
  • 网络employee turnover rate
  1. 现在很多企业已经将员工离职率作为企业人力资源状态的评价标准之一,其比率的高低能够直接反映出企业文化的现状。

    Many companies now take employee turnover rate as one of the evaluation criteria of the state of corporate human resources . The ratio of high and low can be a direct reflection of the current situation of the corporate culture .

  2. 过高的初入职大学生员工离职率不论是对企业还是大学生自身都是不利的。

    The high employee turnover rate of new college students to work both for the business or the students themselves are unfavorable .

  3. 目前JBT公司的员工离职率达到了28%,具有关资料显示如果一个公司的离职率在10%以内的话,则属正常的人员更换。

    Usually a company may maintain a healthy employee turnover with an attrition rate below 10 % , while company JBT has reached 28 % .

  4. 员工离职率已经成为影响高新技术企业可持续发展的关键因素之一。

    The employee turnover has become a key factor in the High-tech industry .

  5. 成果:公司员工离职率仅有7%,为业内最低水平。

    The result is 7 % turnover & among the lowest in the industry .

  6. 第三,运用博弈论对跨国公司在华子公司东道国员工离职率不断增长的原因进行了解释。

    Game theory is applied to explain why quit rate is increasing , too .

  7. 然而,高员工离职率也成为严重阻碍酒店业服务水平和经营状况的原因之一。

    However , the high turnover rate of employees has become serious obstacle of service level and operating .

  8. 近两年来工程师及高级工程师以上级别的员工离职率呈逐渐上升趋势,员工的工作积极性也有所降低。

    Lately the rate of demission of engineers rises gradually , and enthusiasm of the employee also descends gradually .

  9. 我担心员工离职率增加到45%。

    And I was horrified to see that turnover of staff is now up to forty five percent a year .

  10. 针对目前许多企业员工离职率高的问题,分析了员工离职成本的构成。

    In terms of the higher rate of the dimission in companies , this paper analyzes the composition of dimission costs .

  11. 同时,核心员工离职率高、跳槽率高,人员流动频繁。

    At the same time , core staff job hopping rate is absolutely high , along with a great personnel flow frequency .

  12. 在我所处的行业中,有很多小公司,频繁的兼并和收购,员工离职率高。

    In my sector , there are lots of small companies , with frequent mergers and acquisitions , and high staff turnover .

  13. 我们的员工离职率降至酒店行业平均职工流动率的三分之一。在五年的互联网危机中,我们的企业规模翻了三倍。

    Our employee turnover dropped to one-third of the industry average , and during that five year dotcom bust , we tripled in size .

  14. 为什么美容院员工离职率高,难留人才?是因为美容院多吗?为什么没听过麦当劳缺员工?

    Do your beauty salon face high turnover of staff ? Is it due to competition ? Have you wondered about mcdonald 's recruitment and retention ?

  15. 经过研究我们得出结论:目前,初入职大学生员工离职率很高。

    After the study we conclude that : At present , the new participate in the work college students have the high rate of employee turnover .

  16. 调查称,导致欺诈风险上升最常见的原因是高员工离职率。这份调查对全球900名高管进行了访谈。

    The most frequent cause of increased exposure to fraud was high staff turn-over rate , according to the survey , which comprised interviews with 900 senior executives worldwide .

  17. 在餐饮业蓬勃发展的同时,员工离职率高的问题却在困扰着绝大多数的餐饮企业,影响餐饮企业持续化、扩大化经营。

    However , the problem of high demission rate has plagued the vast majority of the catering business while the catering industry flourishing , it influences continuous and broadening operation .

  18. “零售业的人员流动总是很频繁,其员工离职率也是所有行业中最高的,”挑战者公司首席执行官约翰•查林哲说。

    " There is constant churn in the retail industry , which has one of the highest turnover rates of any business ," says John Challenger , CEO of Challenger Gray .

  19. 初入职大学生员工离职率过高将对对企业的发展和对大学生员工自身带来很多不利的影响。

    New participate in the work students of high rate of employee turnover will bring a lot of negative impact to the development of enterprises and the college students employee themselves .

  20. 导致初入职大学生员工离职率过高的原因有很多,薪资福利待遇不高是最重要的原因之一。

    There are many reasons lead the new participate in the work students of a high rate of employee turnover , not high pay benefits is one of the most important reason .

  21. 随着企业间竞争的不断深入,劳动力要素逐渐改变了传统流动性较弱的格局,一些行业和职业方面的员工离职率居高不下,保持合理的离职率成为人力资源管理者考虑的重要问题之一。

    Along with competition among enterprises increasing , the rate of employee 's turnover maintains high level , so keeping rational proportion of employee 's turnover has become one of the most important issues for human resources manager .

  22. 提出企业劳动力的3个特征:人力资本、雇员动机和员工离职率和企业知识创造能力相关,企业可以运用人力资源管理系统影响企业劳动力特征,从而影响知识创造能力。

    I propose that the three workforce characteristics : human capital , employee motivation and employee turnover are related to organization knowledge creation capability , organizations can develop their knowledge creation capability through affect their workforce characteristics by HRM system .

  23. 同时,房地产人才流动程度和员工离职率相对其他行业来说偏高,北京市房地产企业员工的稳定性也有待加强。

    Meanwhile , the rates of flow of the talents and employee turnover in the real estate industry are higher relative to other industry . The stability of the employees of the real estate enterprises in Beijing will also be strengthened .

  24. 而心理契约包含的关系维度、发展维度等诸多方面的因素,正是高素质人才所重视的,同时员工离职率也是组织公平感高低以及心理契约履行程度的反映。

    PCF includes so many factors , which is concerned by the talent people in IT industry , such as relationship dimension , development dimension and so on . The staff turnover rate is also the reflection of O and PCF .

  25. 工资很低,员工的离职率很高。

    Wages are low and the wastage rate of staff is high .

  26. 曾经我们的产假是12周,只支付工资。那时,休完产假的女员工的离职率是男员工的2倍。

    We used to do 12 weeks of salary , and women who came back from leave quit at twice the rate of men .

  27. 因此,G公司也面临一线员工的离职率较高的问题。

    They also desire to have supervisors who can understand and respect them . Therefore , G Company faces the problem of high turnover rate of the frontline employees .

  28. 那家公司的工资低且工作环境差,所以员工的离职率一直居高不下。

    EXAMPLE : Salaries were low and working conditions were bad at the company and so the staff always a high turnover rate .

  29. 但是近年来林业企业人才职业稳定度却不容乐观,员工的离职率比较高。

    However , in recent years , the professional stability of forestry enterprise is not optimistic , and employee demission rate is higher .

  30. 总之,变革的主要目的一是为企业未来获取核心竞争力;二是降低员工的离职率。

    In a word , the change aims to strengthen these enterprises ' core competitiveness in the future and cut down their dimission rate .