
  • 网络Huishan clay figurines
  1. 其中最著名的是天津的“泥人张”和无锡的惠山泥人。

    The most famous were the Clay Figurine Zhang made in Tianjin and the Huishan clay figurines made in Wuxi , Jiangsu Province .

  2. 从明末张岱《陶庵梦忆》的记载开始,江苏省无锡市的惠山泥人至少已有400年的历史;清朝以后,泥人的生产和销售达到了鼎盛时期。

    Huishan clay figurines in Wuxi , Jiangsu Province boast a history of400 years at least , which date back to Ming dynasty and reached the peak during the Qing Dynasty .