
  • 网络inventory valuation
  1. 通过本工程实例展现了工程量清单计价模式的全过程。

    This project example fully presents the entire process of the engineering inventory valuation model .

  2. 工程量清单计价与投资控制

    Inventory valuation and Investment Control in Engineering

  3. WTO与工程量清单计价方式

    WTO and the engineering quantity list pricing

  4. 用EXCEL编制工程量清单计价系统

    Design of project amount bill counting system based on EXCEL

  5. 清单计价模式下利用ABC法编制投标报价的探讨

    Setting bidding price based upon ABC method under engineering bill pricing mode

  6. 随着我国加入WTO和建设工程工程量清单计价规范的的推行,经评审的最低投标价法在我国建设工程招投标中将得到进一步的推广和应用。

    With China entering into the WTO and carrying out of bill of quantities , the method of the lowest bidding price subjected to appraise will be put into application further .

  7. 我国已加入WTO,我国的工程造价管理将不得不遵循的国际惯例采用工程量清单计价模式。

    With China having been the member of WTO , the engineering cost management in our country will adopts the bill of quantities mode which is widely used in international bidding .

  8. 工程量清单计价法是国际上在建筑工程招投标工作中通行的做法。方法:建立大鼠肝纤维化模型并行IL-10干预。

    The quotation based on Bill of Quantities ( BQ method ) is currently the Vulgate in international bidding of construction projects .

  9. 为了适应市场经济和WTO的要求,2003年7月,我国有关部门颁布了《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》,正式提出了工程量清单计价模式。

    In order to meet the requirement of market economy and WTO , the related department of our government has published the Code of related with bill quantity of construction works , and has put forward the Bill-of-Quantity Model in July 2003 .

  10. 加入WTO后,在2003年我国工程造价改革终于迈出了实质性的一步,从传统定额计价模式到工程量清单计价模式的转变,进一步向国际惯例接轨。

    After entering WTO , in 2003 , construction cost reform exceeded one substantial step finally in our country . It transfers from the conventional ration value to the bill of quantities and further connects with the world trend and the international practices .

  11. 在我国加入WTO、建筑业与世界接轨及工程量清单计价模式在全国正式推广的背景下,规范化的招投标对于陕西省建筑市场的健康、良好的运行非常必要。

    Under the background of our country entering into WTO , the construction industry joining with world market and Bills of Quantities formally being carried out in domestic construction market , it is necessary for construction markets of shaanxi province to have a standard bidding .

  12. 分析FIDIC合同条款、NEC合同条款计价支付条款的,研究建立我国的清单计价模式下的合同条件。

    Comparing with the valuation clause of FIDIC contract and NEC contract , it is studied on establishing our country 's contract terms under the new valuation mode .

  13. 研究论述了国外建设工程索赔管理的方法、程序、原则,分析了FIDIC索赔条款,在此基础上论述了建立基于工程量清单计价的索赔管理和费用索赔的相关问题。

    It is studied and described foreign construction project claim management methods , procedure and principle , analyzed FIDIC claim clause , expounded the claim management under the valuation with bill of quantity and the some correlative impact on the expenses claim .

  14. 2003年7月1日,《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》经建设部批准为国家标准(GB50500-2003),正式颁布实施,从而开始了工程量清单计价模式的全国范围推广。

    1st , 2003 , it was authorized to be a national criterion and was printed to put into practice . Consequently , Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity of Construction Works began to be popularized in the whole country .

  15. 工程量清单计价的特点和程序

    The Characteristics and Process of the Evaluation in the Project List

  16. 谈清单计价与定额计价的异同

    Similarities and differences between engineering bill pricing and fixed quota pricing

  17. 工程量清单计价模式下如何合理确定投标报价

    How to make bidding price under bill of quantities accounting pattern

  18. 工程量清单计价模式下业主的造价控制与管理

    Proprietor 's project cost control and management under the Bill-of-Quantity model

  19. 工程量清单计价模式下虚拟建筑企业发展分析

    Analysis on development of virtual building enterprise under engineering bill mode

  20. 清单计价模式下施工项目造价控制研究

    Study on Cost Control of Construction Project by Engineering Bill Pricing

  21. 实行工程量清单计价应完成的匹配工作

    Auxiliary work should be done for carrying out engineering bill pricing

  22. 清单计价背景下投标报价策略研究

    Study on Bidding Strategy for Bid Pricing with Bills of Quantities

  23. 清单计价模式下业主招标的对策研究

    Bids Invitation Strategy for the Owner under Priced Bill of Quantities

  24. 工程量清单计价与投标报价的确定

    Engineering bill pricing and determination of quoted price for bidding

  25. 工程量清单计价模式在工程造价管理中的应用研究

    Study on Using Bill of Quantities in Engineering Cost Management

  26. 对推行工程量清单计价的认识

    The Cognition of Pushing Valuation with Bill Quantity of Works

  27. 如何进一步推行工程量清单计价方式

    On ways how to implement the engineering quantity list pricing

  28. 工程清单计价模式下企业定额编制

    Work Out The Enterprise Quota On Valuation With Bill Quantity

  29. 电力建设工程量清单计价模式的应用

    The Application of Manifest Mode Budgeting in Electric Power Construction

  30. 工程量清单计价下招标工程竣工结算造价分析

    Costs analysis of completion settlement of bidding project under bill of quantities