
  • 网络Employee communication
  1. 其次提出HR外包服务提升对策,主要从丰富外包服务产品链、提高服务反馈质量、强化员工沟通实效、规范员工档案管理和加强员工职业激的角度进行服务提升。

    Second HR outsourcing services put forward countermeasures to improve , mainly from rich outsourcing services , improve the service quality feedback accord , strengthening employee communication effectiveness , standard staff file management and strengthen the professional staff of the perspective of service enhancement .

  2. 您认为公司在员工沟通上,还可以提供哪些服务?

    What kind of additional services that we can offer in employee communication ?

  3. 打破员工沟通壁垒的努力可谓盛极一时——SouthbySouthwestInteractive时尚科技大会上就有好几个专家小组讨论这个话题——但很难确定这些方法到底有没有效果。

    But despite all the buzz around serendipity ─ several panels at the popular tech conference South by Southwest Interactive discussed the topic ─ it is hard to know for sure whether any of these efforts really work .

  4. 第五部分为PPI项目的实施控制与效果评价,分别从资源控制、员工沟通、风险控制和效果评价4个方面展开。

    Chapter 5 describes project controlling and performance analysis , consisting of resource controlling , user communication , risk controlling other than project evaluation .

  5. 高阶主管应确保已向员工沟通与HSF政策及执行相关之绩效与议题。

    Top management shall ensure that the organization 's personnel are informed of performance effectiveness and issues as relate to the HSF policies and execution plan .

  6. 其次,从DT西安分公司员工沟通体系的现状入手,分析其目前存在的问题及问题的成因,最后,提出DT西安分公司员工沟通体系的优化方案。

    Secondly , it analyzes the present problems and the reasons of Xi ' an Branch of DT which bases on present the communication system . And finally , an optimization scheme of is Xi ' an Branch of DT communication system is proposed .

  7. 主要问题在于如何与员工沟通实施这个新的规定。

    The main problem is how the new rule got communicated .

  8. 增加员工沟通协作并不一定要花很多钱。

    Efforts don 't always have to cost a lot of money .

  9. 较强人际交往能力,能够和公司各层次员工沟通和工作;

    Excellent inter-personal skills and able to communicate and work with all levels of staff .

  10. 协调总经理的员工沟通,建立多种渠道,如总经理信箱;

    Coordinate with employee communications to GM , set up communication channels like GM mail box .

  11. 主管领导型态与员工沟通满足间、员工沟通满足与领导效能间以及主管领导型态与领导效能间均呈现显著正相关。

    Leadership style , employee 's satisfaction with communication and leadership effectiveness are significantly correlated with each other .

  12. 思科系统开辟了使用自身研发的视频技术改善员工沟通的先河。

    Cisco Systems is pioneering the use of its own video technology to improve communications between its employees .

  13. 例如,博天表示,他与员工沟通的时间已增加了一至两倍。

    Mr Potier , for example , says he has doubled or trebled the amount he communicates to employees .

  14. 本文以非民营企业台湾糖业公司为研究对象,探讨其员工沟通满足及主管领导型态与领导效能间之关系。

    This research is designed to explore the relationship among leadership style , subordinater 's satisfaction with communication and leadership effectiveness .

  15. 我可以说在与员工沟通时,我表现出了果断和积极的态度,但是我也很灵活。

    I would say I project assertiveness and a positive attitude when communicating with my staff , but I 'm also flexible .

  16. 若你选择不常与你的员工沟通,你如何知道是否有重大的问题发生?

    How will you know if major problems are arising if you choose not to communicate consistently and closely with your employees ?

  17. 向他或她的员工沟通事故预防信息,并采取骓信息得到理解的措施。

    Communicates accident prevention information to all employees under his or her control and takes steps to verify that the information is understood .

  18. 接受这项调查的1000名雇员认为,与制定清晰的公司远景规划相比,与员工沟通是一项更为重要的领导力品质。

    The 1000 employees surveyed regard communicating with staff as a more important leadership quality than having a clear vision for the company .

  19. 战略地图的重要性在于向组织其他员工沟通,描述战略,让员工知道如何做才能达成组织战略目标。

    The importance of the Strategy Map in communicating articulated strategies to the rest of the organization , to enable staff to know how they contribute to achieving organizational strategies .

  20. 汇丰重新重视员工沟通具有重要意义,因为,金融危机期间汇丰在亚洲进行了扩张,之后就需要从客户那里赚到更多钱才行。

    This renewed emphasis on staff communication is important because , after expanding in Asia during the financial crisis , the bank needs to earn more money from the clients it has .

  21. 在此基础上,提出了改善或提高饭店员工沟通满意度的建议,希望可以为饭店管理者缓解员工工作倦怠提供有益的参考。

    Based on the finding , several recommendations to improve or enhance the communication satisfaction of hotel staff is given , hope to provide a useful reference for hotel managers to alleviate staff burnout .

  22. 管理者需要与员工沟通,找出他们各自喜好的奖励方式(有的人希望涨工资,有的人希望得到公开表扬),用以嘉奖他们良好的工作表现。若奖励制度实施得当,则奖励对于优秀员工而言是常有之事。

    Managers need to communicate with their people to find out what makes them feel good ( for some , it 's a raise ; for others , it 's public recognition ) and then to reward them for a job well done . With top performers , this will happen often if you 're doing it .

  23. 第四部分是针对员工的沟通进行论述。

    The fourth part is related to communication with employees .

  24. 大多数公司采用什么方式和员工进行沟通?

    What are the methods of communication to staff in most companies ?

  25. 你怎么和亚洲的员工进行沟通?

    WSJ : How do you communicate with your employees across Asia ?

  26. 诺基亚公司和员工的沟通有三种不同的渠道。

    There are three primary channels for communicating with employee .

  27. 如果老板和员工的沟通方式存在冲突,就会产生深一层的问题。

    Deeper issues can arise if bosses ' and employees ' communication styles clash .

  28. 确保定期与员工进行沟通。

    Ensure regular communication with all shift personnel .

  29. 工厂必须建立加班自愿的成文的政策,并与员工进行沟通。

    The factory must have a written policy that overtime is voluntary which is communicated to the workers .

  30. 作为一种反馈机制,它为企业创造了员工之间沟通和交流的机会。

    As a feedback mechanism , it has created for the enterprise communication and exchange among staff opportunities .