
wú xínɡ cái chǎn quán
  • Intangible property rights;incorporeal property right
  1. WTO框架中的TRIPS协议采用了财产权理论,明确了商业秘密是一种知识产权,即无形财产权。

    TRIPS in WTO frame adopted the property right theory . It definite that the trade secrets is a kind of the intellectual property , namely Intangible property right .

  2. 无形财产权立法模式研究

    On the Subject of Legislation Paradigm of Intangible Property Right

  3. 形象权为无形财产权。

    Intangible property rights for the image of the right .

  4. 体育冠名权是一项无形财产权,属于知识产权,是商品化权的一种;

    Sport naming right is a kind of property right that is invisible and belongs to intellectual property .

  5. 作为一项重要的典型的无形财产权,知识产权制度研究具有代表性并且十分重要。

    As an important typical intangible property rights , to study intellectual property system is typical and important .

  6. 古典名著在当代具有深远的文化价值,并能产生巨大的经济价值,其本应作为一种无形财产权。

    In contemporary era , the classic works have enormous culture value and high economic value and it shall be treated as invisible property .

  7. 商品化权的性质是一种无形财产权,其中承载着财产利益,因此,必须对商品化权进行保护。

    Merchandising right is a kind of intangible property and carrying the property interests . Therefore , it is necessary to protect the Merchandising right .

  8. 商业秘密作为一种无形财产权,越来越受到企业的重视。

    As an intangible property , modern enterprises are attaching much importance to trade secrets , and loading numerous measures to protect from right invasion .

  9. 具体内容为,形象权性质上为无形财产权,非人格权、商事人格权、知识产权。

    The specific content for the right of publicity is the intangible property rights , the right to non-personal , commercial or intellectual property rights of personality .

  10. 知识产权与无形财产权、信息产权、工业版权、商品化权等概念具有一定的联系与区别。

    There exist a certain relation and differences in the conceptions between intellectual property rights and invisible property rights , information property rights , industrial copyrights , commercialization rights .

  11. 其次探讨了人格标识商品化权的性质,有无形财产权说、新型知识产权说和具体人格权说,本文采取第三种具体人格权说。

    Then discusses the commercialization of the nature of the right of personality logo , intangible property right , and said , the new intellectual property and specific personality right said , this article take the third kind of specific personality right said .

  12. 形象权是自然人对其姓名、肖像、声音、签名等人格要素所享有的专有和商业利用,并防止他人侵犯的无形财产权。

    The right of publicity is a natural person of its name , portrait , voice , signature and other elements of the personality to enjoy the exclusive and commercial use , and to prevent violations of the intangible property rights of others .

  13. 笔者认为,人格权无法包容商品化权,也没有必要创设无形财产权来对民事权利进行重新分类,一项权利分两种性质势必造成法律适用的混乱。

    The author believes that right can not be inclusive and merchandising rights of personality , there is no need for the creation of intangible property rights to re-classification of Civil Rights , a right at the two properties will inevitably cause confusion in application of the law .

  14. 笔者对这些问题作了深入分析,认为形象权是一种无形财产权,其主体不应当仅限于名人等,并提出了自己一些新的解。

    The author makes a in-depth analysis of the right of publicity , and consider this right as an intangible property right , the principal should not be limited to famous people , and so on . At the same time , put forward some new solutions of myself .

  15. 根据这一概念,对体育比赛电视转播权的法律性质进行了阐述,认为体育比赛电视转播权部分属于普通的无形财产权,部分属于知识产权。

    According to this concept , the authors expatiated on the legal nature of TV broadcast right of sports games , and considered that a part of TV broadcast right of sports games was ordinary intangible property right , while the other part of it was intellectual property right .

  16. 知识产权是一种无形的财产权,但是并不是所有的知识都能成为专利法意义上的财产权。

    Intellectual property rights is an intangible property right , but not all knowledge can be a sense of patent law property rights .

  17. 知识产权是一种对智力创造所享有的、无形的个人财产权。

    On the extensive meaning , " intellectual property right " is a kind of right to intelligence creates .

  18. 作为一种无形财产,专利权的保护范围难以像有形财产那样清楚地予以界定;而作为一种垄断权,专利权的保护范围理应具有确定性,故需要从法律上对其保护范围进行合理界定。

    As a kind of intangible property , the scope of patent rights is difficult to be defined clearly , but as a monopoly , patent protection scope should be deterministic . Therefore , its scope is need to be defined by the law .

  19. 第二种是指所有权的客体,它既包括有形财产,如不动产、动产,又包括无形财产,如专利权、损害赔偿请求权。

    The second meaning is object of ownership including both material property such as estate and chattel and intangible property such as patent and claim of compensating for damage .

  20. 对无形财产最好的规范方式就是专门法的形式辅之以民法典的一般性规范。无形财产为客体,由于法律的调控,在其上形成无形财产权,这是全文的基础。

    The best way to regulate intangible property is to depend on special laws , assisted by civil law code .