
  • 网络employee development;Staff Development
  1. 我们已经在今年的员工发展计划中写到我们希望有一些技术培训课程。

    We 've put down on our staff development plan for this year that we would like some technology courses

  2. 我们在与那些我们认为与自己有相同DNA的领先企业合作,这些DNA包括把全球雄心、愿景和对员工发展的承诺当作企业战略的关键要素,他表示。

    We are partnering with those pioneering businesses we believe have DNA in common with ours , including global ambition , vision and commitment to people development as key elements of their business strategy , he says .

  3. 借助远程教学机构(DTI)促进企业大学员工发展基于建构主义的有机化学教学助理教学模型的构建

    Staff Development in Corporate Universities Using DTI Construction of Teaching Model of Organic Chemistry Teacher Assistant System Based on Constructivism

  4. Playfect具有持续性的学习文化,并精心设计使员工发展其个人能力和充分实现其潜力。

    Playfect has a culture of continuous learning , thoughtfully designed to enable employees to grow their personal capabilities and reach their full potential .

  5. 建立有助于知识员工发展的多重职业阶梯;

    Multiple career ladders to provide opportunities for their development ;

  6. 制定员工发展计划,有效提高员工工作积极性。

    Make staff development plans and promote their work motivation .

  7. 第五章从员工发展的角度,从员工职业生涯与工作设计、发展职业培训、建立企业文化等方面谈员工激励问题。

    Chapter five discussed the relationship between the employee development and employee motivation .

  8. 我们应该更加重视员工发展。

    We should place greater emphasis on Shaff development .

  9. 推行职业规划,指导员工发展;

    Implement career planning , guidance employee development ;

  10. 一个公司应鼓励员工发展多种技能而不是专门的技术及管理诀窍。

    A company should encourage staffers to develop multiple skills rather than specialized know-how .

  11. Y银行信用卡中心高潜力员工发展计划研究

    Study of Development Plan for High Potential Employees of Y Bank Credit Card Center

  12. 员工发展是研发中心的重要任务。

    We also focus on employee development here at the R & D center .

  13. 做为学习型组织,目标式管理成为绩效评估的重点,加大对基层主管的考评力度,适当增加外部环境的考评权重,考核目的向员工发展倾斜。

    As a studying organization , target management became the key point of achievement assessing .

  14. 企业制定员工发展计划的必要性

    Necessity of Development Plans of Staff

  15. 基于员工发展的绩效评估

    Performance Appraisal Based on Employee Development

  16. 所以员工发展的关键是要有突出的业绩,而人力资源管理的核心问题是管理绩效。

    So we say that the core of human resource management is to manage the performance .

  17. 改进员工发展体系;

    Improve people development system ;

  18. 制定并实施培训计划以帮助核心员工发展技能。

    Develop and implement training programs to develop skills of key personnel in the area of staff development .

  19. 最终达到满足企业和员工发展需要,实现共赢目的。

    Ultimately , it will meet the development needs of enterprises and employees and achieve the win-win goal .

  20. 这个工作的有趣之处在于员工发展部分——安排培训和组织评估。

    The interesting part of the job is the staff development side - arranging training and organising appraisals .

  21. 不断地给予机会,鼓励员工发展个人潜质,使其有工作之成就感和满足感。

    To develop a management style which encourages all staff to achieve the full potential and attain job satisfaction .

  22. 一年内,公司从20名员工发展到了120名员工,并有4000家独立承包商。

    In a year , the company grew to 120 employees from 20 , and had 4000 independent contractors .

  23. 我们注重员工发展,这造就了互相尊重和追求专业的企业文化。

    We focus on staff development , which created a mutual respect and the pursuit of a professional corporate culture .

  24. 通过对国内外企业进行员工发展规划的具体做法的分析与讨论,提出一种规范的企业制定员工发辰规划的程序。

    With the uninterrupted change of environment , it is important for enterprises to make a long-term systematic employee development plan .

  25. 接着讨论了管理变革的问题,围绕着组织变革、员工发展和以读者为中心的图书馆文化三个方面展开。

    And then the paper discusses administrative transformation from the aspects of organizational reform , staff development and user-centered library culture .

  26. 为鼓励员工发展自身能力,公司除了提供支助学费的福利外,还提供内部培训。

    In addition to the encouragement of self-development aided by the Company Tuition Refund Program , internal training is also provided .

  27. 提出基于员工发展的绩效评估体系有利于解决目前我国企业员工绩效评估中存在的缺乏反馈、沟通和妨碍业绩改进等问题。

    Performance appraisal system based on employee development contributes to solving the problems existing in performance appraisal of domestic enterprises at present .

  28. 福特组建了专门的“员工发展委员会”,以确保这些岗位能促进职业发展,并鼓励有培养前途的高管来中国。

    Ford runs personnel development committees that ensure such postings boost careers and that promising executives are encouraged to go to China .

  29. 在员工发展与训练方面,藉着了解个人的特质、公司的标准与职务的需求进行规划。

    Uni-President has organized employees'training based on their personal traits , the company 's standards , and the need for their work .

  30. 企业生存的关键是要有良好的效益,员工发展的关键是要有突出的业绩。

    The key that the enterprise survives is to have good benefits , the key of staffs development is to have outstanding achievements .