
  • 网络ion adsorption;Ion absorption
  1. 利用酶使葡萄糖或蔗糖磷酸化制备FDP,通过沉淀、转型、离子吸附、洗脱、结晶来提取精制FDP。

    Enzyme is used to make glucose or saccharose phosphorylation to prepare FDP . Purified FDP is extracted by sedimentation , transformation , ion absorption , cleaning and crystallization .

  2. 应用连续水平真空带式过滤机浸取离子吸附型稀土矿

    A new separating technology of rare earth ore of ion absorption type by horizontal continuous vacuum filter

  3. 在不同pH、温度、用量和搅拌时间下,测试其氟离子吸附率。

    Under different pH , temperature , use level , and velocity , adsorbance was tested .

  4. 可再生羧甲基壳聚糖树脂的制备及对Eu(Ⅲ)离子吸附性能的研究

    Preparation of Regenerated Resin of Cmcs and Study on the Eu (ⅲ) ion Adsorption Capacity on Cmcs

  5. 硅酸盐矿物表面金属离子吸附规律的XPS分析

    XPS Analysis on Adsorption Law of Metal Ion on Surface of Silicate Minerals

  6. Au(111)电极表面溴离子吸附诱导的表面应力的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on Adsorbate-induced Surface Stress of Bromide Monolayer on Au ( 111 ) Electrode

  7. 而对贱金属离子吸附甚少,可望用于贵金属离子Au(Ⅲ)和Ag+的分离与富集。

    They are expected to be used in separations and enrichments of noble metal ions .

  8. 聚电解质刷不但具有一般聚合物刷的所有特性,而且具有更突出的性质,例如pH响应性、温敏性、反离子吸附等。

    Polyelectrolyte brushes not only have all the natures of general polymer brushes , but also contain more prominent properties such as pH-responsive , temperature-sensitive , anti-ion adsorption .

  9. 在酸性条件下,pH的变化对铅、钍金属离子吸附影响较大,而对钴离子的吸附影响不明显;

    At acid conditions , the influence of pH value have intense effect on lead and thorium ions ' sorption is apparently and little effect of pH on cobalt ion sorption is achieved .

  10. 利用Cu离子吸附量测定实验、溶剂置换实验以及反应后吸附对比实验验证了吸附层的存在且是反应发生的主要场所。

    And adsorption capacity mensuration experiment , solvent substitution experiment and reaction-adsorption experiment shows that the water adsorption layer exists on the SiO_2 surface and plays as a place reaction mainly occurring .

  11. 通过对吸附离子吸附曲线的分析、TEM图比较以及催化活性的测定,可知功能离子的预吸附有利于小粒径粒子的生长和均匀分布;

    On the basis of adsorption curves , TEM observations and catalytic activity analyses , it is found that the functional ion preadsorption is helpful for the formation and dispersion of small metal particles .

  12. ACF表面碱性基团是影响铁离子吸附的主要因素。

    Furthermore , it was found that the basic surface of ACF was the major factor affecting the adsorption for Fe ~ ( 3 + ) .

  13. 金属离子吸附技术(IMA)利用固定相的金属离子与蛋白表面的组氨酸等残基配位结合有广泛应用。

    Immobilized metal-ions affinity ( IMA ) is used widely by the specific interactions between proteins in solution and metal ions fixed to the solid support .

  14. 在制备复杂分等级的HAP纳米结构材料,及研究其生物活性和重金属离子吸附等方面取得了一些新的研究结果。

    Some progresses have been achieved in prepare the hierarchical hydroxyapatite structure , bioactivity and adsorption of heavy metal ions . The main research results are summarized as following : 1 .

  15. pH在5~8范围内,pH的变化对金属离子吸附影响强烈,随pH升高吸附率大幅增加;

    At the range of pH 5-8 , pH value have intense effect on sorption of the three metal ions on the solid sorbent is strongly influenced by pH , i.e. , the sorption of the three metal ions increases markedly , it presented at sorption rate ascend ;

  16. TD-11吸附剂对盐矿卤水中钙镁离子吸附净化实验研究

    Investigation of Removing Calcium and Magnesium Ions from Well and Rock Salt Brine by TD-11 Adsorbent

  17. 离子吸附型稀土矿原地浸析采矿法

    In-situ leach mining of ion - absorbed rare - earth mineral

  18. 几种硅酸盐矿物对金属离子吸附特性的研究

    Study on adsorption behavior of metal ions on some silicate minerals

  19. 土壤对氟离子吸附与解吸的动态土柱法研究

    A dynamic column study of fluoride adsorption and desorption in soil

  20. 羧甲基壳聚糖对稀土离子吸附性能的研究

    Capacity of carboxymethyl chitosan on adsorption of rare earth metal ions

  21. 新型合成聚合物重金属离子吸附剂及其吸附性能

    Novel synthesized polymer sorbents for heavy metal ions and its adsorption performance

  22. 活性二氧化锰对亚铁离子吸附性能的研究

    Studies on Absorbability of Active Manganese Dioxide for Fe ~ # Ions

  23. 泥沙颗粒表面铜离子吸附分布的模拟分析

    Simulation analysis on location of copper ion adsorption on sediment particle surface

  24. 蛭石对重金属离子吸附作用的研究

    Study on the Adsorption of Heavy Metals Ion onto Vermiculite

  25. 巯基胺型树脂的合成及其对贵金属离子吸附性能研究

    The Syntheses and Adsorption Properties of Chelate Resins with Amino and Mercapto Groups

  26. 液/固离子吸附体系中的强度因子

    Intensity Factor in Liquid / Solid Ion Adsorption Systems

  27. 离子吸附技术在废水处理中的应用和发展

    Advances in treatment technique of metal ions in Wastewater

  28. 纳米级土壤氧化矿物合成及其对重金属离子吸附的研究

    Preparation of Nanometer-sized Metal Oxides and its Absorption to Metal lons in Soil

  29. 巯基泥炭对重金属离子吸附性能研究

    Study of Specific Properties of Adsorption for Heavy Metal Ions on Sulfhydryl Peat

  30. 氢氧化物共沉淀分离-分光光度法测定离子吸附型矿的稀土总量

    Hydroxide Co-precipitation-Spectrophotometry of Total RE in Ion-sorption Type Ores