
  • 网络structural members;structural component;structural element
  1. 钢筋混凝土结构构件的设计一般采用截面内力法进行受力分析,然后采用经验公式进行配筋设计。

    Generally , the design of reinforced concrete structural element takes the method of cross-section inner force for weighting analysis , then uses empirical equation to design distributed steel .

  2. 在特大动力荷载作用下,结构构件将从弹性受力起至破坏时止,经历几个特征阶段。

    Researches four stages , from elasticity to failure , of impacting the structural element .

  3. 介绍了在钢结构构件设计中的一些CAD技术。

    Some CAD technique of steel structure member design is introduced in this paper .

  4. 钢结构构件设计的CAD技术

    CAD Technique of Steel Structure Member Design

  5. 损伤梁单元及其在RC结构构件非线性分析中的应用

    A damage beam element model for nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete member

  6. 其次,利用BP神经网络较强的非线性影射能力和学习功能,建立了施工期结构构件的荷载效应人工神经网络计算模型。

    Secondly , based on the strong nonlinearity and learning ability of artificial neural networks , a model for calculating load effect of structure during construction is presented .

  7. 结构构件时程动力响应分析的半解析DQ法

    On semi-analytical differential quadrature method for analyzing dynamic response of structural components in time domain

  8. 综合应用等价关系的动态聚类法和模糊c-均值聚类法对连云港某泊位构件进行了聚类分析,并利用MATLAB模糊工具箱实现了海工结构构件的耐久性模糊评估。

    The samples were analyses of clustering integrated application of dynamic equivalence relation clustering method and fuzzy c-means clustering method ; and the durability of marine structures was assessed using fuzzy toolbox of MATLAB .

  9. 以实际工程为依托,用ANSYS软件分析计算,在不同的工况下,结构构件的内力和变形规律,为设计和施工提供参考。

    Analysis and calculation , through ANSYS and based on real engineering projects , of structural component internal force and distortion law under different construction conditions , so as to provide references for designs and constructions .

  10. 蜂窝梁是将H型钢或工字型钢腹板沿折线或弧线切割后错位焊接,形成腹板带有矩形或六边形、圆形、椭圆形等孔洞的一种H形钢结构构件。

    Cellular beam is H-shaped steel or I-shaped steel web weld after cutting along the line or arc in dislocation , and then form the H-shaped steel structure components whose web have rectangle or hexagon , circular , oval and other type holes .

  11. 钢筋混凝土结构构件协调扭转的设计方法&《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB50010)受扭专题背景介绍(三)

    Compatible Torsion Design Method for Reinforced Concrete Members (ⅲ)

  12. 同样,传统的TDR方法也能达到监控堤防或大坝的目的,评估结构构件的效果,如上游止水设备。

    Also conventional TDR methods can be used for monitoring purposes in dikes or dams in order to estimate the effectiveness of structural elements like the upstream sealing .

  13. 同时随着截面偏移率的增大,NTR结构构件的开裂荷载和极限承载力相应提高,且刚度加大。

    Meanwhile , the cracking load and the ultimate bearing capacity were both improved and the stiffness was also increased with the increasing of the deviation ratio of section .

  14. 最后,文章讨论了该研究方向中基于IFC标准的建筑模型的结构构件偏心、节点连接、荷载处理等方面的问题和后续研究方向。

    A number of issues in the related area , such as representation of member offsets , clear identification of connected joints , loading extraction in the IFC-based architectural model , are discussed with some details for the extension of the present work .

  15. 多因素机制作用下在役钢筋混凝土结构构件的可靠度分析

    The Reliability Analysis of Existing RC Member under Multifactor Mechanism Influencing

  16. 基于C&均值模糊聚类的工程结构构件自动归并方法研究

    Based on C-fuzzy cluster of structure component is merged into automatically

  17. 因此,冷弯型钢结构构件可以取得较好的经济效益。

    So , cold-formed steel structures can achieve better economic efficiency .

  18. 铝合金结构构件理论和试验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Research on the Aluminum Alloy Structure Members

  19. 一般大气条件下钢筋混凝土结构构件剩余寿命的预测

    Residual Life Prediction of RC Members under Ordinary Atmospheric Environment

  20. 火灾结构构件检测与加固处理

    Detection of structural member after fire and its strengthening treatment

  21. 复杂工程结构构件的预应力光弹性分析方法及应用

    The Application of Prestressed Photo-elastic Analysis Method to Complicated Engineering Structural Component

  22. 室内火灾下钢结构构件的热响应研究

    Research on Thermal Response of Steel Structural Members in Fire

  23. 选煤厂特殊环境对混凝土结构构件的影响分析

    Influence analysis of coal preparation plant special environment on concrete structure component

  24. 对影响结构构件耐火极限因素的分析

    Analysis on factors influencing fire resistance limit of structure component

  25. 高强混凝土结构构件抗力不定性统计

    Statistical calculation of member resistances of high-strength concrete structures

  26. 工程结构构件裂缝图像的处理与宽度测量

    Processing and Width Measurement of Digital Image of Crack on Engineering Structure Component

  27. 非结构构件和设备的抗震设计和简化计算方法

    Seismic Design and Simplified Analytical Method of Nonstructural Components and Equipment in Buildings

  28. 某框架结构构件裂缝检定及修复

    Analysis and Rehabilitation for Cracks of a Frame Structure

  29. 三维结构构件渐进式整合与重组方法

    Progressive Integration and Recombination Method of 3D Construction Components

  30. 高分子材料结构构件的失效分析

    The failure analysis of structure component of polymer materials