
  • 网络Exit interview
  1. 伦敦商学院(LondonBusinessSchool)的管理实践副教授约翰•马林斯(JohnMullins)表示,对于企业家而言,对自己的企业给自己一个类似于离职面谈的总结非常重要。

    John Mullins , associate professor of management practice at London Business School , says it is important for entrepreneurs to give themselves a version of an exit interview on their business .

  2. 这事只要问问“弑君者”詹姆·兰尼斯特。这家伙在“日落国度”维斯特洛(Westeros)的离职面谈最不堪。

    Just ask Jaime " Kingslayer " Lannister , the guy with the worst exit interview in Westeros .

  3. 太多公司只知道员工在离职面谈上的抱怨。

    Too many companies only learn about employee gripes at exit interviews .

  4. 在离职面谈中要表示愿意为公司提供帮助,但你的回答应力求简单而专业。

    Be helpful during the exit interview but keep responses simple and professional .

  5. 离职面谈本应是私密的,但往往不是这样。

    An exit interview is supposed to be private , but often isn 't.

  6. 离职面谈记录的内容不得透漏给辞职员工。

    Contents of Exit Interview Record shall not be revealed to the resigning employee .

  7. 问题2:女士对从离职面谈中得到的信息有什么看法?

    Q2 : What does the woman think of the information gained from an exit interview ?

  8. 你的离职面谈结束了

    Your exit interview is over !

  9. 离职面谈不是强制性的。

    Exit interviews are not mandatory .

  10. 离职面谈记录内容和后续跟进工作应记录到我们的人才数据室。

    The records of Exit Interview and continuing follow-up shall be recorded in our Talent data room .

  11. 日历功能可以帮助安排会议,如离职面谈、求职面试和员工关系会议。

    Calendar features can help schedule meetings such as exit interviews , employment interviews , and employee relations meetings .

  12. 问题3:为什么这位男士想要重新考虑在即将到来的离职面谈中他要说的话?

    Q3 : Why does the man want to rethink what he will say in the coming exit interview ?

  13. 最近一位审稿人辞职了,她在离职面谈中说我“对工作与生活之间的平衡抱有敌意”。

    A sub-editor recently resigned and said in an exit interview that I was " hostile to work life / balance " .

  14. 别提什么至少提前两周通知公司,精心安排一次离职面谈,在卷铺盖走人前费尽心机跟人搞好关系了。

    Forget giving at least two weeks notice , finessing an exit interview , and tactfully networking your way out the door .

  15. 在我看来,在离职面谈中释放和的说出真相有两个主要的潜在的好处。

    To my way of thinking , there are two main potential benefits that come from unleashing and agitated stream of truth during an exit interview .

  16. 离职面谈政策明确指出,管理人员愿意更多的了解他们的同事是怎么想的,而且他们尊重这些想法和意见。

    Policy of Exit Interview explicitly indicates that management staff are willing to know more about what their colleagues are thinking , and that they respect these thoughts and opinions .

  17. 当雇主们打算一次性裁减半数以上员工时,他们发现必须谨慎挑选一些经理担任离职面谈者。

    Employers that are preparing to lose more than half of their staff at one time are finding it prudent for a team of managers to take on the role of exit interviewer .

  18. 通过对安盛咨询公司员工的满意度调查和离职员工面谈分析,以及SGI公司2000年度全球范围的员工需求调查,归纳总结了知识型员工所具有的一些特点。

    Through Anderson Consulting Company 's employees satisfaction survey , their resignation analysis , and the study results of SGI global survey about employee needs , I have tried to conclude what knowledge workers are and what they actually expect .