

  22. 汉森的成功原则是不论收购什么样的企业都要使其增值。

    Hanson 's golden rule is to add value to whatever business he buys .

  23. 在将来的某天,经理们将受邀进行管理层收购。

    At a future date , managers will be invited to apply for a management buy-out

  24. 《致富》债务缠身,被另一家公司收购。

    ' Business to Business ' was taken over by another company after it fell into debt

  25. 他的公司被霍格·鲁宾逊公司以350万英镑的价格收购,分给了五位合伙人。

    His company was bought out by Hogg Robinson for £ 3.5m , divided between five partners

  26. 其他竞争收购方不大可能开出比这家银行更高的价码。

    Whatever is offered by the bank is unlikely to be improved on by any rival suitor .

  27. 头三项特许权中有两项给予了由英国铁路公司前管理层负责的管理层收购项目。

    Of the first three franchises to be awarded , two went to management buyouts led by former BR executives .

  28. 去年,由于电子数据系统公司竞价更高,克雷未能收购这家软件公司。

    Last year , Cray failed to take over the software company , when it was outbid by Electronic Data Systems .

  29. 双方协议提高收购价格。

    The two sides agreed to raise the purchasing price .

  30. 我确实知道公司已经被人收购了。

    I know for a certainty that the company has been bought up .