
  • 网络Employee satisfaction survey;ESS
  1. 结合这一背景,LAMP技术,设计了B/S架构的员工满意度调查系统。

    LAMP technology , employee satisfaction survey of the B / S architecture system design .

  2. 员工满意度调查是一种科学的管理工具。

    Employee Satisfaction Survey is a scientific management tool .

  3. 通过TOP集团人力资源调查分析和员工满意度调查,剖析了人力资源管理中存在的问题和成因,提出了解决问题的办法,即人力资源规划。

    Through survey of human resources structure and staff satisfaction , the article analyses problems and reasons of human resources management in TOP Group Company . On the basis of that , the article gives the solution to the problems .

  4. 然后,从企业文化背景分析和员工满意度调查入手,提出了基于企业和谐(BasedonEnterpriseHarmony,BEH)的绩效考核体系的思路与框架。

    Then , from the analysis of corporate culture and employee satisfaction surveys to start , put forward based on the enterprise harmony ( Based on Enterprise Harmony , BEH ) the idea of performance appraisal system and framework .

  5. 通过对XF公司进行员工满意度调查,从多角度、全方位地分析和评价了该公司员工的满意度;

    The table had been used to determine the satisfaction degree of employees in XF Co. from all angles .

  6. 劳务外包背景下的员工满意度调查及其激励机制探究

    A Research on Employee Satisfaction & Motivation Mechanism Based on Labor Outsourcing

  7. 医院员工满意度调查及影响因素研究

    Influencing Factors and Investigation of Job Satisfaction in Hospital

  8. 佛山家具制造业员工满意度调查研究&以某家具公司为例

    A Survey of Employees ' Degree of Satisfaction in Foshan 's Furniture Industry

  9. 上海某医院员工满意度调查与分析

    Survey on staff satisfaction in one of Shanghai hospital

  10. 许多年来,研究者偏爱使用员工满意度调查作为研究企业的工具。

    Researchers like to use employees ' satisfaction to analyze their companies these years .

  11. 在此基础上编制了民营企业知识型员工满意度调查问卷。

    On that basis , the author established the knowledge workers ' job satisfaction questionnaire .

  12. 员工满意度调查之玄机

    The Mystery of Employee Satisfaction Survey

  13. 细木家具由家具木工制成的木质家具佛山家具制造业员工满意度调查研究&以某家具公司为例

    Finished woodwork fashioned by a cabinetmaker . A Survey of Employees ' Degree of Satisfaction in Foshan 's Furniture Industry

  14. 试谈科室员工满意度调查对科室文化建设的启示

    A Brief Talk on the Revelation for the Cultural Construction of Department from the Satisfaction Survey on the Employees of Department

  15. 员工满意度调查就像是对企业经营管理所做的一次全面体检,通过员工满意度发现问题,解决问题,改进管理,提升效益。

    Like a whole physical examination , the survey on employee satisfaction will find out the problem , and help management to improve work .

  16. 在菏泽分行总部及下属各支行进行员工满意度调查,获得300份有效调查问卷。

    Every subbranch carries out employee degree of satisfaction investigation in general headquarter of Heze branch and the subordinate , gains effective 300 investigation questionnaires .

  17. 正如我们所料,日本在去年的员工满意度调查中也高居榜首,只有60%的日本民众表示他们对目前的工作状况基本满意。

    As expected , Japan also came in last in the survey in worker satisfaction , with only 60 % of Japanese workers liking their job situation .

  18. 对实证企业进行员工满意度调查,发放问卷321份,回收303份,有效问卷232份。

    An employee satisfaction survey is putted into practice . In this survey , 321 questionnaires were sent out . 303 were returned and 232 were valid .

  19. 本文研究了企业进行员工满意度调查的方法和过程,并在此基础上提出了提高员工满意度的相应对策。本文采用了问卷调查法调查企业员工的满意度。

    This article offer deep research in the way and procedure of the employee satisfaction degree investigation and then put forward the corresponding measure based on it .

  20. 在主要商务城市的商业银行进行员工满意度调查,并限定为一线职工,获得155份有效调查问卷。

    Survey made on front line staff from banks in commercial cities nationwide , which is restricted to front line staff , we acquire 155 valid questionnaires .

  21. 重点分析了目前企业中员工满意度调查的现状,及在员工满意度调查后期的应用上企业的一些误区。

    It stresses to analyze the current status of an enterprise employee satisfaction surveys and enterprise some errors of the applications of employee satisfaction surveys in the latter part .

  22. 通过天地源员工满意度调查研究,便于企业更好的了解员工的工作状态,有效的激励员工,不断改进人力资源管理,提升企业的内部运营。

    Through this survey , the management could be understand the working condition of employee , effective to motivate employees , improve human resource management , and inner operation of enterprise .

  23. 其次,深入分析厦航内部薪酬结构的特点,并结合员工满意度调查的结果,指出厦航现有薪酬体系的不足。

    Secondly , this paper analyzes the characters of Xiamen Airlines ' internal payment structures and the result of Employee Satisfaction Degree inquiry , and points out the insufficiency of Xiamen Airlines ' compensation system .

  24. 通过进行员工满意度调查,找到影响员工满意度的关键因素分别为薪酬、绩效管理、员工个人成长和发展、工作压力和用人制度几个方面。

    By conducting employee satisfaction surveys , the thesis finds the key factors which affects employee satisfaction , concluding pay management , performance management , personal growth and development , work stress and employment system .

  25. 最后,运用员工满意度调查、绩效考评和关键事件调查等方法对此次变革进行客观的评价,以期为电力企业的改革提供有效的参考依据。

    At last , we use the job satisfaction surveys , the performance appraisal and critical incident surveys to evaluate this transform objectively in order to provide credible and valid references to the reform in electric power enterprises .

  26. 此外,如果你是那种不在意从你所在的银行骗走数十亿美元的人,你就不会担心在员工满意度调查中给出有误导性的答案。

    Furthermore , if you are the sort of person who thinks it fine to diddle your bank out of billions of dollars , you are not going to worry about giving misleading answers on a staff satisfaction survey .

  27. 民营企业员工满意度调查问卷的维度培训与发展、高层管理、所在部门和客户服务对员工的满意度具有较大的影响,而直接主管、薪资与福利和工作目标与绩效等对员工满意度几乎没有什么影响;

    The dimensions " Training and Development ", " Top Management ", " Department " and " Customer Service " influenced significantly on employees ' job satisfaction , but " Direct Supervisor ", " Compensation and Benefits " and " Goals and Performance " did not ;

  28. 定期进行员工满意度调查,企业便能发现自身问题,从而采取措施提高员工满意度;还能及时预知员工的离职倾向,以便及时采取措施,预防一些离职行为的发生,从而稳定人才队伍。

    Companies will be able to find their own problems by a regular survey of employee satisfaction , adopt measures to enhance employee satisfaction , and predict the turnover intention of employees in order to take timely measures to prevent the occurrence of some acts of turnover .

  29. 第二部分是通过员工工作满意度调查问卷测量SD公司员工的工作满意度现状,分析了不同人口特征的员工在员工工作满意度各维度上的差异性。

    The second part measures the differences on the various dimensions of employee job satisfaction . It analyzes the employees ' aesthesis about the dimensions of job satisfaction with different characteristics .

  30. 然后,结合员工满意度问卷调查结果,从企业愿景、工作回报、工作氛围以及企业管理等方面分析总结了J企业人力资源管理工作存在的问题。

    Thirdly , through the analysis of the Staff Satisfaction Questionnaire the Human Resource Management problems of J Company was discussed in the factors such as the corporate vision , the job reward , the work atmosphere and the corporate management .